
V.1-C.61│Not Quite Over Yet I│

"Huh...?" Kushina was beyond confused at the appearance of the person before her, or more like the two people before her. 'How...'

"Yeah. Hello." Obito replied to Kushina's confusion as she had been awoken in the morning of the day after her accidental becoming drunk.

"Obito...?" Even Rin seemed confused at this situation, especially since it seemed like he had brought along with him, from wherever he was, two people, and one in particular that they were all wanting to see.

"Oh... Is this the girl you wanted to be trained by me?" Tsunade, the blond haired, brown eyed, and voluptuously bodied woman asked Obito.

"Yeah." Obito replied and nodded his head, before continuing. "Yeah, Kushina, Rin, meet Tsunade Senju, and of course the two of you have seen Shizune here." Obito didn't leave out Shizune from the conversation.

"Of course..." Kushina looked at Tsunade, and then looked towards Obito. "So what happened while I was... passed out."

"Well, let's start from that moment then..." Obito started and explained to both Rin and Kushina about what has just happened.

From Obito dropping Kushina off and leaving her with Rin, and then to Obito going into town and finding Tsunade along with Shizune having a little voyage into getting themselves into some trouble.

He even revealed the small fact that it was him that had taken care of their stalker problems, surprising both Tsunade and Shizune that it was in fact him that had gotten rid of them. Then Obito moved on from that and said that he happened to find Tsunade and Shizune still, and confront Tsunade.

Of course, Obito was a bit more aware of some sensitivities then he would be, and didn't say anything about him happening to catch Tsunade at a 'special' state of dress. He also happened to leave out some other details, but he did give some other things away.

Like the fact he made a bet with Tsunade, with him winning in the end. But again, he didn't give much details about what was on the line and all, because he was smarter than to just outright say that Tsunade wanted to marry him.

Tsunade herself thought that it wasn't all that strange, but she was now considering just who she proposed to. 'Now that I think about it... I haven't even gotten his age, and it seems like his girl... friend here is quite young as well.'

"Yeah, that's about it. It was after this that Lady Tsunade here was so kind as to allow me to stay with them for the night." Obito finished explaining to the two, Rin and Kushina.

"By the way..." Tsunade tapped Obito's shoulder. "How old are you again...?"

"Oh? Well, of course. I'm currently 13." Obito replied.

'13...?' Tsunade shut her brain down for a bit, before realizing that she had just proposed to a kid her junior of nearly two dozen years. "13..." Tsunade whispered as she looked at his face, trying, but failing to think of him as someone so young.

The way he acted definitely wasn't young, and the way he moved himself definitely wasn't young like that, and most of all, he didn't look THAT young. Shizune, internally face-palmed as she saw that Tsunade had finally caught up to things herself.

"Yeah, so that was it." Obito didn't notice the small crisis Tsunade was going through in the background.

"Does that mean we are to be trained by Lady Tsunade?" Rin asked, looking towards the Legendary woman and could admit that she was, no, is beautiful and when comparing herself she felt a bit inferior.

"Of course. I was the winner after all." Obito smiled in a way that made Rin's heartbeat increase a little bit much.

"R-Right. Thank you, Obito." Rin thanked him genuinely.

"Hey! Your not the only one benefiting from this, I am as well." Obito replied, making sure to be a little bit more humble, as he doesn't do well with gratitude from others.

"Of course. But, thank you." Rin couldn't stop herself from moving forward, and she kind of reached out and hugged him, causing the three other girls present to look at the two embracing pair.

Even Obito wasn't expecting Rin to hug him like this, but he felt strangely comforted by this. 'Is the original Obito affecting me or something? Is that even possible...?' Obito was well aware that the original supposedly held a crush for Rin, so he was guessing that it was an affect from him.

Not knowing that he would feel this same exact with other girls he is close to as well. Or he does know, but just doesn't quite understand those feelings.

Whatever it was or is, Obito decided that he might as well hug her back, as it would be rude to not do so. After a few seconds however, someone would cough, and that cough would come from Kushina whom would come over towards the two of them and look over them with a strange gaze.

