
Attack on titan: The journey of the anomaly

In a dark room somewhere, a boy seemingly in his 20s could be seen lying down on a bed with a huge TV infront of him that is seemingly showing an animations of a girl holding her red scarf as she was saying her thanks to a certain someone for wrapping his scarf to her After she said that the credits showed up as the man turned off the huge TV as he showed an amused expression "Haha... What a masterpiece of a story this is, a story of a guy who yearned for freedom but decided to sacrifice his freedom for other in the end huh..." The boy said in an amused tone As he cleaned himself up and went to bed he thought before he fell asleep 'If I were in that world, would I be able to change things into my liking?' And so starts another story

Staneryzy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Calm before the storm

It has been two years since I got here in this world.

During these past two years I kept on training whether in The Instructor's daily training or whether in my nightly training deep into the forest, I also kept enchancing my senses such as my perception on my surroundings and my reaction speed

I doubt anyone can sneak up on me now without proper training at all

Due to my increasing strength and performance in training, I have caught The other Cadets as well as The Instructor's attentions

Apparently I was now being labelled by the other cadets as one of the most potential on being one of the top 10

Also... Among the cadets I was given the nickname of the Quiet Prince... Yeah I know it's a cringe nickname, I also hate it... Apparently it was decided on by most of the girls cadet... As for why my nickname was that... Well most probably because I am a loner who rarely talks to anyone and because I always have a cold expression apparently so I don't get approached by anyone

Well most of the time at least. In these past two years I've become closer with the trio and the other main casts, after all whenever the trio joined me at the eatery, some of them came with them and so friendship was born

I have also became one of the hated guy in the male cadets since I was often seen with Christa

Ymir ofcourse didn't like it since she was very overprotective of her, like a little sister. but after some convincing by Christa she soon gave in, though whenever Christa talks to me now Ymir is always with her

On another note, I have accepted that I might not see my parents again, it hurts of course since who will want that, but I can't let that keep on eating me up so after some time I slowly started to accept it

Anyway I was sitting in the eatery again, but this time the table I was in is full of other cadets, well the 'main casts' I meant

"Hey Sasha did you eat my bread?!" A bald guy named Connie Springer exclaimed as he slammed the table and looked at Sasha angrily

"What are you talking about? I didn't eat anything!" She proclaimed as crumbs of breads could be seen on the side of her cheek, The girl's name is Sasha Braus

"You little-" And so starts another bickering

I looked at them speechlessly as I heard another voice

"Hey you damned horseface! You just snorted at me didn't you?" Eren shouted at Jean as he slammed the table

"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it huh?!, and don't call me that you suicidal maniac!" The guy who spoke has brown hair and has an oval shaped face his name is Jean Kierschtein and he snorted because Eren spoke of another speech about joining the Scouts and going out of the wall

"You- do you wanna go huh?!" He said as he stood up and grabbed Jean's collar

"Fine by me!" Jean said as he also grabbed Eren's collar and they stared at each other... Menacingly

"Eren, don't fight here" Mikasa said as she grabbed one of Eren's shoulder

"Come on you two... Don't start another fight" The one who spoke is Marco Bott, he has a black hair with an oval shaped face

"Marco is right, don't fight now, Eren and Jean... This is the fourth time this week... The Instructor might really bash you two together if hears of this again..." Armin spoke as he tried to break the fight before the two gets in trouble

"Honestly those two never gets along well with each other" The one who spoke this time is Reiner Braun as he laughed he was also secretly the Armored Titan

The guy next to him just nodded to agree with what he said, that guy is Bertholdt Hoover, also secretly as the Colossal Titan also known as the one who broke wall Maria

Then next to Bertholdt is a blonde girl whose hair is tied, she has a stoic expression as she ignored everything and just ate her food, her name is Annie Leonhardt, she is the female titan

Though she ignores everyone... She keeps looking in my direction occasionally

I just stared at those three with an complicated expression since they really weren't bad people, they were just forced to break the walls due to their loved ones being held at a gun point. Though that doesn't excuse them of their sin ofcourse...

