
Attack on Titan: A Warrior of Devils

Being raised by a man wearing a coat with a devil smirk, a boy will find his courage to join The Survey Corps and show that you don't need to look like a monster to be one. AnniexOC.

Drinnor · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

A Song for Winter

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Chapter 11 (Ackerman Power Awakening), and Chapter 12 (Sins of the Past) are already available for Patrons.

"Annie!" Jaime's voice echoed through the dense forest, carrying a mix of concern and curiosity. The rhythmic thuds of punches hitting a nearby tree reverberated in his ears, pulling him deeper into the depths of the woodland. Undeterred by the looming shadows and the rustling leaves, Jaime ventured forth, his steps guided by an ethereal glow of evening sunlight that filtered through the intricate web of branches above. The soft golden rays, like curious fingers, gently caressed his face, casting dancing shadows on the forest floor.

Jaime jumped from the top of a small trunk to the ground as his feet connected with the muddy terrain. The wind caressed his face as he navigated his way through the depths of the forest. Amidst the untamed wilderness, a glimmer caught Jaime's eye, drawing his attention to the trusted companion that hung faithfully by his side. His hand instinctively brushed against the well-worn hostler.

With a deft motion, he unfastened the hostler, revealing the polished wooden handle of his bowie knife. Jaime pulled the knife from its sheath with practiced precision, the metallic blade gleaming in the dappled sunlight. He found himself looking at the reflection that danced upon its mirrored surface, his own visage staring back at him with a mix of determination and curiosity.

Suddenly, the reflection in the knife changed, showing a young Jaime, skinny and weak.

' "A knife is always better at close combat, brat, never forget that," his mentor instructor; the mentor's hand darted towards his trusty knife, drawing it from its sheath with an almost supernatural swiftness. The blade gleamed in the dim sunlight. Jaime's eyes widened in admiration; his gaze fixated upon his mentor's every move. At that moment, the young protege couldn't help but marvel at the sheer skill and grace that emanated from his mentor.

"Why," inquired Jaime with a perplexed expression, his innocent voice tinged with curiosity, "are you pulling it out like that?" His delicate hand, barely reaching the knife's handle, extended towards the gleaming blade. The mentor couldn't help but break into an expansive grin that stretched across his face, a grin that made many uncomfortable. However, to Jaime, this display of mirth was nothing more than an intriguing puzzle to be deciphered, a playful game of intrigue that he was more than willing to partake in. With measured steps, the mentor closed the distance between them, his right hand firmly gripping the knife.

"There are many ways someone can do something, you shouldn't just follow what everyone else is doing, I created my own way of moving a knife which makes it easier for me." His mentor explained, and with a deft hand, his mentor delicately maneuvered the gleaming tip of the knife near Jaime's left eye, its sharpness seeming to dance in the dimly lit street. As the glint caught Jaime's eye, a wave of anticipation washed over him, but to his mentor's delight, he held his ground without a trace of fear, unlike their initial encounter.

"Can you teach me?" Innocently, with a curious gleam in his eyes, young Jaime posed a humble question, his voice filled with genuine eagerness and a thirst for knowledge, as he tilted his head back to meet the gaze of his mentor. His mentor returned the gaze, a genuine spark of pleasure illuminating their countenance. His mentor swiftly and deftly sheathed his knife back into its holster, and just before he began speaking, he cleared his throat in a subtle yet purposeful manner.

"You know you're not the first brat that I taught how to wield a knife," His mentor said with a grunt as he pulled out a second hostler from his bag with a bowie knife.

"Who was the first?" Jaime asked with a tilt of his head. His mentor never liked to bring up his past, but now that he did, Jaime hoped he would be more open to sharing something, even if it was something insignificant.

"A brat, I left him a long time ago. Once I knew he was good enough to survive, I left. You don't know him, but I have a feeling you two will meet eventually." His mentor explained as he carefully unfastened the well-worn holster, revealing the gleaming bowie knife tucked within. As his hands cradled the weapon, his eyes danced across its polished surface, capturing the glint of the light and marveling at the razor-sharp edge. Only after savoring the sight did he entrust the treasured blade to young Jaime's eager, albeit small, hands.

Jaime struggled to maintain a firm grip on the formidable bowie knife, the weapon's weight testing the limits of his small, delicate fingers. Though his mentor stood nearby, observing with an amused glint in his eyes, he appeared unfazed by Jaime's initial difficulties, instead choosing to casually tilt his hat upward, revealing a mischievous grin.

"You wanted to learn, well, that knife is yours from now on. It might be heavy right now, but eventually, you will be able to effortlessly wield it," As his mentor rose from his seated position, a commanding presence enveloped him, his voice carrying the weight of authority as he delivered his instructions. Meanwhile, Jaime, feeling the surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, tightened his jaw, determined to exhibit unwavering resolve. He mustered every ounce of his strength with a herculean effort, raising the bowie knife heavenwards. Yet, to Jaime, the weapon seemed big and very heavy.

