

After Mikoto and Kushina had returned and heard the bad news, they obviously consoled Obito, and he was grateful.

Grateful that he was able to have people close to him just as he had those few people close to him in his previous life as well.

If he had no one. Absolutely no one that he could call his friends, then he has no doubts that something more terrible could of happened.

He knows full well just how powerful he could become, and what he had access to would enable him to do a whole bunch of things that would be horrible. Destroying Konoha and those that 'tortured' him would be among the top things he probably would've wanted.

Maybe even deciding to bring the world to a stop, just so that he would be able to destroy it in the end.

He had many, many reasons to turn evil.

To become the antagonist.

However, that was not how he dealt with things. Much like how Gaara turned out before he was able to change him in a positive way, he would've turned into something like that, but not the same.

He doubted that he would ever respect the village. Now, in retrospect, he doubted he would be able to ever respect the village and its people the same way.

He wouldn't condemn and destroy them just because of that though, but he also wouldn't act the hero as well. 'Well, I will try not to be the hero.' Obito thought to himself as he went up to the teacher, and grabbed ahold of the thing that he had been expecting to gain for a while now.

He was surprised that he wasn't just forced into graduating, but it seems like he wasn't that of much importance like he was previously. 'Being a jinchuriki and the secret son of the Hokage sure does get you places.' Even he could admit that a lot of what he had going for him was luck.

Of course, there was his own effort, but he also came to the realization that maybe Neji wasn't as off about the whole destiny thing as it would seem.

If anything, Obito in his life as Naruto was someone that had all the unfair advantages one could have, even with the other disadvantages he also had as well. He could see that there was some form of preferential treatment given to him, simply because he was able to remain connected with others.

The power of friendship wasn't the power of friendship itself, but what being friends with people could get you.

Whether that be beneficial to your current self, or the future as well.

An example being Obito, as Naruto, being able to just do pranks on a much more grand scale and not really punished for it other than cleaning up his own mess.

Now, he wouldn't do such things anymore, or at least he wouldn't be the same child he was. He was more mature, and this isn't even taking into account the strange events that surrounded his rebirth.

Or the other things that started to change and influence him.

From being an Uchiha, and being 'cursed' by their 'Curse of Hatred,' Obito knew that things would be different even if he wanted things to stay the same.

He even saw it now. 'Well, things are both different and the same.' Obito thought, remembering the results of him saving Sakumo Hatake.

While it was true he would no longer be dead, having committed suicide and had even gotten apologies from those around him at the time, Sakumo had still decided to quit.

Kakashi also seemed to have taken what happened to his father to heart as well, still going down a similar path to what had happened before.

Even different in other areas as well, things have still changed and transformed, have stayed the same all at the same time.

It was confusing this whole mess, but at least Obito knew that his actions had an affect on the world around him. The whole destiny and fate thing was something he understood as something that came from oneself.

If he did nothing, nothing would happen. If he did something, something would happen.

He now just needed to choose whether or not doing or not doing was something that he had to do. "Here you go. Congratulations, Obito Uchiha. You have shown exemplary skills over the years, and I was surprised you hadn't graduated by now. However, I am proud still." Obito's teacher said as he gave him his headband.

"No. Thank you for teaching me." Although Obito may have had distaste for the whole education system and learning in general, he had come to accept that it was something he needed to do sooner or later.

He realized, that he may have needed to actually learn stuff to become the Hokage some day, past just becoming powerful enough that is. 'Well, I am not even sure if being the Hokage is really a dream I hold anymore...'

Much reflection had been done, and Obito would have to decide for himself the next steps he would have to do.

On his todo list right now however is to continue to get stronger, and most importantly to defeat Madara Uchiha in the end. 'There is also the person that killed Granny Masumi...' He narrowed his eyes, before placing the headband on his head.

"Rin Nohara, congratulations as well." The teacher handed Rin her own headband as she was right beside Obito as he received his own. "One of the more talented students, I am sure that you will do great, brilliant even."

The teacher said, before Rin placed the headband on her own head. She smiled at Obito, and for a strange reason, Obito managed to manifest a small flame within his heart for a split second.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, but also a bit strange around this feeling, he thought to himself. 'That was... weird? I think I felt something like that before with Mikoto, and even Kushina...'

Not knowing what to think of this, Obito just shook his head of these thoughts before he would continue the rest of his day as normal.

It wasn't like this was a big accomplishment, at least in Obito's eyes, but for others, especially Rin whom had now become his closest friend from the academy, it was something important.

A hallmark in her journey to wherever it is she wished to travel to.

Both being nine years of age now, they would both continue down their paths, whatever that may be.


He had done it!

Might Guy, the son of Might Duy was able to pass the academy exam and had even gone so far ahead as to become a genin as well!

He had worked hard enough, and then he was once brought aside by his father as he wanted to explain to him a secret.

A secret technique that was extremely powerful, but also extremely dangerous. The unlocking and opening of the Eight Gates.

For Guy, this was something extremely exciting, and he didn't know that he would be taught something so awesome after graduating. All of his effort wouldn't go to waste.

With this new technique, he knew for sure that he would be able to contend with others stronger then himself.

However, there was a stipulation behind using said technique to access the Eight Gates.

To only open the Eight Gates when protecting something that is precious enough to give one's life.

For Guy, he thought that this was connected to 'precious something,' that may be a family member, a loved one, or a teammate. All of these options, Duy had told him were going to be when he would be able to use such a technique.

He had been told of the dangers and everything else involved as well.

Putting that aside, he knew that now that he is a shinobi, he would prove to everyone else that his father was someone not to be mocked.

