
V.1-C.54│Last of the Senju IV│

"Are you sure we are going to find her here...?" Rin asked as she looked at the town they had entered, knowing that even if this involved herself, maybe it wouldn't be worth it to find this legendary woman that has revolutionized the shinobi system.

The place they had come to was one of those... shadier of towns, where while there isn't really any big conflict, there was still a lot of bad stuff going on.

Obito himself is aware of the negative stuff that goes on in the world, his previous didn't blind him to the greed that people have, or their lust, or wrath and pride, and all sorts of other things that would make them fall into a deep, dark abyss.

Even the most devout and pure of individuals could fall into such depravity. Obito knew very well that the world wasn't a nice place to live in for those less fortunate than himself.

He knows that even his conditions in his last life couldn't compare to those that were truly unseen and unlooked after. Some of these people could only resort to committing crimes to survive, and because they commit crimes, they would be hunted down by those that are hired to kill them, or 'take' care of them in whatever manner the employer had said.

Employers were also usually those with the wealth to pay hidden villages to take care of said problems.

Crime wasn't just something that happened because of the failure of the individual, but also because of the failure of a governmental system.

"From what I know, Tsunade would come to a place like this." Kushina replied to Rin's question, while also making sure to keep an eye out on her surroundings. There were bad actors that would see to wanting to kidnap her or Rin simply because they are female.

One could only imagine for what purposes, but the real deterrent for those that wished to do them harm wasn't Obito with them, but the headbands that they have access to and are openly displaying.

Being a registered and recognized shinobi was one of the ways to scare off opponents that are weaker than yourself. It was also a way to draw attention in on oneself when exposed to an environment like this, and if Tsunade caught on to the fact that they were looking for her, she may flee the place.

That is if she is even here.

Kushina wasn't afraid, and neither was Rin really. There was even a chance that people would want to kidnap and use Obito as well. Again, Konohagakure or being a shinobi of a well established village, or even any village really put one above the rest in most ways.

Sure, they may have to risk their limbs, or worse their lives for such a position, but it was better because they have a secure job so to speak. Not everyone becomes a shinobi simply because they wish to do good by their friends, family, allies, the country, or the village as a whole.

Most people simply wanted to get by in their lives, being unaffected by others as they earn a living for themselves and those close to them.

There are those few, but it was unrealistic to think absolutely everyone was so loyal to the village that they would not abandon it. Thankfully, the greater nations and villages enjoy a certain level of security as they have powerful individuals holding down the fort and have access to talent in more than just fighting.

The economy is important as well.

"Then, where do we start?" Rin asked as she looked high and low, but couldn't really see a place that they should stop at.

"By the way, Obito." Kushina got both Rin and Obito's attention. "No going to any brothel, you got that?" Kushina said it such a way, it implied harm would be done if he didn't listen, while Rin may have blushed a little at the implication.

"And why would I do that?" Obito asked, confused why Kushina would think that he would do that. 'Well, I guess I did sometimes have to go into such places because of Pervy Sage, but that was different and I have been a good boy... right?' Obito thought to himself as Kushina looked him up and down.

"Let's just say that... you would be eaten. Yes, they are like tigers that wish to eat you." Kushina nodded her head as she said this, before adding. "Right, Rin. We wouldn't want Obito to be eaten, now would we?" Kushina needed some support here, now feeling a bit embarrassed as she realized that she may have given away more than she thought.

"R-Right!" Rin replied, not realizing the tone in which Kushina was saying things probably implicated or complicated matters some.

"Ok...?" Obito replied as he looked between both girls, before he looked over the entirety of the town hub, trying to sense anything that was familiar to him.

It may have been a few years since he has last sensed Tsunade's chakra, but he should still be able to recognize it. Chakra signatures don't change, not unless some great genetic modifications have been done, and even then only slight differences would appear.

Meaning that Obito should be able to find Tsunade using his own memory and chakra sensing capabilities. Spreading all throughout, he tried to perceive the unseen but also perceive with his eyes that unseen as well.

The Sharingan at least allowed him that ability, an ability that allowed him to see what cannot be usually seen. Chakra.

"I don't sense her anywhere..." Kushina tried extending her senses as well, while Rin had to wait for the two to finish their little check.

"Me neither." Obito added as he was unable to find anything that may relate to Tsunade.

"Maybe she isn't even here." Rin may have also sighed in relief, knowing that her potential teacher isn't some strange individual. Sure, she has heard about her gambling and alcohol 'addiction,' but she didn't think it extended far enough to reach this point.

"Maybe." Obito then started to reevaluate whether or not he was sensing right, before at the tip of his senses he did feel something that felt familiar. However, it wasn't exactly who he was looking for, but instead did appear to be someone that he is familiar with. "I think I sense something, but I don't know if this is right."

Obito didn't want to just give away the fact that he is already familiar with Tsunade's chakra signature, but most importantly it would be strange for him to be familiar with the one he sensed. "This person has larger chakra reserves than most, or at least that is what I am able to tell. Larger than the average civilian that is." Obito added.

"Really...? Where?" Kushina asked as she waited for a response.

"That way..." Obito pointed in a certain direction, somewhere that was actually further out and away from the town, but seemed to be somewhere that could be used to access the town with a short hop and jump.

"Then we go that way!" Kushina said as she started to go off in that direction, making Obito and Rin catch up to follow after her. At the front, Kushina sighed a breath of relief herself. 'I really didn't want Obito to go into there... I mean, what if he is seduced by one of those... harlots. I have to protect him... yeah, protect him.' She nodded her head as she thought this.


A fair-skinned girl of average height and slender build with onyx eyes and jet-black hair was walking around the woods.