Jaime lifted his gaze towards his mentor, his thin legs trembling with anticipation and his slender arms straining under the weight of the hefty knife clutched tightly within his grasp. With a burning sensation coursing through his fingertips, he resisted the urge to let the tears welling up in his eyes spill forth, for he knew well enough that his mentor disapproved of such displays of vulnerability. And yet, amidst this intense moment, a single question escaped his lips: "What's the brat's name?" 

"Well, I think you should find out for yourself," his mentor said with a wide grin, not looking at Jaime, who groaned loudly in annoyance.

"Don't make that sound; after all, secrets are much better if you find out yourself rather than someone telling you what the secret is. I will give you a hint though, the first brat I had under my wing was as short as you are," '

Jaime escaped his thoughts as he looked at his own reflection on the surface of the bowie knife; his fingers effortlessly could fully grasp the wooden handle without problem. Jaime quickly returned the knife back to its hostler with the same trick that his mentor had taught him a long time ago.

Walking further into the forest, Jaime could see the figure of Annie. Her fist connected with the unyielding bark with each forceful blow, reverberating through the tranquil forest. Jaime's eyes widened in awe and concern, keenly aware of the risks Annie faced. Though he knew he was tough, even she could easily break her knuckles or even her hand if she continued like that.

"Annie!" Jaime called out once again, this time louder, as he ran towards her, causing Annie to stop just as she was about to punch the tree again; she quickly turned to face Jaime, who finally reached the clearing in the forest she was standing on.

"Annie, what are you doi-" "How long you have been standing there?" Annie turned abruptly towards Jaime, her eyes narrowed dangerously, and her voice took on an icy tone, interrupting whatever Jaime had wanted to say. The unexpected question that escaped her lips lingered in the air, leaving Jaime caught off guard and momentarily frozen in their tracks. Annie's defensive pose only added to the moment's intensity, as if she was ready to protect herself from any possible threat.

With a nonchalant air and a slight shrug, Jaime responded, "I saw you and called you," Annie's gaze intensified, her eyes studying him intently as if attempting to discern any trace of deceit. After a moment of uncertainty, she finally exhaled a long sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing and slumping downwards. This sudden change in Annie's demeanor perplexed Jaime, causing him to absentmindedly rub his index finger against the top of his head, desperately trying to decipher the reason behind her earlier tension, which now seemed to have dissipated into thin air.

Was she doing something here that I shouldn't see? Jaime asked himself, not knowing what else to think. He didn't know much about girls, but he knew they often had private problems, and perhaps Annie had similar problems. Perhaps that was it.

Jaime decided to ignore the thoughts and turned his attention back to Annie. "Annie, are you alright?" Jaime asked, concerned, still remembering the way she lashed out at Bertholdt and Reiner. While Annie was cold towards everyone, she wasn't someone to lash out and get angry; in fact, Jaime couldn't remember her ever showing genuine anger towards anyone except Reiner and Bert.

"I'm fine!" Annie said dismissively with a shake of her hand before looking away from Jaime, who didn't seem convinced.

Jaime could tell something was bothering Annie, but her silence was a clear sign that whatever it was, it wasn't something that she felt comfortable sharing with Jaime. While Jaime really wished she would be comfortable around him, he wouldn't try to force her to open up. Instead, Jaime decided to take a different approach.

"D-do you need a hug?" Was Jaime's 'smart' approach? This immediately affected Annie, who whirled around to face him and looked at him completely bewildered; it seemed Annie had expected many things, but not this one.

Annie, her voice tinged with annoyance and her eyes flickering with irritation, skeptically inquired, "Why would I need a Hug?" Her perplexed expression and crossed arms betrayed her disbelief as if the very notion of seeking solace through a physical embrace was utterly foreign to her.

"Hey, everyone needs a Hug every once in a while." Jaime quickly defended himself. Annie rolled her eyes at his antics. Sometimes Jaime could be really foolish, but she couldn't keep herself from smiling in amusement.

"I don't need a hug,"

"How about a fight?" Jaime asked right away, while taking a fighting stance in front of her, this caused Annie to smile before rushing towards Jaime with a fist.

3 Months Later

A chorus of complaints echoed through the air in the bustling Common Room, filled with weary cadets seeking respite after an arduous day of rigorous snow training.

Amidst this symphony of discontent, "It's Cold," Jaime's voice rang out, laced with a hint of desperation, as he vigorously rubbed his hands together in a futile attempt to ward off the biting cold that seeped into his very bones. The temperature had plummeted to a freezing degree, casting an icy grip on the room, leaving many shivering uncontrollably, much like poor Jaime.

Ymir drew closer to Krista, positioning herself protectively, her arm draped affectionately around her companion. With each tender embrace, Ymir's body heat enveloped Krista in a cozy sanctuary. Jaime's antics danced before their eyes, eliciting a spontaneous burst of laughter from Krista.

