
Auferstan: Building A Military in Another World

Hierd awakes in a world he does not know, with a power nigh omnipotent. He can summon things from the era of the 1900s to the 1950s with limitless uses. Taking upon the responsibility of a village, Hierd introduces guns and grenades to the soldiers he himself trains. Everything changes when the neighboring city, noticing the coup, decides to invade them. With Hierd's powers, with his soldiers. And in that future, will he survive with guns, warships, tanks, and planes over the power of swords, shields, magic, and brains? Art in Novel: Powfoom

Powfoom · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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41 Chs

V Squads and Guns

The sleep inside the cabin that Hierd got was not favorable, it was short and he had to wake up early for the debriefing he had talked of last night. 

"I want four Lugers with twenty magazines for the Lugers." 


A blink and it was there on the bed he sat on. 


"Now, I want a backpack."


Hierd put all of the lugers as well as their magazines inside the bag. He got off the bed, put on his boots, cape, and hat and went out of his cabin. It was a relatively short walk, simply because his cabin was just behind the chief's house. But he took his time walking all the way over to the chief's front door. 

*knock knock

In a heartbeat, Naturvege opened the door and let in Hierd. "Goodmorning O' lord."

"Good morning to you too, Sir Naturvege."

Hierd sat on the dining table he sat on the first day he was here. Whilst Naturvege went into the kitchen and seemed to get something from the cabinet. Hierd laid the bag on the floor and waited.

"I keep going on this shit without planning. What in the hell am I going to say to them in the 'debriefing' I said? I keep spouting shit without meaning, I just wanna look cool..."

Naturvege came back, with two small cups on his hands. He handed over one to Hierd. 

"Thank you." He looked at the cup's inside. "A leaf? Oh, is this tea?"

He took a small sip, it was vaguely the tea he remembers having. It was more sweet than any tea he'd ever drunk. "What is this, chief? I've never had anything like it."

"Its Halion Tea, sir, it is a commodity, I'm suprised you do not know of it."

"The tea in my country is-in-a-way not sweet." 

Naturvege nodded.

After some minutes of silence and the sound of sipping, Naturvege intervened silence from speaking. 

"The book you gave us was very insightful."

"I'm glad you find it that way-" He was interupted. 

"To think your country controlled just about two continents is beyond my imagination."


Hierd spilled the tea that he was sipping.


"O' lord? What seems to be the problem?"

"Sorry, it was nothing." He formulated a response, "But yes, my country is powerful, more so than any country in our history. But even the greatest of countries can fumble and be defeated."

Before Naturvege could say another word, multiple knocks were rocking the front door. 

"I'll get it." Naturvege said, "Enjoy your tea."

Hierd heard the door open and a stampede of footsteps enter. 

"They're all here!? That fast!? Thats... Thats some crazy ass shit..."

"Good Morning, O' Lord." The group of four had said like it was rehearesed just last night. 

"Good Morning, please, have a seat..." Hierd replied with a smile on his face.

The four awkwardly made their way opposite where Hierd sat. 

The four of them had worn their best clothes, which was not as fashionable as a normal T-shirt but it was not as torn and worn as what they wore yesterday.

"Sir, if I may be direct, what is the reason of our debriefing?" Heduc said.

"Honestly I don't know, I'm ripping myself a new ass here..."

"You will become the leader of your squad, where in it you will lead whilst following my orders."

"Excuse... Me," This time it was Jeane, "But what... Is a sq-uad...?"

"A group of ten armed footmen, soldiers, knights, just that there are ten men in it."

She nodded slowly.

"I have a question... Lord..." Asked Verdel. 

"Ask away."

"What special things do the..." Getting used to the word squad, "Sq-aud... Leaders do?"

He grabbed the bag off the floor and opened it, revealing to the four the guns inside.

They looked at it in shock, Jeane was dazzled by the shininess whilst the men had awoken inside them this 'urge' to hold and admire it.

