
Author Announcements & Updates [she_osprey]

Hello there reader-nim, I trust you are well (probably sounds like those robotic emails lol). Anyway, I really hope you are doing well. I created this book for us to interact with each other without the limitations of particular books. Also this is for updates regarding anything I plan on doing or the upcoming books and more. You can let me know what you think of my books, yeahh I hope to interact with you all today and in the future. Love and light, Author-nim

she_osprey · LGBT+
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32 Chs

Vengeance of The Broken Lycan Prince [BL]: C2-3

Chapter 2-3


"Your Highness, I came from the queen's birthing hall, I was sent to bring you the news about…" Arabella choked as she swallowed thickly, scared that her next words would get her into the chamber that people never came from alive. Then again, what else was she supposed to do this time?

If this was how she was going to die, then at least she would try saving herself, right? After all, she was just like every lycan in the kingdom who was scared of the king, surely she wouldn't have decided to stumble here just because she wanted to, yeah?

"I have a messenger to do that, don't I?" King Zaffuto asked Sadako as if it was the commonest thing in the kingdom.

"Yes, your Grace," Sadako said, and gestured to the warriors to drag Arabella to the spare chamber if they had to. But then the scared woman whose eyes were still closed, wasn't going to let this be how her life ended, right?

"No, your highness… I mean yes, you have a messenger but he… He is… your Highness, please have mercy on me. I only did what needed to be done. I didn't think it would happen like this. The baby, I—" Arabella rambled and that got the King to stop in his tracks.

Today, his queen was due to deliver their baby, their prince, their heir. If the maidservant was here, then it had to mean that his prince had been born, right? Dman, that was good news, but why the hell was she scared shitless and already begging for her life?

"My heir… Is he alright?" King Zafutto asked, assuming that he already had a son. Well, in all fairness, the physician had said that he would have a son, given the size of his erasthai's tummy earlier. So it had to be a boy.

"Your Highness… My condolences," Arabella said, and in a swift motion, she was slammed against the wall, as strong hands choked the life out of her. And even then, she had stayed rigid, not daring to open her eyes.

She knew what was next, but she hoped that she would be in the afterlife with her parents too. If she was that lucky to survive, the king of Kawai.

"Say that again… word by word and carefully, because your life depends on it, Arabella," the lycan king said, his warning so clear.

"I'm sorry... The queen is dead, the royal messenger is dead, and... And the baby... S... Someone stole the lycan prince," Arabella said, and with that, the king broke her trachea, before twisting her neck, and leaving her lifeless body slumping on the floor.

No one made a sound.


"Take me to the birthing hall. I must see my queen myself," King Zaffuto said and his warriors along with Sadako, walked towards the exit of the hallways with him, none of them even daring to make a sound, let alone look back at the dead woman they had left there.

As the lycan king made his way to the birthing hall, he could see the lycans stay silent, and bow, waiting for him to be gone from their sight. On a normal day, the king would feel terrible that his people were not as free with him, but today, there was just one thing on Zaffuto's mind.

His family.

"You can leave now," Sadako mouthed to the lycans who had been waiting to be dismissed. They didn't know what had happened, but this was the first time they had seen their king's face and he had so many scars, probably battle scars.

The King had long hair that fell to his back, hair that was neatly held by the crown that was sitting pretty on his head. He was wearing a long cloak not to mention the regal clothing he had beneath that cloak.

The king screamed gold on him, but his face was that of someone who was ready to murder. Well, he had murdered Arabella for simply being the one to deliver the news to him, so there was probably no hope for the other people there, right?

"Your Grace, allow me to check the room," Sadako said to his king, asking the one thing that could put him in the same state as Arabella. But that didn't matter right now, because he knew so well that the man before him was determined.

He hadn't felt his erasthai dying, and that was also why the king was still in denial about all this. Then again, he couldn't just believe a lowly maidservant who seemed to not know the first thing about birthing herself.

"No. I will check it myself," King Zaffuto said, making Sadako just nod at him.

The birthing hall was on a building a little too far from the palace, for reasons that were obvious. It was the hall that was sued by all the women of the kingdom, and well, the King didn't want to be woken up by women screaming their guts out in labor.

Not even his queen was excused from that. Then again, if the queen got to birth in that hall, then it meant that the services were top-notch, and even if they weren't, they would have long been upgraded. No one wanted to wake up with his head a few miles away from his body.

"Liana!" the king called out the moment he pushed open the doors to the birthing hall. However, the sight that met him, sent him into shock for a moment there. The great king had been to battlefields and won wars, but what he saw broke his heart to pieces.

Unlike the men who had fallen because of spears or even swords used by them in war, with their shields lying beside them, this room was filled with dead mothers and their midwives. It was a slaughterhouse at best, but worse than that.

Whatever had happened here was too inhumane, even for the king.

"What the fuck happened to all the women here?" the king asked, when he got his voice again, snapping for the shock he had just been met with. He couldn't believe what had happened. He couldn't believe that someone could be that cruel to murder expectant women.

King Zaffuto may have been known as the cruelest king to ever live, but even he was not this kind of cruel. His heart broke for the women on the floor, their necks slashed, their bodies mutilated, like someone was sending the king a message, and it was clear as day.

The future of Kawai was in danger.

Killing the Queen would incapacitate the king.

But taking his heir would ruin him completely.

"Find my queen. Find me my Liana, and check for heartbeats. The women who survive, take them to the queen's wing. There are enough rooms to house them. And make sure to tell all the physicians in the damn kingdom to be ready.