Over the course of an entire month, the temperatures gradually plummeted, steadily descending until they finally reached the bone-chilling freezing point. As if in sync with this sudden drop in temperature, delicate snowflakes began to cascade from the heavens, blanketing the entire vicinity of the Training Camp in a pristine layer of white. Despite the wintry wonderland that now enveloped the landscape, Instructor Shadis refused to grant his cadets even the briefest respite from their arduous training regimen. In fact, he pushed them to their limits and beyond, subjecting them to an intensified regime that demanded their every ounce of physical and mental strength.

The cases of cadets falling unconscious while training since it started snowing had increased due to the low temperatures. Cadet Shadis would have everyone that fell unconscious sent straight to the infirmary, but if the same cadet fell unconscious three times, they would be ordered to leave the Training Corps.

"I thought you liked the snow, midget?!" Ymir teased him with a big smile as if she relished the fact that Jaime didn't like the cold, especially when Jaime glared at her, while Krista gave Ymir a scolding look for talking like that.

"I love the snow. I just don't like the cold that comes with it," Jaime answered smartly. As he finished his statement, a sudden cough escaped him, causing him to wince in pain as his nose tingled with an inexplicable burning sensation, seemingly defying the very nature of the icy surroundings.

"Come on, Jaime. We are soldiers, we can easily endure this," Reiner urged with a resolute tone, his voice resonating through the spacious common room. Standing tall amidst a sea of fellow soldiers, he exuded unwavering determination. Like the rest, clad in layers of insulating garments, Reiner braved the merciless cold that enveloped them. Adjacent to him, Bertholdt offered a steady presence, a steadfast comrade in arms.

"Easy for you to say, Reiner. You're tall and big, and let's not forget, you have Bertholdt to keep you warm," Jaime teased with a grin, earning a burst of laughter from many; Bertholdt looked away in embarrassment, while Reiner laughed out loud.

As Reiner playfully teased, his words filled the air with a burst of laughter, echoing through the room and captivating the attention of everyone present. "Look who's talking," he chuckled, his mischievous eyes glinting with amusement, " don't forget you have Ymir to keep you warm; she's tall, the perfect combination for someone as short as you," His clever banter provoked another wave of raucous laughter from the room, as the lighthearted atmosphere enveloped them all. However, amidst the joyful chorus, Ymir's expression shifted, her eyes narrowing into fiery eyes of resentment that were fixed upon Reiner, her fury almost tangible. Meanwhile, Jaime looked insulted.

"Me and Ymir, hell no. She's not my type," Jaime quickly declined with a shake of his head; Ymir looked at him, not sure if that was a compliment or not. Meanwhile, Krista, unable to contain her amusement, erupted into a cascade of playful giggles, thoroughly entertained by the whole exchange.

"What's your type?" Sasha inquired eagerly, her head tilted to the side, her vibrant eyes sparkling with curiosity. From her seat, she observed Connie, who sat beside her, shivering uncontrollably, as if caught in the grip of an arctic breeze. Every tremor seemed to ripple through his body, causing his lower jaw to quiver like a delicate leaf caught in the wind.

"Well, I didn't really think of it, but someone that is strong and knows how to kick ass," Jaime answered with a small shrug; his words earned him a teasing look from Ymir, who wasted no time speaking dramatically.

"Well, if that's what you want, I know the perfect woman for you," Ymir declared dramatically as she sat beside him, bringing her arm around him and giving him a side hug much to his annoyance as he tried to escape her clutches.

"Don't you start, ugly freckles, don't drag me into your stupid game," Jaime complained as he tried to escape from Ymir's clutches, even giving Annie a look for help, but Annie seemed to enjoy the silly show they were putting on.

"Too late pretty boy you are already here, as for your woman-" her words were rudely interrupted by the thunderous crash of the wooden door bursting open. Its backside collided with the wall, creating a resounding echo that reverberated through the room. As the door swung wide, a gust of freezing air infiltrated the space, sending a collective shiver down the spines of everyone present, reaching deep into the very marrow of their bones. Amidst the chilling chaos, Jaime's keen eyes swiftly caught sight of a mysterious figure standing stoically in the doorway.

Jaime's voice cut through the air like a dagger. With an unmistakable tone of sarcasm dripping from his words, Jaime exclaimed, "Ohh, it's our dear Instructor." As his statement hung in the air, the room fell into stunned silence, all eyes fixated on Jaime, their faces reflecting shock and disbelief. Unbeknownst to Jaime, the very subject of his mockery had quietly entered the common room, closing the door behind him with a resolute thud. The instructor, clad in thick gloves, scanned the sea of faces, his piercing gaze finally settling on Jaime.

"Don't worry, cadet Jaime, once you finish the training corps, you won't have to see me again," Shadis commented with a glare towards Jaime, who wasn't bothered by his glare.

"Do you promise?" Jaime's eyes sparkled with hope as the question lingered in the air. Standing by Jaime's side, Ymir felt a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of their lips, but they suppressed the urge to giggle, not wanting to break the moment's seriousness.

Meanwhile, Shadis couldn't help but release a weary sigh, his voice barely audible as he muttered, 'Stupid Younglings,' under his breath, his frustration veiled behind a facade of gruffness.

