

Another explosion occurred, alerting the four Benin that had made camp of something going on where Kushina was.

"What was that?" Kurenai got up and faced the direction in which said explosion came from.

Obito also looked, but he noticed something else, different from the three girls here. It was dark now, and there was so little time left before the evening Ray's left in the sky would turn into nothing, leaving only the dark.

It was precisely an energy that Obito was familiar with enough to recognize. "What is that chakra!?" It was Mei that had said this as Obito looked at them.

"The three of you will stay here." Obito stated in a serious voice, which left no room for argument. "I don't want any of you to move from here, got it."

The three girls knew that the situation was serious now, especially since Obito had told them to not interfere. "Why? What is going on?" Rin asked, wanting to know just what is going on.

"Something important, something that none of you will be able to handle." Obito again, said seriously to the three girls and they knew that if Obito said so, then it must be true.

Of course they didn't blindly trust in Obito's judgement, but more like it was trust in him, his character, his knowledge, and his current powers.

"I'm going to go and check up on Kushina, I want you guys to stay here." Obito said, before he thought for a moment. 'Maybe they would be safer in my Kamui dimension.' He looked at Rin's and Kurenai's worried expressions, while Mei seemed to be somewhat concerned as well. "Do you all understand?" Obito asked.

Even though hesitant, Rin and Kurenai nodded their heads as they understood, but Mei seemed to think otherwise. "I wont be allowing you to go alone." Mei wanted to help, feeling the immense chakra bearing down even from this distance.

"Mei! Now's not the time to be stubborn..." Rin reprimanded the girl whom seemed to not care.

"I appreciate the concern, but I am probably the only one here that can do anything. Some things... are complicated." Obito added, trying to convince the stubborn girl.

"I want to come with as well." Kurenai seemed to put her foot down as well, not wanting to comply with what Obito had said for them to do, despite the seriousness of his tone.

Kurenai looked towards Rin and nudged her, indicating that she should join in. "Er... I-I will also come!" Rin exclaimed, not too sure that the other two girls she has decided to join in knew what they are doing.

Sighing, Obito looked at the three of them before he decided that maybe he should've just thrown them into his Kamui dimension as soon as he thought of it. "You guys..." Obito had a strange look on his face, making the three girls a bit uncomfortable. "Well, I guess this means I have to..."

Obito trailed off, building up a little bit of anticipation and the three girls were starting to think that they had managed to convince him, as bad as their convincing was. "... I have to..." Obito said again, further drawing them in.

'Kamui.' Obito thought as the three girls were taken by surprise, as a spiraling void appeared in front of them, pulling them in as they were unable to resist its pull.

"Obito...!" Kurenai's voice called out as the three girls disappeared from his view.

'This will make sure I am uninterrupted.' Obito nodded to himself, sure in that using his Mangekyo Sharingan to place them within said dimension was the safest option.

Not only for himself, but for them and Kushina as well.


Moving, Obito had soon enough reached his destination, and the chakra he was feeling was unmistakable. 'What happened?' He didn't think that Kushina would get out of control enough to start using Kurama's chakra.

That is when a voice started to speak into his head as well, a voice that he had only heard of in one place. 'Obito... Please, get closer. Allow me to take back my chakra.' It was Kaguya.

'What!?' Obito tried to think back, but he was not able to hear her anymore, and she wasn't able to hear him as well.

It would seem that in response to the chakra coming from Kushina, Kaguya had reacted and had become strengthened enough to reach out to Obito and reveal something to him. 'What...? Why does she want...' Shaking his head, Obito couldn't think of that right now. 'I need to get to Kushina!'

He continued going forward, and soon enough he managed to see Kushina now imbued within a chakra cloak.

That chakra cloak of Kurama, the Nine Tailed Beast.

Seeing her, she was currently cloaked in a red aura, while opposite of herself there was someone else that seemed to be the antagonist of said release of control. Obito's Sharingan was able to perfectly see everything.

He didn't realize just how potent Kurama's chakra was when viewed through the eyes of his Sharingan. It made him question if this was what it was like for other dojutsu holders as well.