"No one will leave until the survivors are fit to live alone," the king ordered and the warriors rushed into the room, careful not to step on the mothers there. They checked for heartbeats, hoping to find the survivors.

And while at it, they looked for the queen.

The only woman who could determine whether Kawai would be dead or alive today.

"Find my queen."



Queen Liana was the heart of Kawai.

Her mate may have been considered the cruelest man alive, but Queen Liana was the one woman everyone loved. She valued equality and made sure that everything was right. She was the only person who could control the King and bring him back his sanity.

Queen Liana was a goddess to her people, thanks to her kindness and humanity. She and her husband were polar opposites, but even then the queen made sure to enver interfere in her mate's work, as long as the people were well.

"Promise me you will be a good king, only then will our child be loved by his people. I want a world where our son doesn't have to beg for love. I want him to be free with others and live a simple happy life.

"Promise me, my love," Queen Liana had said to her husband when she had learned about her pregnancy. She had been excited, but she also knew she had a family to protect, including her husband.

"I swear on my life, my Liana," the king had responded to his wife, gently kissing her belly which hadn't even begun showing. He was happy when his erasthai was happy, and he wanted to keep her happy their whole lives.

Frankly, that queen was the only reason King Zaffuto had stopped killing his people just because he could. She was his light, the only one that made his life have meaning, and if she was gone, then the lycan kingdom, Kawai, was doomed.

For hours, the lycan warriors scoured the birthing hall for the queen and survivors, but when they were done, they all had broken hearts. They all had lost a part of themselves in the search for their queen and survivors.

Everyone in the birthing hall was dead.

The expectant women who had once had hopes of giving Kawai their next set of future warriors were gone.

"No," the great king whimpered when he saw his warriors come out of the hall with the bloody crown and the queen's shoal.

His warriors were also carefully carrying with them a body, one that he was familiar with even though he had never expected this to be the case.

From the way they had carried that body, and how the warriors behind them had stood alert, King Zaffuto knew that hell had finally knocked down his door.

Hell was right here in his Kawai.

And hell was staring at him.

"Zaffuto… You need to make way for them," Sadako said to the confused king softly, dropping all the titles, something that only he could do, because Sadako may have been the cruel king's enforcer, but he was Zaffuto's best friend.

He understood King Zaffuto better than anyone in the kingdom.

"But brother, my Liana… My queen," the king said to his best friend, before he fell to his knees when the warriors reached him with the body of his queen. He could see her belly that was not even sewn up yet.

His wife had gone through a cesarean operation, and his son was stolen from him, even before she could hold him. Who could be that cruel to a woman anyway? He was disheartened and distraught, and more than anything, King Zaffuto was angry.

"I'm so sorry, brother," Sadako said, kneeling beside Zaffuto, before pulling him into a hug, one that the helpless King gladly returned, as if it was going to mute out the sound of his breaking heart from him.

But it only slapped him with reality even harder.

"Take the queen to her chambers," Sadako said to the warriors who nodded at him. They knew their king would want to say his goodbyes properly before he let her go. He knew that this was the hardest decision that they all would ever have to make.

"Someone did this to me, Sadako. Someone took my happiness from me," King Zaffuto said defeatedly, letting his silent tears finally show. There was no one around them, not even the men whose wives had been murdered in the massacre.

The king was grieving for them all, and they aren't allowed to see a broken king. Oh, but the rules were disheartening, to say the least, but what else could they do about them, huh? Life had dealt them the worst set of cards and how they would deal with them was their choice.

Then again, no one had ever seen the great king cry. Seeing him hurt about his queen, and the other mothers, was the reminder that they all needed to realize that King Zaffuto shared in their grief.

He was humane too, damn.

"—And we'll find them, brother. We will find your son too. But until then, how about we let the husbands mourn their wives?" Sadako said to his broken brother who had just realized that he wasn't the one who had lost someone.

"I'm sorry," Zaffuto whispered and Sadako just nodded in understanding.

"Come, brother. Let's go see Liana one last time," Sadako said and the angry king got up with the help of his brother, taking one look at the dead bodies that were staring at him. Oh, how his heart shattered for those women.

"I will avenge them all," King Zaffuto promised as he wiped his tears, held his head high, and walked with his brother to the palace. He had a hell to face anyway.

"And I'll help you, always," Sadako promised as he looked at his brother.


At the palace, Queen Liana was laid on her bed and well dressed for her husband to see her.

Of course, the King never did mind what his erasthai wore, but when he walked through the doors and saw his pretty wife sleeping on one of the beds on the queen's wing, King Zaffuto felt his heart being ripped off one more time.

"Oh my Lili," the king whispered sadly as he walked into the room, carefully locking the door, like he was worried that he would wake her up. A part of him was still hoping that his wife was alive and sleeping, but then he had seen her belly open roughly.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there in time. Sorry, I wasn't keen enough, my love," the king said shamefully as he walked closer to his wife, and held onto her hand. She was beautiful, even when she was dead and that made him feel like he was the most worthless mate of all time.

When he had gotten Liana as his mate, he had promised to be a good mate, to love and care for her, to be there for her all the time she needed him, to cherish her and listen to her, and more than anything, king Zaffuto had promised to protect her.

He had sworn to give his life up for her and yet when the time came for that, he wasn't even in the room with her. He had disappointed her, something that he would forever regret for the remainder of his miserable life.

"I should have—" King Zaffuto began, but then he noticed something on his mate's arm, something that had been deliberately put there.