two unusual souls are born in a place were they shouldn't be, one as one of the last Ackerman's in the walls, Klemens Ackerman and the other as Liesl Stark, two orphans that are polar opposites of each other in the world of Attack on Titans They'll get ready to even fight against the whole world if that's what it takes to achieve their dream. I don't own AoT or the cover
"Who the hell are you?!" shouted the bald slightly tanned instructor.
"Connie Springer from Ragako, in Wall Rose's southern district, sir!" answered the small guy with a shaven hair, he put his left hand on his Ches with the other behind his back.
"Listen up, Connie Springer! This was one of the first things you were taught: that salute means you're offering your heart to fight those meant for the systematic destruction of our people, is your heart on the right side?!" but suddenly something very, very funny for a certain girl happened.
All the eyes turned towards the girl who was calmly eating what looked like a potato.
"Oh God I already love her" whispered a girl to the person beside her.
"Shut up" answered the black haired boy by her side.
"Hey, you there, what do you think you're doing" asked the bald instructor.
But what followed was the girl taking another bite out of her steamed potato.
"You're officially on my shitlist, who the hell are you?!"
The girl with brown hair answered "Sasha Braus from Dauper, in Wall Rose's Southern District, sir!"
"Sasha Braus huh? And what is it that you're clutching in your hand?"
"A steamed potato! It sat there in the mess hall begging to be eaten, sir!"
"The theft, I understand, but here, why eat it here of all places" the instructor seemed absolutely confused.
"It looks quite delicious and it was getting cold, so I gave it shelter in my stomach, sir"
While this exchange was going on, a different girl was blocking her mouth with her right hand from letting out the sonorous laugh in had been containing since a while ago.
"Don't you dare" whispered the boy at her side.
"Why, I can't comprehend, why would you eat that potato?"
"Are you asking me why people eat potatoes? I'm surprised you don't know sir"
Now even the black haired boy was really struggling to not let out a laugh, but he had to keep it in, he had to!
The Potato girl then put the last drop in the bucket, she evidently thought that the instructor wanted some too, so tore of a relatively small piece of the potato and said "Here sir, have half" while giving him the piece that wasn't even a fourth of the potato.
"Have half..." muttered the instructor, even he seemed to have no idea of what was going on.
The girl, Liesl finally blew up, letting out an incredible laugh startling once again everyone, including the instructor, whose face was saying 'What the hell is wrong with this group'
Liesl was the only one laughing, she kept going for maybe a minute.
The instructor was now in front of her, looking at her dead in the eye while waiting for her to finish laughing.
"Are you finished?" asked the instructor very calmly, he initially thought that this girl was one of the ones who he would have no problem with, he saw the look in her eye, she was probably one of those who saw the titans, but it seems he was wrong.
"Yes, sir" answered the girl with a still twitching smile on her face.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Liesl Stark, from a nameless village in Wall Maria, sir" she replied, she had now calmed down and realized that she was in trouble, but the boy next to her knew that she didn't really care about a bit of punishment, but he thought that she actually deserved it.
"Well then, Liesl Stark, do you want to know what you'll be doing now?" asked the instructor, still masking the anger in his voice that was waiting to explode since the potato girl.
"No sir, but I imagine it'll be punishment sir" she answered, still with a smile on her face, one that wouldn't stay there for long.
A beautiful girl with red hair and sapphire blue eyes could be seen running next to a brown haired girl.
"I thought he was going to kill those two morons" said the small guy with a shaved head
"I hoped so" replied a certain raven black hair and emerald green eyes, he was average in height, but his facial features and unusual eyes set him apart from other people.
The slight smirk on his face made it clear that he was enjoying what he was seeing.
"Hey Eren, don't you find it funny? Seeing that idiot being punished is probably the best thing I've seen in years" he said to the dark brown haired guy with green eyes, they had similar features, but the richness of the green in their eyes was completely different.
"Yeah..." replied Eren, not really sure about what to think about the evident glee in the eyes of his acquaintance, they had met just a couple of times during the two years before military training.
"You two know each other? Did you come from the same village?" asked Connie to the two guys.
"No, we met only two years ago and after that we met few times" replied Eren "I come from Shiganshina, like this guy" he said while putting his arm around Armin's shoulders.
"And I'm from the same place as that moron" replied the other green eyed guy as he pointed at the sweating red haired girl in the distance.
While the Connie guy was fawning on Eren because he wanted to know the details about the day of the fall, Armin neared Klemens as he asked him something in a whisper "You guys have never talked about where you came from, why was your village nameless?"
"Probably because it was made by wanted people or their descendants, but that is just my conjecture, maybe they just never told us" replied Klemens "All I know is that nobody talked about the past, anytime we asked they changed the subject.
That, coupled with the fact that I never saw a guard around or my parents mentioning them made me come to that conclusion"
"Wow, where was it?" asked Armin once again.