I just sighed at this chaotic bunch and spoke to the person next to me

"Why are you all even here..." I tiredly spoke to the blonde girl next to me which is Christa

"Don't you remember? It's your birthday today so we all got together since we wanted to celebrate it with you!" She happily said with her hands held together

"Don't speak with my Christa you damned loner!" next to Christa is Ymir who yelled at me, for some reason she always yell at me whenever I try to speak with Christa

As I opened my mouth to insult her back Christa spoke up

"Ymir! We talked about this, you need to stop insulting August whenever he speaks to me!" Christa said with her face knitted and her showing a warning gaze to Ymir

"Ugh..." Ymir groaned as she became meek infront of Christa

I just smirked at her which irritated her more

I then muttered to myself:

"Was it my birthday today?" I muttered as I tried to remember

After being transmigrated here I never once celebrated my birthday... Well until Christa asked about it and when she found out that it already passed she got angry at me for not telling her about it

She quickly put the band together and we celebrated my 'birthday' together

"I can't believe you... You're the only one I know who forgets and don't celebrate their birthday..." Christa looked at me in disbelief

"Well..." I scratched my head

She then looked at me with a deadpanned gaze as if saying that she proved her point

I sighed

"You're right..." I surrendered

I then heard Eren and Jean sit as they hmphed each other

I couldn't help but tease them

"You two are always fighting with each other, maybe you two will follow the common troupe of the stories of enemies to lovers?" I said as I looked at the two who looked shocked at what I said teasingly

"Wha-" both said before their face showed a disgusted expression as the other laughed except one

Mikasa glared at me for saying it, I decided to quench her anger by apologizing

"Bad joke? Sorry about that" I said as her face turned to normal except the teased two

"Never, I mean NEVER joke about that again, I feel like I'm gonna puke just imagining it" Eren said as he put a hand on his mouth, still showing a disgusted expression

"This might be the one and only time we will agree on something Eren" Jean said as he was also covering his mouth with a disgusted expression

The others who was still laughing soon stopped

"Still though if we didn't know that August was a cool and easy dude to get along with then we would've never approached him because of his always cold expression..." Connie said as he pointed that out

"Connie is right, you always have this cold and unapproachable aura in you that if Eren, Mikasa and Armin didn't brought us to you then we would've never had the courage to talk to you..." Sasha said as she muched on her food happily

"I get that a lot..." I said as most of them smirked at me except Mikasa and Annie

I smiled a little before it disappeared and they then turned all their attention to me

They then greeted me a happy 15th birthday as we continued to celebrate my birthday

This... This certainly is not a bad feeling...


A few months later

It's been a few months since then and tomorrow the graduation ceremony will happen

After 3 long years we were finally going to graduate

Though I couldn't be happy with it since the events that will happen after that will cause a lot of deaths

I've been thinking of ways to prevent the warriors aka The Armored, Colossal and Female titan to stop attacking humanity

I've been talking with them though, and got pretty close to one of them, well most specifically Annie

She... Well how do I say this... Has been talking to me more than the others and has been showing some interesting things...

One time I was talking to Christa and I sensed an hostile intent as I looked around and saw Annie looking at Christa with an intense gaze before leaving

There's no way right...?

Anyway I can't reveal that I know their identities since they will most definitely do something to 'silence' me, whilst I'm much better than them at martial arts and ODM Gear, I still can't risk it

They won't exactly betray Marley since their family is there and well... If they betray Marley then their family dies

I have some plan in the future regarding this but well... For now I can't act yet

Which means I can't stop Bertholdt from destroying the wall again in the next few days

That's why I've been intensifying my training this past few months so that I can atleast be strong enough to protect myself

Anyway I soon started training again as I left for the forest


The next day in the evening

We're all lined up as infront of us as three Instructors including Shadis was infront of us with some other seniors was standing in the front with closed eyes

10 people were lined up infront and a few distance from the other cadets

In these 10 people I was in it as I was in the further left and next to me was Mikasa who was as stoic as always

Soon he opened them as spoke up

"Give your hearts" As he saluted

The other cadets also saluted

"You all have three choices on which regiment to join after you graduate today" One of the Instructors said

"First is the Garrison Regiment which will reinforce the walls and the city. Second is the Scouts Regment, you will partake on expeditions outside the wall risking losing limbs and your life. Third is the Military Police Regiment which will serve under the king and will work to preserve order in the city!" The Instructor explained

"Though of course inly the top 10 will be able to join the Military Police Regiment"

We were all given 2 days to decide on which regiment to join, in these two days we will be given tasks to do until we the two days is over

After the speech of the instructors we were dismissed as the cadets all went to the eatery to celebrate their graduation

Christa invited me to go and join them but I passed her offer and said that I wasn't feeling well

I soon went to the dorms after getting cleaned up, I layed in my bed as I rested up

I didn't train tonight due to me wanting to be in my best state tomorrow... After the titans break in

Anyway I decided to rest up and readied myself for tomorrow.


A/N: Hey, Hi and Hello to you all, I just have a quick question. Would you rather for Mikasa to join MC's harem or nah? I'm torn in between making her join the harem or she becomes Eren's girlfriend as for why... Well after finishing the anime I started to sympathize for the two since they never reached their happy ending, and I thought that they should've gotten together. Anyways if you all decide for Mikasa to join the harem then Eren will have another character that will be his lover