"Instructor," Jean questioned with a shudder, his voice trembling in the frigid air, "do we need to be out there again?" His apprehension mirrored that of his classmates, who shared the same sentiment of reluctance. The prospect of stepping outside into the relentless snowfall, seemingly perpetual in its descent, coupled with the biting, unforgiving gusts of wind, made their hearts sink.

"Yes. This is an important mission for your final placement. All of you will be divided into groups of five, each one of you will have to carry 20 kg of equipment on your bags, and you will walk five kilometres, until you reach the second Training Camp, you will walk north until you find it." Shadis bellowed his order, his voice resounding like thunderbolts in the vast expanse of the common room. As his words reverberated against the walls, their intensity carried a weight that left no room for misinterpretation. The cadets, on the verge of expressing their discontent, were silenced in an instant by the glare that emanated from Shadis's piercing eyes. It was a gaze that spoke volumes, a glare that could quell the mightiest of protests, and with a mere glance.

Many looked horrified at the thought of venturing outside during a snowstorm and in the middle of the night on top of that. Eren looked determined, while Mikasa looked at both Eren and Armin with concern, hoping she was on the same team as them.

"I wonder who will be in my group!" Jaime wondered out loud, a little bothered by the training. Cold was never his strongest suit, and now they needed to walk 5 kilometers like mules during a Snowstorm.



In the midst of a relentless snowstorm at dusk, with the snowflakes cascading from the heavens, Ymir, her voice laced with frustration, exclaimed for the fifth time, "I swear, Shadis is out of his mind!" Each step she took through the treacherous terrain became more arduous, the weight of the snow increasing with each passing moment. The once familiar landscape was shrouded in a white veil, obscuring any objects beyond a mere five meters. As the snow accumulated to a foot deep, it became an insurmountable obstacle. To exacerbate matters, the unforgiving wind howled fiercely, impeding their progress. With no respite in sight, they trudged uphill with no ODM Gear.

"I always said that man was brought here only to torture us," Jaime commented beside Ymir as he nodded in agreement with her. Annie, Krista, and Daz were walking right behind Ymir and Jaime, who were leading the group. Ymir had wanted to take Krista's weight, but she refused multiple times, saying she could handle herself.

As the group persevered in their arduous journey through the snow-covered terrain, Jaime took charge at the forefront. He ingeniously devised a system using a sturdy rope to tether every member together, ensuring their safety should anyone encounter a treacherous slip and perilous descent down the snowy slopes. They continued their arduous climb. With each step forward, Jaime found himself at the mercy of the biting wind, mercilessly assaulting his face with an icy intensity. The frigid gusts relentlessly buffeted his lower jaw, causing it to quiver involuntarily, while his nose and ears bore the brunt of the numbing cold. A chilling sensation enveloped him.

With a heavy sigh, Jaime shook his head, feeling the rhythmic thumping of his heart quicken its pace in his chest. Step by step, their group pressed forward, their determination fueling their weary legs. But at last, after what felt like an eternity, they triumphantly reached the pinnacle of the hill. Overwhelmed with relief and a sense of accomplishment, Jaime stretched out his hand, extending it downwards to offer assistance to each member of their party, ensuring their safe climb to the summit. Annie, the last to ascend, gratefully grasped his hand.

"Thank you, Jaime," With a gentle hush in her voice, Annie expressed her gratitude, her words floating in the chilly air like a whispered secret. Jaime reciprocated with a warm smile that thawed the frosty surroundings, causing a tinge of color to grace his cheeks. Intensified further by the mesmerizing gaze of Annie's enchanting, azure eyes.

"You're most welcome, Annie," Jaime replied with a tinge of bashfulness, his cheeks warming with a faint blush. The group collectively shifted their gaze towards the vast expanse that lay ahead—their next leg of the journey. A magnificent forest loomed in front of their eyes, its towering trees. Yet, as they surveyed the distance, their eyes caught sight of a breathtaking sight: the second Training Corps Camp, a mere four kilometers away. Despite the relentless snowstorm that enveloped them, the camp's illuminated buildings stood out like beacons of hope amidst the darkness. The multiple lanterns casting their warm glow created an ethereal ambiance, infusing Jaime with an unwavering resolve to forge ahead.

"T-this is madness!!" Daz complained, his voice echoing through the frigid night air. As if the bone-chilling cold wasn't enough, he started coughing violently, his body convulsing with each cough, desperately trying to suppress them as he covered his mouth with gloved hands. Jaime, standing beside him, couldn't help but nod in agreement, his breath visible in the freezing temperatures. But that wasn't all. They had to travel five kilometers, burdened with heavy bags that seemed to weigh them down even more in this unforgiving landscape. The howling wind seemed to mock their determination, whipping their faces with icy lashes.

"We can't stop here, not even for a moment. If we stop, we die. Only if we keep going, we can win," Jaime shouted at them; they all nodded in understanding except Daz, who stood apart, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion, threatening to close and surrender him to the embrace of sleep. Sensing Daz's struggle to stay awake, Jaime's concern propelled him forward, closing the distance between them in swift strides. Now more urgent, his voice pierced the silence as he stood toe-to-toe with Daz.

