
Attitude Of Life

Newal Sherif is a smart and a loveable girl, by her family. She is a Muslim, and it is a must to wear her hijab. But it was a hard task, since everyone surrounding her judges and mistreats her. And she always fights it and tries to prove everyone wrong, she has a goal and dreams to achieve but how could she achieve them? Will she continue her combat, or will she give up? DISCLAIMER ¶ This is a fictional book. The characters, events and anything included in the book is from the imagination of the writer. Any resemblance from anything is a total coincidence. ¶ May have strong language. If it is okay with you, continue reading. ¶ Hate is totally not allowed. If you don't like this book, then I politely tell you, leave it. Happy reading :)

Sarah_Ahmed_3071 · Sports, voyage et activités
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

"Rise and shine, Newal!!" I heard two very familiar voices shout from the door, then I feel the covers slip away from me and let the cool morning  air prickle my body and raise the goosebumps on my skin.

I groan and try to bring the covers to cover me, but no luck.

Instead, my head was met with a pillow, hitting me.

"What the hell," I groaned and when I finaly opened my eyes and sit up, I see Nadely and Tyler, laughing at me, probably seeing my confused and annoyed expression.

Then soon I realised, my head wasn't covered, and Tyler was here.

"Tyler!" I shrieked and pulled the duvet up to my head.

"Oh, shit! Sorry! I forgot!" He said,

"Thank you for apologising, Nad, can you pass me my hijab please?" I ask her uncovering my face only,

"Sure, catch." She threw me my hijab and I pulled it inside the duvet and quickly pulled it up my head, pulled the duvet off and put the hijab around my head.

"I'm sorry, Newal. I really forgot you were a- what was it again?" He asked although I told him a hundred times already.

"Hijabi Tyler, hijabi as in, H-I-J-A-B-I, hijabi" I tell him, he looked...embarrassed?

"Sorry," he mumbled and I giggled.

"Stop saying sorry, just drop it, okay?" I say and he nods his head, giving me a half dimpled smile.

"After you two are done with your sweet conversation, Newal go get ready, Tyler and I made breakfast, mom and dad are out to work." Nad says and I nodded, got up and went to the bathroom.


After Tyler dropped us off to school and bid him goodbye, both of us parted our ways to our first class. But before I reached my class, I remembered I forgot my Math textbook in the locker.

I know, like math in the morning?!

When I finally made my way to the black lockers through the sea of students, I quickly opened, took my textbook and lock it. When I turned around, I was met with intense green eyes looking at me.

I nearly dropped on my knees, but I held myself back. I should show him how he didn't affect me, I should show him how such a random person he is to me. And mostly, even though I have a crush on him, I really should get over him.

So I fixed my hijab, looked at him again, rolled my eyes and went off to my class, which I'm sure I'll be late.


I ran.

I am literally skipping to my Math class, hoping Mr. Robust will allow me to enter.

When I reached the door, I looked at my watch, yes! I made it, at least two minutes early..

I knocked on the door, making Mr. Robust look up at me from his desk, he rolled his eyes at me and gestured me to get in.

"Finally on time, Ms. Sherif, come in and take a seat" he said in a monotone voice.

Why thak you for the greeting too, sir.

I went to sit at my favorite place, back at the corner. The thing in that place is that it hides me well, and i wont bother or be bothered by anyone. Plus, no one sits here with me, so it adds up my privacy too.

When I reached the back of the class, two girls were sitting on my very favorite and comfortable class bench.

Both of them looked at me and shot me a fake apologising look. The redhead,who's Tyla, looked at me up and down at my faded blue jeans, white sweatshirt and black hijab, then again looked me in the eyes.

"Sorry, but you are sitting at my seat." I said, sounding a bit off.

"Well," Ryla looked under the table and on top of it then looked at me with a mocking face, "I can't see anything that says reserved, so now, get lost."

"Go on, there are a plenty of seats at the front," the orange blonde haired girl, whose her name is Gianni, snapped and gestured to the front of the class.

When I was about to protest, Mr. Robust cleared his throat, I looked at him and he was still sitting, not looking at us, but when he did, he gave me a distasteful look and said.

"Newal, either you behave and sit in any seat you got, or please leave the classroom"

What? I should behave while these two were the ones giving me looks and mocking me?? All in all, trying to kick me out?

But I shut all of these thoughts down, I don't need trouble, just let me sit at the front, just for today, but from tomorrow onwards  I'll even wake up before the bird's tweeting and walk if I have to.

"My apologies," I said and went to sit in the front where a nerdy looking guy was sitting, he glanced at me and gave me a nervous smile. I returned it with a half smile and sat beside him.

"Hi," he whispers to me "I'm Marshall, nice to finally meet you" he continues whispering amd I chuckle silently.

"What do you mean finally? I didn't even knew you untill now," I whispered to him which he shakes his head for it. Making his soft looking big curly black hair moves from side to side.

"I never saw you speak to anyone, and I was curious about you" he said and I got surprised by what he said.

No one has ever been this sweet to me, and even be nervous around me. Maybe he is one of the one who respects people like me, which are rare as fudge for me.

"Yeah...I'm Newal by the way and-"

"This is your last warning Newal, unless you are urging me to send you to the Principals office."

I jerk my head to the front and look at Mr. Robust, who is glaring at me. I muttered a sorry and started to open my textbook to read, or at least distract myself.

"Okay class, today we will be learning about functions and relations, what are they, Their objective and I'll give you some homework to do,"

I heard couple of groans from students and that was totally ignored by our teacher.

