
V.1-C.18│Developments VIII│

Unable to really do anything, Kaguya was only ever able to watch over the boy the seemed to grow bigger and bigger by the day.

Or at least what she would think of as the day, as being with the boy, even if he didn't know it, was far less lonely than being trapped away within the disembodied form that she was within.

Day by day she would calm him in his sleep, as he was a constant within her new life of being sealed within. She may be able to know what is going on in the outside world, but at least she was able to take some comfort in comforting said boy that housed her.

One may wonder why hadn't she tried anything as of yet, and that was simple. She couldn't.

She couldn't influence the boy, not yet at least as he only came to her in his sleep, or apparent sleep as he had never awoken in her presence.

That didn't matter however, as she was currently content in the knowledge that he would eventually come to her one of these days awake. The only reason she is even able to count the passing of days is passed on the boy's physical appearance changing, alongside every time he was asleep here with her.

It was a way to count the passage of days, and she hadn't lost count. She was patient.

Very much patient.

Her pale eyes looked upon the world she was within. It was a seal, yes, but that didn't mean it was lifeless or didn't have anything that didn't represent the person she had been placed into.

There was this incredible warmth, which was no doubt connected to the boy, but there were also things that linked him back to herself. A sense of loneliness, or disconnect from the world that seemed to grow stronger as time went by.

Whatever was happening, Kaguya knew that there was some sort of conflict going on the moment the world started to change a bit.

This change allowed her to can a peak into what is happening on the outside, but only through the eyes and senses of the boy known as Obito Uchiha. It was as if he was resonating with her to an extant that allowed her to see just what it was he was seeing.


The result was the death of a loved one, or a supposed loved one as Kaguya watched the boy try, but fail at trying to resurrect this older lady before him.

It was of no use however, as she would stay dead, clearly the damage irreparable by him, and the damage far too gone for anything that anyone may be able to do.

Kaguya couldn't use her abilities through him, not quite yet so she was unable to determine whether or not the woman's soul had remained in her body a little while after, but too much time had passed even then.

After this glimpse into the life of the boy, she knew that things weren't going quite expected for him. For Kaguya, this may be a chance for her to leverage and convince the boy to come over to her side.

She had grown to care for him, if only he knew of her within his unconscious state.

Being seated, Kaguya was also waiting for his arrival to happen again as well. Being seated, she had nothing better to do other than try to get some rest.

As she was waiting though, she discovered the world before her was a little more strange after the event that had happened.

Instead of the boy appearing to her in his sleep, she would be surprised to see that he was awake. He was a few steps away from herself, and so she approached as he had the eyes that were a part of her own clan.

The eyes of the Sharingan, and they were reflecting a black state of mind. The boy seemed surprised to find himself here, wherever here was and Kaguya too thought that this would only occur sometime later on.

Whatever happened though had allowed him to be here, now.

"Where am I...?" The boy's eyes were in fact a little different from before, and instead of the normal Sharingan, three tomoe eyes, it was in the shape of another pattern.

It looked like a three pronged star that spiraled into itself, forming what looked like some sort of warp, which was black in color, while his iris was red, not too unlike her own third Rinne-Sharingan eye in coloring.

"Who are you...?" The boy asked her, and he had grown in comparison to the first time she had seen him. A little bit more taller, and his features a little bit more filled, but he still had some time to go before he could be considered fully grown.

"I am known as Kaguya Otsutsuki." She answered his questions, and it immediately seemed like the boy knew of her she was.

"That Old man's mother!?" The boy exclaimed with a face that Kaguya would consider funny.

"And who is this Old man you refer to?" Kaguya asked in turn, wanting to know just who dared to claim her as their mother.

"Er... The Sage of the Six Paths. Hagoromo Otsutsuki." The boy answered, having remembered the name of said person. "He told me about you... well, would tell me about you anyway." He seemed a bit down, confused and was maybe even using her as a distraction from something.

"You are correct. Hagoromo was my son. And so too did I have another, Hamura. From what you seem to know, someone must of told you. I wonder, when did you meet Hagoromo?" Kaguya asked him.

"Well... That's hard to explain." He seemed to stop for a moment, before coming back to himself. "Wait! Aren't you supposed to... you know, be evil or something? Why are you here?" He seemed to have been told some not so nice things she had done.

"I am as confused as you are about this situation. It would seem that I have been sealed within you, and because I do not have access to my chakra, I am powerless to do anything." Kaguya answered truthfully.

"Really? Then why are you so... nice?"

"Don't take my current state for being powerless. Know that I am a goddess, and as such should be treated as one. Even without most of my powers, I am still able to see into your soul. You have been reborn, or at least that is what it looks like. Tell me, I wish to know more of what is going on outside." Kaguya asked or demanded? She couldn't tell herself, as she had been used to others listening to her will so easily.

"So you know? I'm not crazy and everything that happened was real?" At some point, he had been questioning his reality and the truthfulness of his memories, but to know that there was another like him only meant it was real.

Was this a good thing or a bad thing? The boy clutched his head as he seemed to have been a bit maddened by everything. He fell to the ground and screamed out, releasing some emotions even in the presence of Kaguya.

She only watched, being reminded of her own madness and this made her feel all the more connected to said boy.

Approaching him, she took him into her arms. Embracing him as she felt his tears fall on her. "Tell me, what is your name?" She asked.