"So... what are you two doing then?" Kushina asked, making Rin realize that maybe this wasn't the right time to do something like this. She separated from Obito with a small blush of her own, while looking away a bit embarrassed.

"Nothing! Of course, we are just having a friendly hug! Yes, a normal, nothing hug." Obito spoke up, a bit frightened by the way Kushina looked at him, and he wondered if this is what Minato had to deal with.

'But he doesn't now...' For another strange reason, Obito also liked the idea that Kushina was away from Minato for more than one reason.

"Hmm, I'm sure..." Kushina decided to let it go for now, before looking over towards Tsunade whom had been glaring at Obito for a bit and didn't even notice that she was doing so. "Elder sister Tsunade?" Kushina questioned her look.

"W-What?" Tsunade shook her head before coming back to herself. Clearing her throat, Tsunade continues. "Well? What are we waiting for then? Let's get going already..."

"Ok..." Kushina would look at Tsunade suspiciously for a bit, but she would decide to look more into what happened later.

Right now, they should return to Konoha as they have everything they need or want. "Let's go then." Obito nodded his head, wanting nothing more than to get back to the safety of his home. 'Wait, now that I think about it... my home isn't going to be safe with all these girls around!'

He now dreaded having to deal with them all, not because he doesn't appreciate or care for them, or that they don't him, but he had this pit in his something, that while not anything that made him feel disgusted or made him feel terrible, it did make him feel as if he should be careful.

After introductions were well on their way, and everyone hit the road to go back to Konoha, they all had their own thoughts about things to come.

Especially Obito as he had plans, plans that involved in trying to get himself involved with a few things in relation to the war. He had also made the decision. 'I won't be becoming the Hokage. There is just too many other things I must find out first, not only for myself, but the others as well.'

He was in the know about a lot of things, included the Uchiha Massacre, that while done by Danzo, it was something that even the Third Hokage would allow to happen, even if he didn't want it to.

But what was of the most importance for Obito was what happened to Uzushiogakure, and what part Konoha has in the things that happened to said home country of not only his, but of Kushina's as well.

Shizune was just... what can she say, impassive about everything. Though, she did take notice of her two new junior apprentices. Sure, she liked the way Obito looked and all, but she disliked his lack of respect.

Then there was Rin, but she seemed agreeable enough to her. 'Everything should be ok... I hope.' Shizune was most worried about Tsunade, but she didn't have to be alone any longer. Shizune did notice the way Tsunade looked at Obito, and it didn't even change after finding his age.

No, it had become stronger, whatever it was she saw, and Tsunade seemed set on wanting to stay around Obito a little while longer, for however long that may be.

Tsunade on the other hand had her own thoughts. She now has an interest in Obito that was unlike before, and if she already saw him as husband potential, now she sees him now as something else? Something more maybe, but she would have to wait to see where this develops.

Tsunade noted that Obito seemed to be unknowingly a ladies man, and seemed to have other females that doted on him back in Konoha as well. She would come to learn more and more as they went along the way.

Orphan, grandmother died when he was younger, participant in the war, which was something she disliked, but she was realistic in the knowledge that this made sense. 'I will observe to see whether or not you are truly saying the truth. I will see whether you are a fool, or you are not.' Tsunade felt strangely unconvinced when he did say that he wasn't.

But then again, what does she know? She lost in the end, becoming the fool herself for doing something silly like that.

Rin's thoughts on the matter was just pure gratitude for Obito, and she was happy to be his friend. Though, she did start to see that maybe she felt something more. Something she was having an inner conflict about, given she is also aware of the way Kurenai and maybe even Mei feel about him.

She felt it wasn't her place to intrude, especially given the way she treated him while younger. Of course, that was just her insecurities speaking, especially when she compared herself to the other women around him.

Though, she would have to come to accept that she may feel something... that was something more than just platonic or even familial in nature.