Jaime's voice pierced the biting cold as he vehemently shouted, his words laced with urgency and concern, "Do not fall asleep." In a swift motion, his hand met Daz's face repeatedly, the resounding slaps echoing through the wintry landscape. As the flawless white snowflakes gracefully descended around them, Daz's eyes widened in response, their once heavy lids now alert and fully awakened.

With unwavering determination, Jaime's voice carried a weight of solemnity as he cautioned, "If you fall asleep, you will reach that camp only as a corpse." The gravity of Jaime's words resonated deeply within Daz, the imminent peril of sleep in freezing temperatures becoming all too apparent. Daz nodded, his trembling hands instinctively seeking warmth as he vigorously rubbed his arms, fighting against the encroaching chill.

"Do not venture far, and don't try to split; there might be a sudden steep nearby covered by the snow just waiting for you to fall," Jaime instructed, looking at his group; each one nodded in understanding. Jaime turned around and walked forward first through the heavy snowstorm.

The group kept walking through the snow, step after step, falling after falling, getting up; nonetheless, they kept moving forward.

As they trudged through the unforgiving snowstorm, Krista's heart sank with each step. After what felt like an eternity, having progressed a grueling kilometer, she glanced over at Jaime, her eyes brimming with concern. Despite his unwavering determination to lead the way, she could see the toll the treacherous journey was taking on him. The biting wind whipped through the air, carrying her voice with it as she mustered the energy to call out to him. "Jaime, can we rest?" she asked, her words barely audible amidst the howling storm. But Jaime, undeterred and focused on their mission, didn't even turn to face her. Instead, he shook his head.

"Not on this weather, we are completely exposed. As long as we are awake, our body will try to keep us warm, if we fall asleep, we will be like a rusted ODM Gear, we won't work as good and as fast, this is why is dangerous to sleep in cold weather like this," Jaime shouted, as he struggled against the wind, but nonetheless kept pushing forward, not allowing himself to fall.

Eventually, being only three kilometers away from the training camp. However, the relentless journey had taken its toll, leaving not just Daz but the entire group struggling to keep their eyes open and their weary bodies moving forward. With each step, their once brisk walking pace had gradually slowed as if the weight of exhaustion and the biting cold had conspired against their progress. The relentless snowstorm, growing in intensity with every passing moment, unleashed its fury upon them, transforming the serene winter wonderland into a treacherous labyrinth of swirling snowflakes and icy gusts. Each breath became a battle against the frigid air, and every footfall was a test of endurance.

As Jaime pressed on through the freezing temperatures, his face glistened with beads of sweat and flushed from the bitter cold, his skin burning. Each labored breath hung in the frigid air, mingling with Krista's exasperated gasps, which resonated with a deeper exhaustion than Jaime could fathom. Yet, amidst this sea of weariness, Annie and Ymir are seemingly unfazed by the arduous journey. Jaime stole a glance backward, his concern growing as he observed Daz, who struggled to maintain pace and appeared perilously close to succumbing to exhaustion, teetering on the precipice of collapse.

Daz had suggested several times that they needed to rest, but Jaime had refused, saying they needed to keep going; if they stopped to rest, it would be difficult to stay awake; if they fell asleep, then it's already over for all of them, falling asleep in cold temperatures was almost a death sentence.

Jaime looked behind and looked at Daz, who was barely walking anymore. The weight of exhaustion bore down on Daz, forcing him to halt his sluggish movements. A wave of unease washed over Jaime as he witnessed Daz's weary gaze fixated upon the wintry terrain, his footsteps swallowed by the pristine white snow. "Daz!" Jaime's voice pierced the frigid air, laced with a mixture of worry and urgency. But there was no response, only the haunting silence. With a sudden, bone-chilling thud, Daz's body plummeted onto the icy ground, his motionless form now a stark contrast to the ever-shifting landscape.

Krista's voice pierced the air with undeniable concern, echoing through the desolate surroundings, "No, No. Daz!!" Her heart raced as she and Jaime hastened towards the lifeless form lying before them, their footsteps echoing against the cold, hard ground. As they closed the distance, Jaime delicately placed the tip of his index and middle finger beneath Daz's quivering chin. Time seemed to stand still as Jaime sought a sign of life, his own pulse pounding in his temples, until at last, a faint but unmistakable beat coursed through his fingertips, prompting a sigh of immense relief to escape his lips, knowing he wasn't dead, yet.

"Daz, Wake Up, Wake Up!!!" Krista's urgent cry echoed through the quiet winter air, her voice resonating with a mix of desperation and anxiety. Filled with concern, she repeatedly called out to him, each word punctuated by a crack in her voice. She pressed against his body with determined hands, hoping to stir even the slightest response. But Daz remained motionless, lying sprawled on his back amidst the pristine snowy landscape. His chest rose and fell with each breath.