It was some time off before Obito, his friend would be graduating as a shinobi as well. 'Yeah! Obito is going to graduating this year as well. That means we can go on missions, and develop our skills together!'

Guy was ever the energetic one... well, as energetic as his current reserve of stamina would allow him.

In fact, he has a team as well. Guy was indeed allowed to enter the Academy with Kakashi, and upon graduation he was added to a team that, which is led by Choza Akimichi.

A team that is made up out of another two individuals that happened to graduate before him. Ebisu and Genma Shiranui.

Genma has brown, shoulder-length hair which hangs about his face and brown eyes. He wears his forehead protector like a bandanna, a dark, baggy outfit with a hooded red and black jacket. He also wore a black choker, a strap around his leg, and a senbon in his mouth.

There was his other teammate, Ebisu.

Ebisu has dark hair and brown eyes and is never seen without his trademark sunglasses. He also wears his forehead protector like a bandanna. Ebisu wore his hair swept to the sides of his face and wore a dark suit along with his signature glasses with a thin, brown shawl of sorts around his shoulders with the two ends tied.

Finally, there was his current team leader.

Choza is a tall, plump man with naturally brown hair, but seems to wear a long, spiky red hair-piece. He has purple markings on his cheeks, a common trait in the Akimichi clan. He wears a samurai like outfit which entails a black suit completed with armor that has the kanji for 'food' on it.

He also wears a rope belt, hand-guards, and instead of a forehead protector, a hachimaki tied around his head. He also wore a pair of silver, hooped earrings.

All together, they are Team Choza.

After having learned this legendary and powerful technique from his father, the first thing that Guy wanted to do was train some more to use it.

Along the way, he happened to come across Obito. "Obito!" Guy called before moving forward. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Obito nodded his head, before adding. "Congratulations on becoming a shinobi by the way."

"Yes! I learned that hard work is the only way for me to continue." Guy nodded his head, before wanting to share with Obito his technique, that he is sure that his father wouldn't mind. After all, Obito was strong enough physically, as he had sparred with him before.

In fact, he was much more stronger than even himself, which was impressive for someone that didn't need to train his taijutsu skills as much as he does. "What is it?"

Guy thought of him as deserving, but before any of that, he would need to convince his father, so... "Come with me!" Guy grabbed onto Obito's arm, before pulling him along with him.


There it was.

A funeral, not so grand, but it was enough. Enough for the old lady that only had a few more years to live, but even still. It was cut short.

Dressed in black, Mikoto looked over towards Obito whom was also similarly dressed in black. In fact, the only people present at this small funeral was herself, Kushina, Obito, and surprisingly enough a few more people.

Specifically, those that Obito had managed to interact with and make them his friends. Kakashi Hatake, Rin Nohara, Kurenai Yuhi, Might Guy, and even their parents were present as well.

It was definitely something, with a few other Uchiha Clan members that knew of the old woman and respected her enough, or were close to her, were in attendance.

Having come back from her mission with Kushina, she couldn't really believe what had happened. Not at first anyway, and to see the extant of what had happened, she wondered just who was behind this.

Obito seemed to be fine, but she was well aware of how well Uchiha liked to hide their true feelings. It was nice though, to know that Obito managed to make friends enough to attend, that even their parents would come along as well.

However, she did see the way those two girls his age looked at him. Obito himself didn't seem to realize it, but he may have gotten himself into a position that attracted those two girls attention.

Going towards Obito, she did notice that he had grown in height enough to reach her abdomen. Placing her had on his shoulder, she started. "Obito. Come, let's have something to eat."

Obito nodded his head, and as he always had his Sharingan active, there was no telling whether or not he was affected.

Obviously he was, but she also knew of how the Sharingan activated in response to the emotions of the user. For Obito however, this ability to see something like that. An obvious sign of something would be inaccurate, given he always had it active.

She wondered when the last time it was when she saw him without those accursed eyes. Shaking her head, Mikoto went over to grab something to eat herself just as others did as well.

The funeral process lasted for a bit, before it was over the next as well. Mikoto was then approached by the man known as Sakumo Hatake. "Mikoto Uchiha, right?" He asked her.

"Yes, that is I." She replied.

"I just wanted you to know... that I am thankful to Obito, as he has actually done a lot for myself, not only for myself, but for my son, Kakashi, as well." Sakumo said.

"I understand." Mikoto replied, before Sakumo went over towards Kakashi and the two would leave as a lot of other people left as well.

Mikoto watched with some amusement over the fact that those two girls, Rin and Kurenai, almost seemed reluctant to go. 'Maybe teasing him later would do to cheer him up...' Not that Mikoto did this often, but she thought that it would lighten Obito up a bit.

Kushina and herself were also both saddened by Masumi having died, but they both knew that this affected Obito more.

Mikoto now not only wanted to catch the person behind trying to go after Obito since he was three, which had lead to a dead end, but now she wanted to catch another person, if they are not the same as the one as before.

Once alone, Mikoto finally was able to talk with Obito about what she thought was a possibility, but didn't want it to be so. "Obito... I wanted to know... Did something happen...? Did you unlock something new with your eyes?"

He looked at her shocked, which was a nice change in his plain expression during this process, but it also told her that he did get what she expected. "Listen. Don't ever use those eyes of yours, as they are dangerous."

Obito looked at her, knowing what she meant. "I wont..." She didn't want to see him be harmed in any way, and the Mangekyo Sharingan was something that would cause him pain, and even make him go blind from overuse.

She didn't want that.