The last persons thought were on Kushina, and she was now more sure than ever that she should stake a claim as soon as she could. 'I wonder if Mikoto would be fine if I... do somethings with Obito.' Kushina smiled a foxlike smile, more than prepared to seduce Obito now more than ever.

It probably didn't help that she sees the growth of the girls around him, and seeing that they are looking quite good looking, and understanding that Obito was also a growing man, of course he would have... certain desires. 'Yes. I must take him for myself first.' Kushina was all the more ready to have an all out battle if she had to.

It also wasn't like she wasn't already prepared to share him either, but she had only made such a concession for Mikoto. After all, how could Kushina not see the way Mikoto looks at Obito, and because they are close friends, sisters even, Kushina didn't mind having Obito with her.

'I just need to get to him first...' Kushina thought like the evil mastermind she is.


There was no fanfare in returning to Konoha with Tsunade, especially with the war and stuff going on. But there was most certainly some level of people being able to recognize Tsunade, and instead of her going to her home like expected from Kushina or Rin, she instead followed them into the Uchiha district.

"Uh... Elder sister Tsunade, why are you coming with us?" Kushina asked.

"Oh!" Obito had forgotten this little detail. "Well, you see..."

"What do you mean? Obito has been nice enough to invite me into his home. Isn't that right, Obito?" Tsunade said seeing an opportunity to get him in trouble, as it seemed like there was something more going on here.

Turning her head towards Obito, Kushina asked. "Is that right?"

"Ahaha... Yeah, but she said that she wouldn't train me or Rin without having to stay there, so..." Obito replied to Kushina's look with an explanation for why.

"Is that right...?" Kushina now turned her eyes towards Tsunade instead and regarded her with much more scrutiny than before.

"Hahaha! Don't be silly Obito! You offered us to stay, did you not?" Tsunade glared quickly at Obito, not willing to admit to Kushina that it was her idea.

Not that it was all that wrong or anything like that, just that Tsunade was well aware of the way Kushina acted and she didn't want to be subject her her fury. "What!? You can't be-" Obito was about to refute before Tsunade covered his mouth.

"Shh... You will be quiet if you want to have a good time, all right?" Tsunade smiled a not so happy smile and it seemed more like a threat to him.

Sweating a little, Obito didn't want to deal with either women's wrath, so he needed to come up with a suitable explanation to keep both happy. Escaping from Tsunade's grasp, Obito began. "The thing is, is that I believed that it would be better if Lady Tsunade here was living with me to help me train better. Yeah... it is so she can help me train better. Hasn't our living together helped yourself and myself in training, Kushina?"

This little reveal told Tsunade and Shizune that Kushina was in fact living within the Uchiha district with Obito. "Wait... Kushina, your living with Obito...?" Tsunade was now distracted by this and had to ask.

"Well... its a long story..." Kushina also knew that it was a bit strange, and knew now that it was best to just let whatever argument that was brewing to die down.

"I'm sure you can tell me on the way home." Tsunade said with a smirk, while Shizune just sighed in the background. Rin wasn't even here, going back home herself.

That is when a member of the ANBU made their appearance. "Obito Uchiha, Lord Hokage is asking to see you immediately." The ANBU said directly towards Obito.

"Eh? Ok then. I will go there as soon as I can." Obito started to thank his lucky stars that he wouldn't have to deal with those two overbearing women. "In fact, is it so immediate that I need to come now?"

"Preferably, yes." The ANBU said, before said person would leave.

"Well, you heard him." Obito turned around to see that Tsunade and Kushina were giving him the stink eye. "Ahaha..." Shizune was just looking at him impassively. "See you later..." Obito left straight away, leaving those three to figure things out themselves.

"By the way, elder sister, are you not worried about coming here?" Kushina was referring to the Uchiha district.

"Hmm? If I worried about that, I wouldn't come." Tsunade replied, before thinking inwardly. 'Besides, if I don't come here, how can I further assess my future husband?' Tsunade had not given up on this goal.

She also wasn't getting any younger as well.