"M-My name?" The boy was distracted from his pain and suffering for this fleeting moment. "Well... I did have a name from before, but now I am simply known as Obito Uchiha." The boy introduced himself as such.

"Obito... That is a nice name." Kaguya liked it herself, but mentioning his name only seemed to sadden him a little bit more.

"I-It was given to me by my adoptive grandmother." Obito was no longer crying and was no longer as upset as he was before.

"I see." Kaguya patted his head, and it seemed like Obito enjoyed the comfort given.

"You are nice, despite what the old man said." Obito couldn't put what he imagined from Hagoromo's stories alongside with the image of the woman in front of him.

"Maybe..." Kaguya didn't rebut her son's statement about her, and didn't explain herself. There was no point right now, and it would simply be making this situation about herself. "Now that you are here, I wish to ask you for something."

"You want me to do something for you?" Obito asked.

"Yes. I know not what my son has told you, but there is a reason for everything." Kaguya knew next to nothing about him, so she would have to play her cards right to get him on her side.

"Well... I don't know." Obito was unsure.

"I know that you have inherited great potential, and in the future you shall awaken something great." Having Indra, Ashura's and Hagoromo's chakra would definitely benefit him.

Especially since it seemed like he was slowly awakening everything within himself, as this would give him an even greater variety in abilities in comparison to her children.

"Something great..." Obito himself didn't seem to think so, but...

"Yes, something great. It matters not now, but the next time you come, I can explain to you some more." Kaguya said, alerting Obito to the fact that their time was up.

"Already!?" He couldn't believe it.

"Yes. We shall meet again, Obito Uchiha." Kaguya watched as Obito dissipated into nothingness, gone to rejoin the world of the living.

'Interesting...' She may not have access to all of her abilities, but that didn't mean she is complete useless. 'I am excited for what is to come. I may be able to become free after all.'


Waking up, Obito found himself looking directly into the sky, the leaves of the large trees above him covering his view as he looked at the world for the first time in what seemed like years without his Sharingan active.

It was no longer night time, and he had awoken from the strange dream that he had. 'Was that a dream?' It was the woman he last saw before dying and then being reborn.

'For what purpose am I here? Was it her doing?' Obito had many questions, but right now he would have to face what had happened.

Lifting himself up and propping himself against the tree behind him, Obito looked at the dried blood on his hands. He looked at himself and all the colors he could see while he didn't see things through the gaze of his red eyes.

No longer was everything red.

No longer did he see chakra. His red eyes returned to their black color. Cuts and bruises were apparent on his body, but they were actually much more healed than before.

One was for sure, is that even though he didn't have Kurama helping to heal him up anymore, he still had a surprisingly strong lifeforce that he wasn't able to really attribute to. 'And what did she mean by great potential?' Obito only knew one for sure, and that he was going at a very fast pace.

He of course knew of the Mangekyo Sharingan, even of how to get it but he had never thought about trying to awaken it. Not once.

Who would've thought that he would get himself into a situation that would make him awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan anyway.

The Mangekyo Sharingan is an advanced form of the Sharingan that has only been activated by a handful of Uchiha. They are noted to be the 'heavenly eyes that see the truth of all of creation without obstruction.'

A Mangekyo Sharingan is distinguished from a normal Sharingan by its appearance, which changes the form of the tomoe seal.

While the exact design differs for each user, they all resemble pinwheels. It is initially awakened by the trauma suffered from witnessing the death of someone close to the user.

Uchiha have historically misunderstood this criteria as the user needing to be responsible for the person's death, and for that reason they developed the practice of killing their closest friends in order to gain the Mangekyo Sharingan.

The Mangekyo Sharingan retains all of the Sharingan's generic abilities. In addition to that, the Mangekyo grants powerful abilities that differ between each eye, though abilities may be similar in nature.

The abilities of a Mangekyo Sharingan may not even be the same for both of a single user's eyes.

As each eye houses the particular dojutsu techniques, one can only access them if they currently house the said eye, even if they were the originator of the said technique.

Once a user awakens the Mangekyo in both eyes, they are able to perform Susanoo, even without either eye. In addition to the unique techniques, the straight tomoe of Madara's and Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan grants them greater fluidity in their movements when fighting.

Something that Obito didn't realize he had gained as well, as a result of being gifted something by Sasuke before his subsequent rebirth.

Even for true wielders, usage of the Mangekyo Sharingan's abilities can cause a great strain on the user.

It drains a considerable amount of chakra when simply activating and maintaining the advanced dojutsu, and even more through each technique used.

Even more, it can cause considerable damage to their being, leaving the body in agonizing pain and causing deterioration to their vision until eventually over-usage leaves them blind.

Their vision can be restored by transplanting the Mangekyo Sharingan of an Uchiha with strong blood ties, ideally a sibling, thus awakening the so-called Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

Unlike with other transplants, this second evolution will allow the user to retain their original techniques.

Although these eyes merge the designs of the two Uchiha's Mangekyo Sharingan, they're still the eyes of the previous owner and thus react to certain techniques that are aimed at the original owner's Mangekyo Sharingan.

Also, they no longer suffer any negative side-effects from using them, even reducing chakra-draining to an unnoticeably minimal level.

Obito recalled some of his memories surrounding the Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan, knowing that it would be dangerous to use said abilities.

'Kamui... Authority of the Gods...' He thought as he realized what his new powers were.

Getting up, Obito started to make his way back home, now prepared to face what may happen next.