Her hair is straight and shoulder-length with bangs that cover her ears and frame her face. She is normally seen in a long bluish-black kimono with white trimmings, held closed by a white obi, and open-toed sandals with low heels.

Like right now. She is currently in said woods looking for some ingredients for her own training, a training in which would further her apprenticeship under the woman that she has come to care for as a older sister.

This girl is known as Shizune, and she is the current apprentice and assistant of Tsunade Senju, the princess of Konoha, the last of the Senju's, one of the legendary Sannin.

Shizune is the niece of Dan Kato, a renowned shinobi of Konoha. Some time after her uncle's death, Tsunade, his friend, left Konoha and Shizune went with Tsunade as her attendant and apprentice. The bond between Tsunade and Shizune is strong and, above all, the latter sees caring for Tsunade as one of her main priorities.

During their time away from the village, Shizune often worried about Tsunade's constant gambling, losing money and then borrowing more.

Shizune was aware of the way her uncle looked at her Lady, knowing full well that he held special feelings towards her. Shizune was also aware that Tsunade didn't reciprocate such feelings, but still shared a loving, platonic relationship with him.

It may not have been what Dan wanted, but it was better than not being near her. Or so Shizune had been told by her uncle, before he would eventually die and her be taken with Tsunade, at her own will of course, and away from the village.

Shizune is always level-headed, practical and a rational thinker. As a result, she is the one who tends to stress over details, such as Tsunade's tendency to gamble frequently, and to think with her heart. She often gets comically worked up over any irrational decision Tsunade makes. Shizune also looks after Tonton, Tsunade's pet pig.

She is a very kind and calm person but will immediately rush to Tsunade's aid and in contrast, will become fierce and somewhat ruthless, which is a testament of her loyalty to Tsunade, including losing her temper when anyone insults her.

At the same time however, she is not afraid of objecting to Tsunade's decisions or voicing her opinion. She has a great sense of morale and ethics, and she also takes her role as a medical-nin very seriously.

'Well, medical-nin in training.' Shizune thought as she placed another herb into the small basket she had taken with herself. She wasn't so well versed in seals just yet to be able to make one to carry around her supplies, but she knew that she would get there soon.

She is not the type to tire easily and is very energetic and efficient, given by the fact that she trains hard enough to live up to Tsunade's role and title, even if Tsunade herself hasn't done any such medical stuff in a long time.

As she was collecting herbs, she did catch on to the approach of three individuals coming towards her. They were fast, and seemed to be shinobi, and because she was trained by Tsunade, she knew better than to just stay around and wait for them to come.

She has no idea what their intentions are, whether they be bad or not. It was always better to run away first, and if you wish to confront an enemy later on, one must do it under the circumstance that is under your control.

Dashing away, Shizune would find herself surprised that the people coming after her were actually gaining on her as she further ran away. 'Just who are those people?' She may not be a sensor, but she was certainly able to tell that they were powerful at least.

Making a hand sign, Shizune created a few shadow clones to act as distractions. While she isn't some chakra making machine, she has enough to do this to allow herself some time, but also to hopefully distract them.

Soon enough as she was running away, she did get some information as one of her clones had just dispersed, giving her some information on her pursuers. 'Wait... Konoha?' They hadn't destroyed her clone, and it was in fact shinobi from Konohagakure.

She decided to stop and await those three to approach her, with what seemed to be one guy and two girls.

Waiting, it wouldn't take long before she saw the three, and she immediately recognized one of them, not that she didn't already receive that information from her shadow clones. "Lady Kushina?" Shizune questioned as she saw the red head, alongside two others.

"Shizune, right?" The red headed lady that Shizune knew as Kushina asked, before she turned towards the boy with spiky black hair and the red eyes indicative of his Sharingan. "Is she the one you sensed?"

The boy nodded his head in reply, while Kushina turned back towards herself. "Sorry if we scared you. We are here to see elder sister Tsunade." Kushina added, revealing why she is here.

"You... are here to see Lady Tsunade? I'm not sure I quite understand what is going on here..." Shizune was confused at what was happening here, and she had already made ample use of her genjutsu dispelling abilities to make sure she wasn't in some elaborate illusion.

"Yeah, let me introduce these two here. This is Rin Nohara. And this is Obito Uchiha." Kushina replied as she pointed respectively towards the girl known as Rin and the boy known as Obito.

"May I ask why you are here to see Lady Tsunade?" Shizune still wanted to make sure that everything was good, given that this situation was not something that felt right to her.

It was as if something was distorted in the sense the something shouldn't be right. Not that it was... wrong, just not right. "Well, you see... Obito and Rin here both want to learn from elder sister, so of course we are here to see if she is willing to take on another two students. I hope you don't mind, Shizune, gaining another two fellow apprentices?" Kushina replied being friendly enough and Shizune didn't sense any negative intentions.


"I can't allow that." Shizune replied with a stoic look on her face. "Lady Tsunade is not available now, or for the foreseeable future."

"Eh... are you sure about that?" It was the Uchiha boy, Obito that had asked this question to Shizune.

"Yes. Now, if you will please leave." Shizune knew that they now had supposedly two sensors, and if she allowed them the opportunity, they would or could follow after her and expose Tsunade's location.

"She is a little bit rude, don't you think?" The girl, Rin came closer to Obito and whispered something into his ear, making Shizune narrow her eyes a bit.

"I mean, could you at least get a message to her?" Kushina asked, drawing Shizune's attention back towards the only person here she is familiar with in at least some manner, no matter if it was just as an acquaintance.

At least it wasn't a total stranger, or just those two with Kushina, without Kushina. Shizune would be much more suspicious, given that there has been some bad blood between the Uchiha and Senju clans before.

"Maybe... It depends on what the message is." Shizune replied, before Kushina would ask her to tell her Lady, Tsunade something.