"We need to get to the training camp as soon as possible," Jaime warned as he quickly removed his bag from his back, as did Krista. Ymir reluctantly went to help, but Annie simply stood there watching them without moving an inch.

"We need to drag him through the snow; we can use our bags to form a makeshift sled for him; it will buy us some time," Jaime instructed, both Ymir and Krista nodded in understanding when he noticed Annie not moving, and simply standing there.

"Annie, what are you doing, we need your help!" Jaime shouted as he walked up to her, but Annie simply looked away from him.

"We should leave him." As the words spilled out of Annie's mouth, her voice dripping with icy disdain, a chilling breeze seemed to sweep through the air. The weight of her statement hung in the air, causing Jaime's violet eyes to widen in sheer disbelief, their once lively sparkle now replaced with a stunned expression. Krista couldn't help but let out an audible gasp. Ymir's piercing glare locked onto Annie, a fierce intensity burning in her eyes as if daring her to utter another word.

Jaime's violet eyes quickly narrowed, looking straight at Annie's blue eyes. "We are not leaving him." He declared with a growl, completely ignoring that he himself was breathing heavily from the cold and exhaustion.

"Jaime, look at yourself. You're tired, just like Krista. If we start dragging Daz, he will slow us down even more and waste time. Time we don't have," Annie reasoned with a hint of concern in her voice, not backing away from what she said. Jaime glared at her, but despite his anger, he knew she had a point...

No, No, never. Arthur would be ashamed of me if I just abandoned a fellow cadet to die, Jaime thought, a flash of his little bro's skinny face passed through his eyes.

"Then leave," Jaime growled at Annie, making her eyes widen. "I will not abandon a fellow cadet. If I did, then I might as well kill him myself right now. Do you want to go to safety, then go." Jaime spoke commandingly as he turned around and walked away from her, a part of him feeling regret for saying that. he knew Annie was concerned for them, but he couldn't abandon a fellow cadet.

Never again.

Soon, they made a makeshift sled; Jaime's nimble fingers deftly tied a sturdy rope around Daz's body, ensuring his safety on the journey that lay ahead, while blankets upon blankets were meticulously draped over him, forming a cocoon of warmth against the unforgiving cold. As the makeshift sled stood ready, Jaime's gaze swept across the wintry landscape, searching for Annie. Yet, she was nowhere to be found. A sense of melancholy tugged at his heart as he examined the imprints left by her footsteps in the pristine snow.

"Don't worry, Jaime. We are together in this," Ymir's voice cut through the frosty air, her words laced with an unexpected blend of determination and compassion. A genuine smile graced her face as she gently patted his shoulder, a comforting gesture that spoke volumes more than mere words ever could. With a newfound resolve, Jaime mirrored Ymir's smile, his eyes glinting with a glimmer of hope. Jaime decided to follow Annie's footsteps, knowing it would lead them to the Camp.

"Thank you, Ymir."

With each deliberate step he took, Jaime felt the weight of his weary body pressing down upon him, his breaths growing labored and heavy in the chill of the winter air. His legs trembled beneath him as he trudged forward, weakened by the arduous journey through the unforgiving terrain. Each flake that descended from the heavens added to the already formidable depth of the snow, which now reached a towering one and a half feet. Despite the mounting obstacles, Jaime was determined to push forward, his determination fueled by the distant glow of the Training Camp's lights, a beacon of hope in the midst of his struggle. The lights of the Training Camp far away gave him the will he needed but not the strength.

If only I had been stronger, Jaime thought as he shivered from the cold, his hands holding the rope for so long that he felt like he couldn't let go of the rope even if he wanted to.

Arthur would have been here with us, Jaime thought, feeling his eyes burning as he remembered his scream of pain echoing in his mind, the blood flowing everywhere through the air, and the man laughing.

"Jaime," Ymir's voice echoed through the icy wilderness, a mix of frustration and determination laced within her words, "let me drag the damn thing!" With an assertive motion, she snatched the rope from Jaime's hand, causing him to stumble and nearly collapse onto his knees. Gasping for air, his breaths felt like frigid blades piercing his vulnerable neck, the bitter cold intensifying with each passing moment. As Jaime's gaze shifted towards Krista, he could see the toll of their arduous journey etched upon her weary face. Every step forward seemed to drain the last remnants of her strength, leaving her on the precipice of exhaustion.

As Jaime pressed on, he felt an overwhelming surge of exhaustion coursing through his weary body, akin to a relentless wave. Despite his weariness, his legs seemed to possess a mind of their own, propelling him forward with an unyielding determination. Jaime sensed that he and his destination were tantalizingly close, with only one more kilometer remaining. "Almost there," he whispered to himself, the words echoing like a mantra in his mind. As his vision gradually dimmed, surrendering to the encroaching darkness, a distant voice pierced through the silence, urgently calling out his name.

' With hopeful eyes shining brightly, Arthur innocently posed a question that danced with anticipation in the air, "We will eat like Kings, right?" As Jaime deftly secured his trusty knife in a hidden pocket on his pants, he meticulously ran through a mental checklist, ensuring he had everything in place. With a gentle creak, the door of their weathered abode swung open.