"These are Lugers. Small versions of the guns I had showed you all." Hierd gave them, one-by-one the pistols along with the four magazines. "These Lugers, alike the Kar98ks I will give to you should be protected. Not one person will lose them, however they are more prone to breaking than the Kar98k, so when one breaks, tell it to me and I shall bring you a new one."

A comical gulp to the four of them. Hierd put his hand under the table.

"Give me four user-manuals of this luger's manual."


His hands were now full of small book-like manuals. 

"Here, read it if you have trouble trying to use the Luger." He put his hand under the table again.

"Give me four... Whatchamacallit? Ah! Four pistol holsters for the Luger."


"And these, are holsters." He picked up his own Luger which was on his on holster. "You insert your Luger inside it. Carry it at all times. You place the holster onto your belt." 

Seeing Hierd do it, they copied that he did. The four stood up and inserted it into their belts. They unbuckled the button on the holster and put inside the Lugers. 

"These are important in more... More closer environments." 

"I see! We thank you, O' lord." 

 "Gather your squads, head to their houses to wake them. This is your first assignment."

"Yes, O' lord."


The sound that Hierd yelled out made them freeze in place. "Reply to me as my current position, Captain, and say that too to each of your squads."

While the rest were unsure, Heduc decided to take lead. "Yes, Captain!" 

Hierd smiled, "Now go!"

They all ran towards the door, and as soon as the last was out, Hierd saw the chief eyeing out Hierd. "Captain! Can I get something like what you wear?" He jokingly put it. 

"My SS uniform?" Hierd questioned. "If I can, I'll get one for you."

"Don't you need my measurements Captain?" 

"There's no need, my country's magical."

Naturvege nodded, turned back and smiled with a fist pump to the air he mumbled to himself; "I FUCKON GOT IT!"


The footmen were in five columns, the four squad leaders up front, waiting for the captain. They were lenient at the point that they could talk to each other but not too lenient where they could move around the formation. When suddenly, Hierd appeared over by the distance where the trees and village were. 

"Get back to formation! Captain Hierd is here!" 

They all stood ready and stiff, with stern faces. But within all were excited to witness and hold the Kar98ks. 

Hierd had a graceful, strong stride, slowing into a walk as he soon neared the front of the platoon. Stopping with a stomp; "Today!" He paused to take a look at the formation; "Today you will finally hold the Kar98k!" 

"Has everyone ate today?!" Alrife exclaimed.

"Yes, captain!" They all shouted, and most certainly did they look energetic enough.

The crowd looked unexcited, but their eyes and minds had all the excitement contained. Hierd, like yesterday, flicked his finger. Like magic, Alrife came moving in another carriage. Carried within, the said guns. As Alrife reached the front and near Hierd, he stopped and Hierd continued; "I shall distribute everyone their Kar98k by every squad starting from the first one. You shall be given a manual on how to use these and a clip..." But, he recollected that this is the middle ages. "A clip is what powers the fire within."

The crowd had a hidden; "Ahhh..."

"As I said, you are to keep and to make sure it gets the upmost care. You are to carry these around like these were a bracelet given to by your child." He took a deep breath before, "However, the footmen who are not as strong as the ones who shall recieve it will not be able to participate in the firing practice and instead be trained for using the gun's bayonet. You shall recieve my word if you are fit or not fit enough to wield the weapon. Once you recieve your gun, you will put the strap on as if it were a shoulder bag, mind you, the barrel should face up. Now I shall start giving it to you."

Heduc started to move forward and directed his men towards Hierd's direction. He then walked all the way to the back of his squad's line. To the first footman and to all; Hierd gave them the Kar98k with it vertical (the barrel facing up) a fully loaded magazine and a small manual. From the first at did the last, they all strapped it first without having their inner jovialness intrude in the 'ceremony.'


Hierd had just finished the last man, the sun was still acute with the earth but Hierd knew that he had to hurry. "To all the men unfit to train please go to Alrife, to all the men fit the handle the weapon come to me." 

"Here comes the bullshit I fucking prepared. I had to read a book for fuck-sake. I gave and I trained Alrife the day before about bayonets... (If you can even call it a training its more like a fucking demonstration). Now, I don't know shit about guns but if youtube's taught me anything, shit's crazy."

