
AU Villain Deku

Izuku Midoriya, grows up in a hostile environment without a quirk. He's greeted with an opportunity, however in this timeline. He doesn't receive one for all. Hes neglected by the hero's he love most, baring anger towards them accepts help from another.

Jaxsin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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55 Chs

Attack on Hosu (4/10) Disbelief

"RIKUTO! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!" Their reactions are priceless. I wish I could do this constantly, it would make the plan much more efficient... However, it requires me to control the individual themselves and if I use my quirk that much, I might just go insane. Thankfully I have Toga here, to help me instead.

"Rikuto-san... You don't mean that do you? You strived to become the number one hero. How could you join them?"

"..." The pro hero looks on and almost looks as if they are analyzing the situation.

"This is worse than I thought. I know Rikuto's personality and judging by the forced look on his face... You must be the Puppeteer." He's right... although he's a bit brainless, why didn't he act like he didn't know and secretly call the heroes to me? Does he think he stands a chance against me?!

"What a joke," I say as I slouch down on my side. Toga takes the chance by kicking out my elbow and forcing me onto her lap. The smile on her face is almost sickening.

"You! Wh... What are you doing! RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!" One of the young women of the group points out whilst pushing up her glasses slightly.

"How distasteful."


"... I must have been mistaken, you are merely a pervert."

"Nice one dude!"

"Rikuto! Did this perv bribe you with women!"

"Eww.. What a pervert."


... I can almost feel both of our souls being crushed by all these insults. Both of our reputations are getting put through the gutter because of Toga's actions and she doesn't even care! Her face is bright red! Ugh... What the hell is even going on anymore.

Whilst I'm distracted, I unconsciously put my hand on the inner part of Toga's thigh. I realized what I just did and was about to retreat before...


I hit my head hard on the concrete, what the hell was that strength! Wait a minute, I... actually got pushed away by Toga? She's covering her face with both of her hands in sheer embarrassment. Haha... So she does feel embarrassment, maybe its shame? Anyway, I can use this for the future...

"Are you guys done with your bit?"

As I look back on, every one of their faces is flushed bright red... Including Rikuto's. Well, I suppose we should get a move on, we can't be here forever.

*Mentally suppressing my shame.*

"*Cough* Anyway! Let's begin already!"

I move Rikuto forwards, controlling him is really difficult. I maintain a certain range, as he moves further away it gets harder to control. Rikuto rushes forwards to hit 5 squadmates and the pro hero.

The Pro hero organizes 3 of them whilst telling the others to stay back as they are not suited for this kind of fight. Rikuto slashes at the woman who accused him of being a pervert, the Pro hero pushes the student aside as the Pro made a web to block their attack.

"What a disappointment. You have such an amazing quirk and yet you use it like that. Although I could let Rikuto-Kun here fight all of you, I do want to show you how to make use of strings."

"You know nothing..."

"Oh really? You acted like you could beat me before, you were so confident that you didn't even bother to inform your comrades that I am here."

"Why would I need to call them? There are 6 of us and 2 of you. We can win without their support and I will rise in the rankings for being the person who defeated the Puppeteer who gave even All Might a difficult time."

"... You know. I don't kill. However, for you... Who TRAMPLES on what a hero truly means, I think I can make an exception..."

Even the students behind him are completely shocked by his outlandish statement. They will never be a true hero... They are the type of person who tramples on Stain's legacy. They are the type of person who doesn't deserve to be a Hero! So... I will make it so, they won't be able to stand, let alone do hero work again.

I cut the chapter in half because im a Sadist. The other part of the chapter will be out whenever. Just like this chapter, its short.

Jaxsincreators' thoughts