"We will; I promised you, after all." Jaime quickly answered, with the biggest smile he could muster as he looked at his little bro over his shoulder before turning to look forward. Jaime rubbed his forehead in exhaustion and hunger, and his stomach rumbled with such voracity that it seemed like an abyss yearning to be filled. Just as his weariness threatened to overcome him, a sudden embrace from behind caught him by surprise, Arthur's arms enveloping him in a comforting embrace from behind.

"W-what are you doing?" Jaime asked in confusion as he looked at his little bro's face over his shoulder.

"A hug, everyone needs a hug every once in a while." 

Jaime's eyes shot open, his heart pounding in his chest as he jolted awake. With a sudden burst of energy, he swiftly propelled his upper body upwards, rising from the comforting embrace of the plush, cloud-like mattress beneath him. However, a flicker of confusion momentarily clouded his thoughts as he questioned the nature of his sleeping arrangement. Casting his gaze downward, he discovered himself nestled upon a luxurious bed adorned with silky sheets that whispered against his skin and a meticulously fluffed pillow.


Jaime suddenly felt a surge of warmth enveloping him just as he swiveled his head around, meeting Krista's embrace in perfect synchrony. Despite the weariness coursing through his veins, Jaime instinctively reciprocated the hug. As their hug lingered, Jaime's gaze shifted and locked onto Ymir, who was perched near his bedside, looking at him with both relief and anger.

"I thought you were gone!" Krista cried out against his shoulder; Jaime hugged her even more tightly, feeling terrible for making her so concerned about him. Jaime looked at Ymir, who, for once, didn't seem bothered that he was hugging Krista.

"What happened?" Jaime asked, confused, as Krista pulled away from him, a constant smile on her face, as she sat beside him on the bed.

"Annie returned with two other groups to find us just as you fell asleep. They helped us carry you, Krista, and Daz here. Jean was also very concerned for you, as were everyone else." Ymir explained before standing up from her seat and glaring down at Jaime, who almost felt like a child ready to be scolded by his mentor.

"You're a moron, Jaime." Ymir scolded with an angry expression.

Suddenly, Ymir enveloped him and Krista in a big, warm hug, much to Jaime and Krista's surprise. "Don't tell this anyone, but I'm glad you are still alive, Jaime," Ymir spoke with relief in her voice as she held Jaime and Krista close to her; Krista giggled cutely while Jaime chuckled.

"Sorry to disappoint you, ugly freckles; I guess you have to bear me for a bit longer." Jaime teased as Ymir ended the friendly hug, a teasing smirk on her face.

"If it wasn't for Krista. I would have abandoned you, midget," Ymir joked, earning a scolding look from Krista while Jaime laughed in amusement.



"How are you feeling, Jaime?" Jean asked with a look of relief as almost everyone else was sitting in the common room of the second Training Camp. Jaime just finished telling Jean, Eren, and a few others what happened during the expedition, excluding the part he yelled at Annie.

Jean then explained how he and Marco had taken turns dragging him through the snow while Mikasa had pulled the sled with Daz all by herself, which impressed Jaime.

"Thank you, Mikasa," Jaime said gratefully. The girl simply offered a smile in return; everyone was relieved that Daz was able to survive.

"How did it go for the rest of you? Encounter any bears, Reiner?" Jaime teased as he gently swirled the steaming cup of aromatic tea in his right hand. As he savored the comforting warmth that seeped into his frozen fingers, the tantalizing blend of flavors danced on his taste buds, a delightful respite after braving the relentless onslaught of the snowstorm.

"Sadly no. If we did, I would have wrestled with the bear," Reiner said with a laugh, many around him chuckled in amusement, especially Armin who remembered the squirrel incident many moons ago.

Jaime looked around and quickly noticed someone was missing. "Where's Annie?"

"Outside," Jean answered right away, pointing at the door behind him with his thumb.

"Well. I need to talk with her," Jaime said as he placed down the hot cup of tea on the table, standing up from his chair and walking outside, not attracting much attention besides the attention of one Bertholdt, who looked at him with envy.

As Jaime cautiously stepped outside, the chilly night air enveloped him, the remnants of winter still lingering. The moon cast an ethereal glow upon the quiet scene, illuminating the glistening blanket of snow that had finally ceased its graceful descent from the heavens. Jaime's gaze swept the surroundings with a sense of relief until his violet eyes locked onto Annie, standing solitary amidst the stillness. There she stood, her arms crossed tightly against her body, seeking solace in her own warmth as she gazed intently at the celestial tapestry above. Like tiny diamonds strewn across the velvet sky, the stars twinkled in unison.

Jaime walked up to her quietly and looked upwards, just like her. "What are you thinking about it?"

"My father. I haven't seen him in a long time. I really wish to see him again." As Annie began to speak, her voice carried a delicate hint of melancholy, something that Jaime had never heard from her. Jaime couldn't help but offer her a sympathetic smile.