"Footmen!" Hierd shouted. "You need to remember the golden rules about shooting any gun, not just that one. Treat it as if it can fire anytime, do not, I repeat, do not point these guns to anyone who is not an enemy! Second! Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire! Lastly! When not in a combat situation, keep your guns unloaded, what I mean by this is that you should not ever have your clips, or so case, rounds, into your gun. Do you hear me men?!"

"Yes, Captain!" A resounding cry from them all.


Alrife and three townsfolk who wanted to help set up ten wooden dummies for training, Alrife set his own near him, the three set up two for each column of men (there being three columns, with each having five men in it).

"Alright men, since you are not yet fit to fire the Kar98k, you first will need to beefen-up and first things first is for you to train."

Alrife had his own Kar98k strapped onto his back, he equipped the gun and set his figure on guard. They copied his movement with some struggle with the exact positioning of Alrife's feet. "Put your dominant hand onto the stock, where it is near this small metal looking lever." Alrife demonstrated it just because he knew that they wouldn't know what a stock was.

With some struggle, they got it. "Now!" Alrife shouted, "When landing an attack, you want to thrust, like a spear! And not to slash! Like this!"


Alrife impaled the wooden dummy that was infront of him, leaving a wound akin to a normal blade's. "Now!" Alrife kept the bayonet fixed in the same position. "At this point, you have punctured your enemy, the monsters, twist your kar98k like this!" He began to squirm and rotate his gun in counter then counterclockwise action, repeating only two times. "As you can see, the small wound now turned into a bigger wound, turning into, in this case, a wider hole.


The crowd seemed to understand as their eyes widened in response. "I want you to repeat as I did! If you struggle, please come to me!"


The previous day's metered targets still stood and Hierd wanted to test off his shooting skills with the rest of the crowd that stood watching him. "Let me demonstrate to you all how to aim and shoot the Kar98k!" He stayed standing straight, with a deep breath he then looked down the iron sights. His target was only a mere thirty meters and he didn't need to adjust his sight ladder at all. He pulled the bolt towards him then put a single round into it, after, pushing the bolt then back towards.

"Then fail me now..."

He took a deep breath, the crowd anxiously awaiting the thunder by the covering their ears. He put his finger on the trigger;


A succesful shot! "There! Who wants to try first?" The onlookers were suprised once more by the crackle, it was heard all throughout, the footmen, the men with bayonets, and even the chief who was soundly sleeping in his home. 

"Me! Me!" Hierd looked toward the small audience, suprised, it was Jeane! "I wish to try Captain!"

"Then come on here!" He said, jovial. 

As Jeane neared with her own Kar98k, she asked; "Will shooting it, hurt my shoulder?" 

"You'll feel like a person's knudging you on the shoulder, but all've you will get used to it. Oh and, let me cover your ears for you..." 

"Thank you, Captain..."

"I should really actually give them earplugs or something, but I don't think there was anything like that in the second world war... Looks like they're gonna need to get used to it..."

Jeane had 'copied' Hierd's actions, but had first some trouble with aiming straight at the dummy. "Concentrate, close your left eye and look at your target." Hierd says, "Breathe slowly, then when you confident enough to fire, exhale then stop breathing, now your aim should be better than before..."

"I see, thank you Captain." She replies.

She breathed slowly, observing the target infront of her, feeling the surroundings, the grass that seems to swirl in the wind. As she points it directly at the middle of the target, she exhales and stops breathing.


It hit the target yet it was more to the side than at the middle. "Good Job, leader." Hierd comments.

"Thank you, Captain." She reddened.

"Please eject the gun by pulling the bolt back out again." 

She pulled back the bolt, the fresh-hot round landing on the ground. 

"Alright everyone! Who wants to go next?"

Leaving this here for the people who have knowledge of guns; even a child could handle a 12 gauge, nigh even a sniper rifle, either the footmen are as weak as a baby or they don't have arms. Day II auxilary might interest you...

Powfoomcreators' thoughts