

The brisk winds, cacti, and tumbleweeds were the only thing that kept J and Ghost company is the baking heat of the Al-Mazrah desert.

Playing: Welcome to 4th Echelon

"Gold Eagle Actual, Shadow-1 is weapons hot..." Shepard's voice came through Ghost's radio, and transmitting into J's built-in radio.

"We're burnin' daylight here." Graves chimed, as the two went deeper into the split in between the two gigantic rocks that loomed overhead.

"Copy Graves, stand by. Laswell, do we have confirmation?" Shepard asked.

"Watcher-1 to Bravo 0-7 and Espilon 9-7, you two in position?" Laswell asked, as the two reached the midway point of the split.

"Nearly." Came J's reply, as the duo continued to advance forward; the sun beaming down on the two. The sound of a helicopter flying overhead caught Ghost's ear.

"Got a heli incoming." Simon uttered, as the helicopter passed over the duo.

"That's General Ghorbrani." Laswell replied, as J ambled forward, scanning around the split.

"Right on time. Now you two get up there, and see what he's up to in the middle o' nowhere." Shepard said, his Southern accent shining through, as Simon climbed the rock faces, while J simply floated over them, giving Ghost a cocky sneer as the two reached the edge of the split, J's wings retracting into her back with a barely audible click.

"Alright, we're eyes on." J said.

"What do you see?" Laswell replied, as J scanned the area. It was full of soldiers, armored cars and tanks, but not much else.

"Armed personnel, armor, hardware. All Russian." J described.

"The hell're the Russians doing with Ghorbrani?" Shepard queried, as Ghost leaned by one of the rock faces, silently observing the convoy.

"Supplying Iran, it's an arms deal." Laswell explained.

"You copying this, Shadow-1?" Shepard interrupted.

" 'Firmmative. Two birds, one stone." Graves replied.

"We need positive ID on Ghorbrani 'fore we kick this off, people." Laswell muttered.

"J, Ghost, can you identify the general?" Shepard asked.

"On it." J said immediately, looking over near the helicopter, spotting several Russian soldiers and one man, seemingly unarmed; in the center.

"Armed escorts around one VIP, Russians look very happy to see 'em." J drawled.

"It'll be the last time they do." Shepard responded, as the man walks around, hands on his hips. His gray hair swaying in the wind.

"Visual on Ghorbrani." J said, tracking the man.

"Copy, all stations; target confirmed. Shadow-1, you are cleared for launch." Shepard commanded.

"Roger that Actual. Ghost, Epsilon, you two are danger close to the zone. Arrow's gonna pack a punch." Graves added.

"Copy, approved. Send it." Ghost said, his gravelly voice ever present.

"All stations; Shadow-1, missile is ready for immediate delivery. Stand by for launch." Graves said.

"Coordinates in...."

"Target designated.... 2.... 1....."

The missile flew off, shaking the ground where some of the Shadow Company were stationed, causing most of them to flinch.

"Missile's loose, people!" Graves shouted, as the missile sped off.

"Missile bearing northeast at 0-6-5 degrees at Mach 3.... Altitude 500 meters." Graves announced, as the missile flew towards its target.

Engaging the boosters, the missile went twice the speed.

"Time to target, 5 seconds..." Graves said.

"Time to watch the fireworks." J remarked.

"Termination in 3..... 2... 1!"

The missile hit the convoy, and a large explosion soon followed, rocking the ground where it hit, and where Ghost and J were; making some pebbles fall.

"Bloody fuckin' hell..." Ghost blurted.

"Direct. Target destroyed." Ghost added.

Several months later...

Laswell walks through the polished hallways of Fort Lesley, stopping by a walnut door, knocking repeatedly, one of her bracelets falling as she did so.

"Come in." Shepard muttered, and Laswell opened the door, the door creaking as she did, creaking again as she closed it.

The room was polished, well-furnished, and looked like it'd cost a fortune. The American flag was right next to the door, as well as a view of the Washington Monument to the left, and a round glass table with 5 office chairs, and a bookcase with hundreds of books in it.

"Laswell." Shepard greeted.

"General Shepard." Laswell greeted, a stoic look on the blonde's face as she entered.

"Boy, I know that look. Are we at war?" General Shepard asked, his bald head gleaming in the light.

"You would be the first to know sir." Laswell affirmed.

"Damn right I would. Talk to me." Shepard answered, as Laswell pulls out a tablet, swiping on it.

"We have a hit on Ghorbrani's second-in=command." She says, putting the tablet down on the mahogany desk.

Shepard takes the tablet, looking at its contents.

"Hassan Zyani. Quds Force Major." Shepard read.

"He's taken up the mantle for Iran." Laswell added.

"Supplying terrorists." Shepard interrupted, head still glued to the tablet.

"Money, weapons, intel." Laswell explained.

"Well, he's an ambitious one." Shepard remarked.

"He's dangerous, sir. He wants retaliation for the Ghorbrani strike." Laswell added.

"He's planning something." Laswell muttered.

"Well, we can't take him in Iran." Shepard uttered, finally prying away from the tablet, as Laswell once again swiped on the tablet; bringing up a map.

"He's not in Iran, sir. He's on the ground in Al-Mazrah." Laswell corrected.

"The hell's he doing in Al-Mazrah?" Shepard questioned.

"There's only one way to find out, sir." Laswell said.

"Well, let's get 'em." Shepard remarked.

"When?" Laswell asked.

"What time is it now?" Shepard snarked, cocking his head.

"Who do we send?" Laswell muttered.

"Phantom, Ghost, you're wheels-up in five." Shepard said through the radio.

"Roger." N said, as he and Ghost walked past the trucks and rushing soldiers as the two approached the transport airplane.

"Marines are approaching now, you, the lieutenant, and the sergeant are leading the way on this." Shepard said.



No, couldn't be.

N walked a bit faster when he heard that.

"The sergeant?" N repeated, as Soap and J jump out of the truck, as well as several other soldiers.

N stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing the twin-tail haired drone once again.