It was an individual that seemed to be from Kumogakure. 'What is someone from Kumo doing here...?' Obito thought, and decided to wait, but he would need to act soon.

"Kushina Uzumaki. Jinchuriki of the Nine Tail's, you are to come with me." As the man said that, many others appeared and seemed to surround Kushina.

It would look like they still had desires to get Kushina. "Never!" Kushina seemed especially angry, and this was a result of her learning some new information, in combination with finding that Kumo was a possibility.

Even as small as it is. "Formations!" The Kumo shinobi stated, and Obito knew that his time to act had come as Kushina started her own attack from the encirclement.

An all out attack commenced, but there was no way they were going to win against Kushina in her current state.

On the other hand, Obito started to stealthily come around a few shinobi that seemed to be setting up some sort of Seal. 'Not on my watch!' Obito carefully started to take them out before they would try to pin Kushina down, not that he thought they would be able to do so.

Taking out his kunai knife, Obito proceeded to kill off those that had formed themselves on the outside, while Kushina dealt with those that are meant to distract her on the inside.

As time passed, the Kumo shinobi leader seemed to be getting suspicious about things, as the bodies were starting to pile up and their loses were accumulating. However, all loses would be worth the power of the jinchuriki, along with the genetics of the Uzumaki.

"Where are the Sealing Squad!? What are they doing!?" He called out, but he didn't even notice that those that were right next to him had been taken care of. Turning around, he didn't see anyone around.

Not a trace of his people. "What!?" He called before, looking over towards other areas. 'Damnit!' The Kumo shinobi thought to himself, now aware that there is someone else here as well. He had even accounted for those genin with the Kyuubi jinchuriki, but his scouts that went towards their location had also not come back.

"Who is it! Come out now!" A roar echoed in the background as the Kumo shinobi said this, Kushina unleashing more of the Kyuubi's power and losing more control. From the first tail, to the second.

Coming out, Obito revealed himself. "Hello there." Obito smiled a smile that didn't seem like a smile but was.

"You...!" The Kumo shinobi grew cautious, knowing full well that this child was a flaw in their plans. Even though he does see him as a child, it seemed like the heights of this world was a bit strange.

Given that Obito right now was around 155 centimeters tall. "Me..." Obito's eyes were that of the Sharingan, and the man knew not to look into them.

He had no information on Obito, or his relevance other than being one of the genin under Kushina. The Kumo shinobi that tried to get Kushina back then had never gotten a chance to pass on their information, all having died before they could give information on Obito.

"You were the one that killed my men?" The masked Kumo shinobi leader asked, as he took out his own kunai knives, before proceeding to throw them towards Obito. "Die!"

Obito easily avoided them, knowing his plan and even noticing the explosive tags on the kunai, before he launched himself forward as an explosion hit.

'I need to end this fast!' Obito thought to himself, before he started to generate chakra within his palm, creating a spiraling mass of chakra. 'Rasengan!' He thought as he had perfected the need to not use clones to help him out.

It was about time he did anyway.

The Kumo shinobi leader noticed this but he didn't think much of this technique, as it was a never before seen technique.

The next step Obito did was start to imbue Fire type chakra into the Rasengan, turning it into something else. Something new. 'Fire Style: Rasengan!' Obito thought next, as the spiraling ball of chakra gained a massive amount of heat.

It turned red, then yellow, and started to look like a mini sun, before he charged right towards the man. Panicking now, the Kumo shinobi leader was unable to get away, and as Obito landed the hit, the leader was sent flying.

As he was sent flying, he also started to burn, and soon enough would burn to a crisp while mid-air. 'It worked! Well, that was only the basic version anyway.' Obito then went downwards, carefully finishing off the rest of the shinobi that wasn't distracting Kushina.

After this, he had come back to find that Kushina had managed to kill off everyone within this place. "Kushina?" Obito asked as the woman turned towards him, the chakra cloak and tails now reaching a stronger state, at a grand total of three tails.

