
Attack on Titan: Ackerman's Destiny

Guy gets the chance to reincarnate in an anime world and chooses attack on titan. The most overpowered ackerman will be born and will cause a storm in the AOT world. Non-harem, Overpowered from the start, Wishfulfillemt I didn't want to write about a mc with a titian transformation so if you want one with a transformation this fanfic isn't for you. PS: I know you see this in like every synthesis but it's actually true. First time writing and if you don't believe me go to my original works this is my first time writing. The mc is going to be paired with Mikasa, I know insect, but Mikasa is best wifu in AOT :-)

JOESMO · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


As I made my way back home from the store, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the shopping bags in my hands. It was a hot day and my clothes were sticking to my skin, making me feel uncomfortable. I longed for the comfort of my air-conditioned room and the chance to relax and watch some anime.

Speaking of anime, my mind wandered to my favorite one: Attack on Titan. The story of humanity's fight for survival against giant man-eating titans had captivated me from the first episode. I had spent countless hours watching and re-watching the show, analyzing every detail and character.

As I walked, I couldn't help but imagine myself in that world, fighting alongside Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. It was a silly daydream, but it made me smile nonetheless. Suddenly, I was snapped out of my reverie by a loud honking sound.

I turned to see a large truck headed straight for me a loud screech interrupted my thoughts, and I looked up to see a truck barreling toward me. I froze, my mind racing with fear and confusion. Was this it? Was I really going to die? I closed my eyes and braced for impact.


*In the Void*

"Hello, Jack," the being said in a deep, booming voice. "I am the Random Omnipotent Being, or ROB for short. You have been chosen to receive a great gift, one that few mortals ever have the privilege of receiving."

I was dumbfounded. "A gift? W-what kind of gift?" I stammered

ROB smiled. "You, my dear Jack, are going to be granted five wishes. But you will not just get wishes. You will also have the chance to choose the world in which your wishes will be granted.

"So, what do you wish for?" the ROB asked, a hint of amusement in its voice.

I stared at the ROB, dumbfounded. Five wishes? Was this some kind of dream? "Why me?" I asked, still in shock. I mean I was just expecting a normal boring day but Truck-kun said na and killed me. And now I get the chance to be isekaied. I couldn't believe it, I'M GETTING FUCKING ISEKAIED BITCHES. I was happy beyond belief.

"Your love and devotion to anime have been observed, and you have been deemed worthy of this opportunity," the ROB explained. "You may choose any world you desire, and you will be granted five wishes to make your dreams a reality."

I took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "Okay, I choose the Attack on Titan world," I said firmly, my heart racing with excitement.

"Very well," the ROB replied. "And your wishes?"

I thought for a moment, trying to make sure I didn't waste my wishes. "Okay," I said finally, "for my first wish, I want to be an overpowered Ackerman with my bloodline already awaken and bounded to myself ."

"Interesting choice," the ROB said with a small smile. "And your second wish?"

"I want spider-sense, like Spider-Man," I replied, feeling a bit more excided with each wish.

The ROB nodded in approval. "Very well. Your third wish?"

"I want the Titan Shifter physiology, but I don't want the ability to actually transform into a Titan," I said firmly. "I don't want the curse of Ymir."

The ROB raised an eyebrow. "That's an unusual request, but I can grant it. Your fourth wish?"

"I want a memory library that contains martial arts techniques, assassin techniques, survival techniques, and ODM gear techniques/styles," I said, feeling a bit giddy at the thought of all the knowledge I could gain.

"Very well," the ROB said, nodding again. "And your final wish?"

"I want to be put into a simulator of Attack on Titan for 50 years so I can master all the techniques," I said with a grin.

The ROB chuckled. "Very ambitious wishes, Jack. But I think I can grant them all."

As the ROB began to grant my wishes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and disbelief. This was like something straight out of an anime. And as we talked and bantered back and forth, I couldn't help but feel like the ROB was becoming more of a friend than an otherworldly god.

Finally, when all my wishes had been granted, the ROB turned to me with a small smile. "Good luck, Jack."

With that, the world around me began to dissolve, and I felt myself being pulled into some sort of vortex. As I hurtled through space and time, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of adventures awaited me in the world of Attack on Titan.

I was exhilarated with my newfound powers and the opportunity to train and become OP in the world of Attack on Titan was making me giddy. The ROB had granted me my wishes and explained that I was not bound by the laws of time or aging in my case during my training.

I entered the simulator, and the moment I stepped in, I was transported to a completely different world. The first thing that struck me was the enormous size of the walls and the general gloominess that surrounded me. But I was not afraid; I was excited to finally be in this world that I had been a fan of for so long.

As soon as I entered the simulator, I was confronted by a group of Titans. With my Ackerman bloodline and spider-sense, I was able to evade their attacks with ease. I used ODM gear to zip around them and dodge their swipes.

As I spend years training and honed my skills, I realized that the Titans were not my only enemy. I also would have to deal with the corrupt officials who held power within the walls.

I also eventually ventured outside of paradise and saw Marely. I was a true demon in their eyes. I would zip around at night honing my skills with assassination and ODM gear killing every high level official. Eventually they sent their titans at me and thought they won the battle.

But I was not deterred. With the techniques I had learned from the memory library, I was able to defeat anyone who stood in my way. I had become a force to be reckoned with in this fake world or not, and I knew that nothing could stop me.

*In a forest in Paradise*

As I continued my training, I noticed that time had stopped moving forward in the simulator. It was as if I was in a time capsule, and the outside world was frozen in time.

I realized my time here is up and I emerged from the simulator, ready to take on the world of Attack on Titan. I was now a master of martial arts, assassination techniques, survival techniques, and ODM gear styles. I easily surpass Levi and my titan shifter physiology only reinforces that thought.

I stepped out of the simulator, and to my surprise, I was greeted by the ROB once again. "Congratulations, Jack. You have completed your training, and you are now ready to face the world of Attack on Titan."

I smiled, knowing that I was ready for whatever the world had in store for me. I was determined to protect the walls and make sure that everyone inside was safe from the Titans and the corrupt officials.

I imagined looking at the walls, I knew that my journey had just begun. I was ready for whatever lay ahead, and I knew that with my newfound powers and skills, I would be able to overcome any obstacle because that's my destiny.