
Warming Temperature

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

An Feng walked to the window and saw the tall figure getting off his car.

He was wearing a nice white shirt and pants, his sleeves rolled up slightly and pushed behind his elbows, exposing his firm and muscular arms.

She didn't know if it was because of the street light, but his facial features seemed exceptionally well-defined with an experience that only mature men had.

He walked towards the castle with large steps.

However, he had only taken a few steps when he suddenly stopped and glanced towards the room where An Feng was.

An Feng's heart thumped.

She hurriedly put down the curtains and lay on the bed.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Helian Xiao entered.

Seeing the woman lying on the bed, Helian Xiao walked over. "The Old Madam doesn't know the situation, so she did all this. Are you angry?"