"A couple of hours by foot away from Shiganshina"
"Oh... I'm sorry" replied Armin, having understood what it meant for a village to be near Shiganshina while no outsider knew about it.
"No problem, now let's go to the dining hall with your suicidal friend" stated Klemens as he pointed to the leaving figure of Eren and the others.
"Idiot" muttered Klemens as he kept looking at his friend still running, while he was comfortably eating his bowl of soup sitting on a rock.
He left the hall to look after his last family member running like an idiot and was now sitting alone near the dining hall where his comrades were dining and talking about things he probably will never know.
He could even slightly hear the voices of the people inside the place.
He looked at the rising smoke from the soup as he thought about things, mostly about the past, he caught himself doing so pretty often since two years ago and wandering 'What if it didn't happen?' but he came to an answer pretty soon.
'I would still be here, watching that idiot run for some stupid shit she caused, still here in the army chasing after that girl's stupid purpose'
'Do i revolve too much around her?' wondered the guy, it's not that he didn't like his situation, but there where other things he would have preferred doing, like researching and developing things like he did before the fall.
'Who knows if I'll ever be able to do that again...' he left a sigh as he went back to his soup, realizing it was cold.
"What are you doing here, Kle?" came a voice from behind him, he looked up to see that the Sun had long since settled down 'How long have I been here?' then looking behind him to see the subject of his worries.
"Nothing much" he answered, before trowing her a loaf of bread "Catch"
The girl was sweating, but not dripping with sweat, showing that she didn't need to put too much effort to run for hours on end, thanks to the training that the two had kept up even for the last two years they could run for even longer.
"Oh, thanks a lot" she said as she took a bite "But you know, eating together is much more fun" she took a seat by his side on the rock which was clearly too small for two people to sit comfortably on.
She then dipped a piece of the bread in her friends soup and put it in his mouth while showing a cheeky smile "Better right?"
"Yeah" he replied absentmindedly, he wasn't really paying much attention to her words, but on the fact that it was uncomfortable to sit like that, but he eventually decided to let it slide, she was probably tired after all.
The two then ate the meal splitting both soup and bread together while sitting on the small rock, far from the gazes of people, except for two people, one of which had the unconscious Sasha on her shoulders.
"Look at what we have here, two lovebirds, don't you guys think that the army isn't the most ideal place for an affair?" said the tall girl with Sasha on her shoulders.
The two in question looked at her dead in the eyes for a moment, just as the girl was starting to get uncomfortable Liesl replied "Don't you think that the army isn't the most ideal place to drug an unconscious girl to some hidden place to do horrible things to her?" with a monotone voice.
Klemens suppressed a snort, that girl asked for it and now the psycho won't let go, he thought.
"N-no! It's not that! We're only taking her to her barrack" almost shouted the short blond girl with blue eyes with a panicked tone to her voice.
Any man would have found her really cute with her face blushed like that, but in front her was the guy who was far too used to beauty thanks to living together with Liesl for nearly thirteen years and when it came to beauty she was probably second to none, he was desensitized.
Liesl started laughing at seeing the blond girl that agitated, but she eventually calmed down "Yeah, I know don't worry, now if you don't mind leaving us alone I have some private couple things to tell my boy toy here" while she said so, she pointed at the person by her side, who wanted nothing more than just go back to eating his cold soup.
A minute later, they once again were alone on their rock, which he will keep to claim was only his, when he finally asked "So? You wouldn't have let them go that easily after seeing someone so easily flustered, what's wrong with them?"
"She feels the same as Eren and the other three" she replied.
"The blondie?"
"No, not her, she has a name by the way, I'm talking about the other one"
"And do you know said name?" he asked with a deadpan face.
"Nope, but you should, who do I ask names when I don't remember them if even you don't know them" she said with a matter-of-fact tone, as if she said the most obvious thing in the world.
"Dunno, try Armin, he knows things" he replied non commitantly, not really listening to her nonsense once again as he stopped listening to her and going into auto answer mode.
She noticed the slight change in his eyes, they were more unfocused.
"Oh yeah? Then I guess I'll go to Armin" she said.
"I'll ask him that pretty chicks name"
"Maybe her three measurements too while I'm at it"
'Wow, he really stopped listening to me' thought the girl 'This'll be fun'
"Anyway, I really am the most beautiful woman in the world"
"Yeah" his answer was still in the same tone he used since the beginning.
"I guess you'll have to stay with me until your death, otherwise anyone else will be a downgrade" her face was now bushing, she wasn't used to her friend replying affirmatively to this type of question.
"Yeah" he once again replied without even listening, he only waited for her to stop talking while affirming anything she said, he only wanted her to tire out and leave, to finally go back to contemplating the meaning of life.
"We'll just have to marry then" her face was now completely red, but she kept going, she was definitely going to remember this.
"Ye.. wait huh?" he finally realized that something was wrong as soon as he heard the word marry.
"Huh?" she replied while feigning ignorance.
"Huh?" they both said while looking anywhere alse but at each other, but were blushing furiously.