She seemed animalistic in nature, going off of basic instincts. 'Damn! It's gotten far...' He knew that he would be unable to enter her mind now, not when she is in this state. 'Well, I can only give it a try. Genjutsu: Sharingan!' He thought before the eyes on Kushina changed into his eyes of the Sharingan.


Within her inner world, the Nine Tailed Fox, Kurama was chained up in a ball by chains that were most definitely of Uzumaki sealing origins.

Kushina was also there in this white void. 'Where... what...?' Kushina thought to herself as she looked around, and found herself face to face with the Nine Tail's. "Kyuubi..."

"That damn Uchiha!" Kurama raged aloud, shocking Kushina with the vitriol contained within it's voice. It probably didn't help that it was currently trapped not so comfortably as it was.

Steeling herself, Kushina didn't remember what had just happened. "Why am I here, Kyuubi!? Kushina asked the beast, knowing that it was far more intelligent than what others would think of it as.

"Your... whatever he is has stopped me from gaining from sweet release!" Kurama roared as it seemed to be frustrated at losing it's chance to escape.

"Uchiha... Did Obito do something?" She had heard of the rumors of Madara Uchiha, and his supposed capability to control a Tailed Beast through the Sharingan, but she didn't think that Obito would be able to do so, or any other Uchiha for that matter.

"Obito is his name? He reminds me of that damned Madara..." Kurama stopped there, unwilling to speak to Kushina anymore.

That is when Obito had made himself known. "Kushina...?" Turning around, Kushina saw her... whatever he is to her come.

"Obito! But how-what-?" Kushina was interrupted.

"You were foolish, is what." Obito replied.

Kushina seemed a little saddened that now Obito knew her as a jinchuriki, the jinchuriki for the Tailed Beast and was a little afraid of his reaction. Kurama itself didn't even want to look Obito's way, but it most certainly made its displeasure known by the killing intent it was forcing on him, but he seemed unaffected.

"You know now... I will understand if you wish not to be with me anymore." It almost seemed as if Kushina was giving up a lover. The lover that would be kept within her heart forever.

"Stop being silly." Obito came up to her, before he hugged her, and because of the height difference, he was only 10 centimeters shorter than herself. He reached her shoulders.

Blushing a little, Kushina replied to his hug by embracing him as well. She was enjoying this moment, maybe a little more than she should've when Kurama, the Nine Tail's got upset.

"Begone! I wish not to see you two here! Leave!" Kurama yelled in anger, especially when looking at Obito.

Obito himself was a bit sad himself, realizing that there was probably a lot of work that he would need to do. It would probably be harder as well, given that he is an Uchiha, and this was Kurama sealed within Kushina.

How would you feel if you had been trapped the way he is? "Kushina, we should go now." Obito said, which slightly surprised Kurama that the Madara lookalike almost seemed to be apologetic?

"O-Ok...?" Kushina was confused, but nonetheless agreed.

Soon enough, the scenery changed, where Kushina now found herself within the arms of Obito, who was holding her in a princess carry. Blushing a bit more, Kushina asked. "Um... can you put me down?"

"Ah? Sure." Obito did as requested, which strangely allowed Kushina to feel a sense of loss, as she had felt comforted within his arms. Obito would then proceed what had happened, or at least what had happened from his perspective, before Kushina would also explain a little bit more from her perspective.

Overall, the discoveries made shocked Obito as well.

"Thank you, Obito." Kushina said all of a sudden as she took on an embarrassed expression.

'C-Cute...' Obito thought for a second, before shaking his head. "Anytime." Obito smiled as he said this, even earning a smile from Kushina in return. 'I will have to think on what I have learned from Kushina...' He also has made some new plans, more plans.

It seemed like he would be busy in this life, just as much as he was in his last. "Wait a minute... where are the other three?" Kushina questioned, letting Obito remember he had just stuck them within the Kamui dimension.

"Oh? Right, right..." He released them from the Kamui dimension, and the three girls were also confused, maybe a little bit angry that Obito had forced them to be tucked away. "Sorry, sorry."

"So, are we going to get an explanation?" Kurenai asked in exasperation.

"Nope." Both Kushina and Obito said at the same time.