"I think I can say the same for my mentor. While he was tough on his training and often perhaps a little too harsh. I still wish to see the son of a bitch again." Jaime added with melancholy in his eyes. Silence fell over, and nothing could be heard besides the sound of the wind of winter blowing by.

"I'm sorry for leaving,"

Jaime turned to look at her in complete shock. He had expected many things from her, but Annie, the Ice Queen as some called her, apologizing to him wasn't one of them.

"You still returned with everyone else." Jaime quickly added.

"Ymir told me how you didn't allow anyone else to pull the sled, until you exhausted yourself. If I had been there, we could have pulled the sled, and we wouldn't have needed anyone finding us." Annie countered, but at the same time yelling at herself mentally for saying anything to Jaime, for spending time with him.

'What is wrong with me? Remember, you will betray all of them.' Annie told herself over and over, trying to remember her father's words to her, his words to never trust anyone, but her mind inevitably went to Jaime, the foolish boy who had somehow, right under her nose had touched her heart without her consent, and now, she didn't want him to leave.

"Maybe, but what you did proves something to me," Jaime said with a look of triumph; his words caused Annie to turn her face and look at him, her blue eyes looking at his violet eyes, a look of intrigue on her face.

"Prove what?"

"That beyond all that ice, you have a heart just like everyone else. That heart proves that you're human, and you're a kind one." Jaime said wholeheartedly, stepping closer towards her, feeling embarrassed for saying such words, especially to Annie of all people.

Annie's gaze abruptly shifted away from Jaime, leaving him bewildered by her sudden change in demeanor. As he observed her visage, a mixture of confusion and regret intertwined, etching itself onto her delicate features. "I-I am not kind, Jaime. I have done terrible things. If you knew, you would hate me." Annie said with regret and sadness, and for the first time ever, her voice shed its protective armor, unveiling a vulnerability that had remained concealed until now, something Jaime had never heard before.

"I have done bad things too," Jaime added his voice cracking, looking away from Annie, his eyes burning, tears forming, but he quickly wiped them away with his palm.

Annie simply watched Jaime; she didn't say anything as he took a deep breath to calm himself and finally turned to look at her. "All that matters is who you are now; that's what matters. We all make mistakes, but learning from those mistakes makes us all better people; that's why we make mistakes exist. So we can learn." Jaime said.

Annie's eyes widened slightly, and she closed her eyes, remembering her father's words.

"Never feel for your enemy. Think of them as bags of flesh and bones. They're your enemy. They have no faces. No feelings. No loved ones are waiting for them. No one cares for bags of flesh and blood. That is what an enemy is."

Annie opened her eyes and looked at Jaime, and he wasn't anything how her father had said an enemy is like. For a whole minute, there was nothing but silence between them until Jaime carefully placed his hand on her shoulder, but Annie didn't seem to mind.

"Let's get inside. I wanted to sing a song, and I want you to listen to it," Jaime encouraged. This made Annie giggle; she didn't know why, but she giggled as she felt a warm feeling on her stomach.

"Ah, Jaime the singer, you know in another world without Titans. You would have thousands of people wanting to listen to your voice." Annie said with a stupid smile that she tried to get rid of but couldn't.

"Maybe, but I'm happy how I am," Jaime said as he and Annie walked inside and returned to the others. It didn't take long for Reiner to suggest that Jaime sing a song after a grueling training.

"Reiner, maybe you should try yourself. Who knows, your voice might make everyone fall in love with you," Jaime japed, earning a burst of laughter from Reiner.

"Maybe next time."

Jaime stood up; having everyone's attention made him nervous once again, but he mustered enough strength to start singing.

"High in the halls of the kings who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found

And the ones who had loved her the most

The ones who'd been gone for so very long

She couldn't remember their names

They spun her around on the damp old stones

Spun away all her sorrow and pain

And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave

They danced through the day

And into the night through the snow that swept through the hall

From winter to summer then winter again

Til the walls did crumble and fall

And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave

And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave

High in the halls of the kings who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found

And the ones Who had loved her the most."

As the final note of Jaime's melody lingered in the air, a hushed silence enveloped the room, drawing the attention of every soul present. Then, like a sudden burst of sunlight after a storm, the applause erupted from the hands of Krista and Ymir, their fervent claps resonating with genuine appreciation. The sound reverberated through the room, a contagious ripple spreading like wildfire as the crowd joined in one by one.

In the midst of this overwhelming display of approval, Jaime felt his cheeks flush with a delicate shade of crimson. It was not the first time he had shared his musical prowess, yet the sting of embarrassment still managed to find its way into his heart. The conflicting emotions swirled within him like a tempestuous whirlwind, intertwining with a sense of relief that washed over him like a gentle tide.

"Jaime, can you sing a song about food?" Sasha asked enthusiastically, causing many to laugh.

"I don't really know one, Sasha, but I promise I will come up with something and sing the song just for you," Jaime promised; this made Sasha smile in joy.



The weather was much better the following day, and all the cadets returned to the main camp, but this time as a big group.

Let me know in the comments what You think about the Chapter. I Hope You have a Wonderful Day.