

School was out in an hour's time. Lily came back to the infirmary to fill me in on the notes and assignments. We left together to our lockers to pick out the textbooks required for the assignments before going out to wait in the school's compound. Lily's dad came to pick her up and immediately she saw him, she dived into his hands for a big hug. Something tugged in my heart as I watched that scene but I pushed it aside as I waved them goodbye. Now, it was time to figure out how to get home.

After much deliberation, I took the public transport and arrived home at exactly six. Once Isabel's large doey eyes saw me from the stairs, she ran to mum's room. I guess to inform her that I'm back. I wasn't ready for Isabel to bombard me with questions so I hurriedly ran up to my room and shut the door.

I didn't know how long I lay on my bed with eyes closed and lost in thought until I felt Isabel's touch which startled me. My eyes slothfully looked at her and I noticed she had a piece of paper with her.

"I'm sorry, Isa but I can't help you out with your homework right now. Bring it back later," I said, turning my head to look back to look at the ceiling

"It isn't homework. I came to talk to you," she said, changing from her kneeling position to sit on the bed.

I groaned but still turned to lie on my side, my head propped up by my hand, facing her. "What do you want to talk about?"

Her eyes darted around before coming back to look at me. "I wanted to know why you came back late."

Is this one of those inquisitive moments with her? And here I thought I avoided her bombardment of questions.

"I took a stop at the water park along the way. I needed to clear my thoughts before coming home," I answered honestly.

"I love that water park and..." She paused. I could tell she wanted to say something but calculated if she should or not and decided to say it anyway. "Mum said she would take us there when you cool down a bit. She wanted it to be a surprise so don't tell her I told you."

"I won't," I said as I imitated zipping my lips. I didn't know she had planned that for us.

Isabel nodded with satisfaction. "Here," she stretched out her hands giving me the sheet of paper.

It was a drawing of a tree and three ripe fruits. Two fruits where on the ground with smiling faces and the other one on the tree had a sad face. I didn't understand the drawing.

"This two on the ground are mum and I while the one on the tree is you," she said when she saw my confused expression.

My mouth formed an 'o'. "But why am I not with you guys? I'm ripe as well and why did you draw a sad face on me."

"You are afraid to fall down from the tree, afraid to accept the change. But if you decide to join us, you would notice that the ground is much better than staying in the tree where you may likely rot," Isabel explained.

I sat up. My heart breaking into a million tiny pieces. Was this how Isabel saw my disagreement with mum? Was this her way of telling me to accept the change? I held unto the paper with trembling hands.

"Since mum picked me up from school, she has been in her room crying. She said something about us going back and I instantly knew you are the reason why mum has been like that. Even when mum burnt all of dad's stuff, she didn't shed so much tears. You are making her life hard and I don't like it," she finished with an unreadable expression.

"Isa if we go back, everything will be back to normal. You must miss Flora your best friend and..."

She cut me off, "I miss Flora but I have two new best friends, Mia and Luke. I have been talking to Flora on mum's phone and she has also moved and now has a new best friend. I know you haven't talked to Diamond and Lisa because if you have, you will also realize they have accepted the fact that you moved away."

Isabel was right, I haven't spoken to them since we moved in.

"I think you should stop pressurizing mum to give us the reason we relocated. We miss the old you. All you do now is shout, cry or keep silent for days. I wish you stop being moody. I like it here and I don't want to go back, please," Isabel pleaded in tears. My heart tugged.

"I don't like this version of my big sis. I want your old self back. I don't know your feelings anymore and I'm scared. Please say something, say we are not going back." She tugged at my hands.

I sat rigidly. I really want us to go back because if I stay, Mr rude will continue making my life a living hell. Lily was right. I'm making things difficult for mum and Isabel but what do I do?

"Okay fine, since you don't want to say anything, this is what I have to say," Isabel said, jerking me out of my thought. "I won't ever forgive you if we go back and I will never consider you as my big sis who I have so much faith in," Isabel screamed at me as she hurriedly stood up from my bed.

I didn't realize my little sis was all grown up and I'm not ready to lose her. I held unto her, lifted her up and placed her on my laps.

"We won't go back," I said hugging her, rocking her back and forth to stop her tears.

"A-Are you serious?" She asked with an unsure voice.

"Yes and I'm sorry for making things difficult, I'm so sorry," I cupped her cheeks, wiping away her tears.

She smiled at me, wiping mine too. I didn't know I was also crying.

"Thank you, Syd. Let's tell mum we are not leaving."

Isabel pulled me out of the bed and within a second, we were standing in front of mum's room. I hesitate at the door before entering, afraid that she won't forgive me. I saw her sitting on the couch, close to the window, still in tears. I felt sorry seeing her red and swollen eye. Isabel sat down beside her and mum looked up at me in surprise and I cracked, crying uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry mum. I was being unreasonable and inconsiderate asking us to go back. Please let's stay, I promise I won't pressure you into giving me a reason," I quickly said.

She looked at Isabel in doubt and then back at me. "When I saw you lying in front of Mrs Noel with a straight face, I was shocked. I saw a total stranger and not the daughter I raised. This place has totally changed you. You never shouted at me nor lied. I made a complete mistake relocating us here. It is my fault and I don't want to lose you. We are going back next week so don't be too hard on yourself," she said, getting up to leave.

I held her. "Please, mum. I'm sorry. I don't want us to leave. I was wrong and I regret all my actions towards you. I'm sorry, very sorry."

She looked at me, confusion obvious in her eyes. "I thought you wanted us to go back. What about the problems you are facing in school?"

"Mum is just a little problem I can handle, you don't have to worry. Please, let's stay. Isabel and I don't want to leave, we don't want to leave our friends again. Mum, I'm sorry," I was trying so hard to control my tears.

Her gaze softened as she said, "you don't have to keep saying I'm sorry. I forgive you and I'm sorry too."

I nodded enthusiastically. "I won't question your decision again."

She smiled. "Come here."

She opened her hands and I rushed into her embrace. Her other hand pulled Isabel into the hug. While in her embrace, I noticed a weight lifted up from my chest. It was refreshing.

Minutes later, mum took us out for dinner to treat her babies for the shedded tears. We arrived at a a restaurant called, "Get Chubby". The name almost made us laugh out loud but we had to stifle our laughter because we didn't want anyone looking at us as if we had some loose nuts. The service of the restaurant was top notch and the foods were so delicious. We went home with aching stomachs, feeling chubby already.

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