"So before we start our discussion, copy this short note that I will write on the whiteboard."

He turned around, grabbed his little notebook and started to write on the big whiteboard.

After a while of writing notes, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned back and looked at the person who called me. He gave me a half smile and gave me a a folded piece of paper. I gave him a questioning look but all he did was shrug.

I took the piece of paper from him and unfolded it,

'You are blocking the view'

What view? I am really confused by what's written on the paper so I just crumbled it and continued writing the never ending notes the teacher is giving us.

"Yo, Scarf head! Get your head down, your big head is covering the whole board!" Someone from behind me spoke.

I ignored it, but then I remember, I am the only one here with a hijab on.

Oh. The view. The whiteboard.

I ducked my head a little, for them to see better, but it was a bit hard for me to.

"Didn't you listen? Get your head down!" I heard another male voice speaking to me.

"But I already bowed a little" I said a little lower, facing the back of the class and looking at the wall, then I turned back and continued again, for the second time.

I heard a chair scraping the floor, then heavy footsteps coming to.... me.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed the back of my head, my hijab, and pulled my head backwards to see a girl, who I think her name is Ashley, glaring at me.

"I asked you to get down a little, but I think you didn't understand" She said in a gritted teeth.

"Leave me now, Ashley" I muttered and try to let her hand go of my hijab, but no success.

"So, let me show you how. First lean down a little like this," she pushed my head foward, amd in the process, slamming my head on the table, which made a loud bang.

I heard gasps from students around me. And also, I swear I heard giggles too.

The chair from both behind and beside me scraped, then I felt two different hands wrapped at either side of my arms.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"


My head is pounding, and I feel like everything is revolving around me. Thanks to these firm hands, they made me stand and kept me standing, which made it worse.

I groan and put both of my hands on my head. Making the hands let go of me.

"I'm trying to help you, Newal" Marshall said to me, knowing that he was the one holding me.

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse room?" A very unfamiliar male voice spoke to me. Making me snap my head to my side, which made my head hurt more.

I am Looking up at the guy that passed me the paper, concern etched on his face.

What. The. Heck.

"No, thank you, I'll go by myself" I said and I looked up at Ashley, who is surely smirking at me, as if she accomplished her mission.

Mr. Robust was looking at all four of us with angry look on his face. As if he was about to burst in a-

"All four of you! Detention room! Now!" He practically yelled at us and I went ahead of them and asked if I can go to the nurse room.

"No, go to the detention room immedeatly." Was his answer and I gaped at him. My head is hurting me so much, so I just stayed silent and went to the door.

But of course, before I registered what was happening, a leg sticked on my way and I tripped and fell, making my head hurt more.

The whole class laughed at me. When I looked at them, some were pointing at me, some were whispering to each other and very few, gave me a sympathetic smile.

The tears were burning  behind my eyes, threatening to spill, but I held them back, it will just bring more humiliation, nothing else.

Marshall and the guy came up to me and held out their hand for me. I gratefully let them pull me, because I almost  can't see straight...and my head is hurting me.

"I Got you"

"It's okay"

Both of them said to me at the same time. Why are they so caring for me? I barely know them, but whatever, I'm hurt and right now, this is the least i could get.

All three of us headed out of the class, Ashley's heavy boots footsteps following us.


"So it means that you are a bad boy?"

"I don't think so, I'm just cool with everyone."

"I wish I can be like you" I muttered  under my breath.

"Huh?" Dan asked and I shook my head as nothing.

"I am cool with everyone too," Marshall chimed in.

"I never said said you are not" I said, looking at his very big curls of his black hair.

"Just sayin, you know." He mumbled and I looked at him in confusion.

"So, Newal, do you have any bad blood going on with you and Ashley?" Dan asked me and I shook my head.

"I never even spoke to her in my life. I think she just hates me because of this" I pointed at my head, indicating the hijab.

"What do you mean? Because.... you are?..smart?" Dan asked and I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"No, dumbass, because she is a Muslim, right?" Marshall said and I nodded my head.

"What the hell that's supposed to do?" Dan asked

"You know, people weren't and aren't that friendly with me, I strongly belive it's  because they think I am not like them..."

"Cut the crap! What's that suposed to to with you? Do you even listen to them?" Dan said angrily.

"Woah, calm down. I've been living with  this crap for long time, it's alright. No need to be all mad about this."

"But that's unfair though, haven't you thought of changing anything?" Marshall asked me.

I thought about it for a little. Can I change the mindset of people? To think likewise? I actually did thought about it before, but never tried doing it. I always assumed people would hate me more athan the usual.

"I did, just need something to grab on to start that." I finally replied.

"I'll help you, but....we're friends right? " Marshall asked

I  happily nodded my head at him. It is actually so rare someone asking to be friends with me. I actually don't have friends. Except Nadely, Nathan, well apparently because he is my besties boyfriend, and my siblings.

"Count me in too. I'm pretty sure you would befriend me too, right?" Dan asked

I, again, happily nodded my head at him too, "As long as you won't break my trust, yes we're friends."

"I want to ask you something though..." Marshall said

"Sure, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you dr-"

Marshall was interrupted when the door of the detention room  opened with a very loud bang.

The teacher who was surprisingly sleeping got startled by it and snapped his head to the door, a frown on his face.

When I looked to who came here, I gasp when I see who the hell was standing at the door.

It can't be...

You've got to be kidding me.