
Atlas Of Murder

Medical Examiner Geun Namkyu is fresh out of school and has just closed his tenth case. Suddenly his brother goes missing and while the police look for him, the abductor is sending Namkyu pieces of him. He is trying to keep it together but it is getting beyond difficult when every single one of the cases that lands on Namkyu 's table has a piece of Jinyoung's body. Detective Lee does his absolute best to find the killer that is messing up his station before a lot of people end up dead but every time he gets a clue , he meets a dead end. Worst of all the clues lead to Geun Namkyu The question becomes is the killer causing a distraction so they can finish their puzzle of body parts or are they trying to send a message

Orianne_Hennessey · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Chapter 26

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍"Can I come with you ?", Jinyoung sulked


" but I can help ",

"I know !", Yesang was getting angry 

"Then let me come ",

" no !",

Jinyoung pouted and almost cried when he saw Yesang preparing his mask . Yesang was going to meet ilseong and the others for another mission that is going be in Rhodesia and he needs to make it in time to rediscuss the plan again . . it would prove to be a lot better for mission if they make sure that they are on the same page each time . And with the last time that they went out on mission and they found out that there was a missing civilian, Yesang would like to make sure such things won't exist .

Anyway the most crucial thing right now would be for Yesang to find out from Ilseong if the person that they thought was in the attic actually was and to explain what on earth it meant that there were three people at the mission when he only saw two . of course there is a possibility that Ilseong could withhold the facts but Yesang isn't counting on it . 

Now in the issue with Jinyoung. It is true that Jinyoung can help but the last thing that Yesang needs is for Kwangsun or any of his minions to be aware of Jinyoung's existence. It's just best to keep him a secret now and it's quiet absurd that Jinyoung doesn't understand that .

Jinyoung took out his phone and he started to play with it while vigorously typing on the screen . He had been journaling a lot and funny enough, he doesn't journal events nor emotions but rather matches . he writes down everyday as if he was having a tennis session and there are only him as all the players . Each entry the players have different characteristics in terms of only hair color . 

Yesang has read the journals multiple times and feels jinyoung writes the worst kinds of fiction because no one likes fiction about sports . He doesn't understand this form of writing because he doesn't like to write stuff down . he might collect parts of his victims to build some sort of atlas but that is only because part of the killings that he is ordered on require him to take away a part . 

Initially Yesang thought that they wanted the police to think that he is building a person but if so shouldn't Yesang pick people with the most appealing of the attributes . for example a hand-model for hands , a celebrity for skin, a person who doesn't work for fresh legs and a dentist for teeth . But he doesn't . The targets are just randomly and the confusing part is that after every mission he has to leave the body parts with San who is his major international agent and is currently in the country . He meets San near an old abandoned church some days after every mission. 

He watched Jinyoung sitting cross-legged on the dresser table and wanted to tell him that he will take him on the next one but he didn't . he would rather he didn't engage in this sort of lifestyle nor find pleasure in it . 

Yesang was never planning on living with Namkyu's brother let alone working next to him . now Jinyoung knows almost everything about Yesang except about Sangon of course . He actually doesn't even know how the conversation started for him to end up being able to tell him that he will be going on missions.

And yesterday after dinner , Jinyoung asked about Luke and Yesang told him to figure it out because he won't be around for a while . Jinyoung immediately asked to come along but Yesang refused .

Then they went to work out and Jinyoung requested again . Hours later, Yesang went to work on his computer to debrief his contract aka San and then again Jinyoung plead again . this time he had the audacity to to even sound sad . 

At around evening during dinner , he shamelessly stared at Yesang the whole time and before Yesang could call him off for it , he blurted out that he wishes to come and will be very obedient. At that point Yesang was ready to slap a face . he had never knew that someone could be so persistent to this extent. If this strategy ever worked with Namkyu he really should applaud him for letting Jinyoung live this long because he probably would have hit him black and blue .

"It's not that I don't your ability , it's just that I don't want them knowing about you . their ability to employ me to handle their business means they are really below the knee. Another thing is that with the last time they knew about where you were and them hurting the female-person( sehu ) means that you could be next . the only safe place you could be... ", 

"... Is next to you but it's fine I will stay home and try on all your clothes then play on your bed while reading old-lady novels ", he answered and climbed off the dressing table before walking out the room 

Yesang picked a tub of cream and threw it to Jinyoung who dodged it this letting the contents spill out . He turned and looked at Yesang . in the next second Yesang threw another one and Jinyoung dodged that one . He tossed another and this time jinyoung caught it . 

Yesang stood up and he opened a drawer to take out more cream tubs but Jinyoung already caught him and aggressively pinned him on the dresser . 

" I said I will stay ", 


" then what are you doing ? ", 

"I DON'T KNOW !", he screamed 

Jinyoung slowly let go of him but Yesang didn't move. before they could talk about that , Jinyoung walked away from the scene . 


Ilseong proceeded to pull some painkillers from the sink and he swallowed them with the bloody bottle of vodka .Aside from the bottle , the bin of this extremely luxurious bathroom was filled with bloody tissues and some of the blood on the mirror with some of the counters. Spatters were on the ground while a descent amount of blood was on the floor .

His hair had stuck to his face due to sweating but the way he grimaced to the burning sensation of the liquid travelling to his empty stomach was evident . he knows he wouldn't drink or take pills on an empty stomach but he is really desperate . with trembling hands he undid his shirt and threw it on the floor , revealing the repertoire of bruises, cuts , swelling and raining wounds. His face was so pale , his skin dry and his composure shaken as because of the injuries. he pulled a syringe and he stabbed himself near his abs . he begun to gently pry out the glass bits . with every single prince that he managed to remove he would tense up so bad making him even more dizzy . he groaned so vocally and would occasionally take a sip of the vodka which was making him even more dazed .

After a handful of minutes he was horrendously exhausted but he had to get ready .Ilseong wrapped the bandage over his entire chest and some on his forearms . he placed his arms in ice to cool off the swellinv but this just made him even more red. he pulled the nearest mask and slid it onto his face and he started to dress in combat wear. He used the same theme as the last time that he went on a mission with Yesang but this time he made a lot more lose and way less seductive 

A few hours later he met the others at the aviation hall which was currently devoid of life . They boarded a medium-sized jet and in a matter of minutes it took off .

Today's mask looked a lot more thinner simply because Yesang spilled most of the cream while hitting Jinyoung with the tubs. Usually ilseong peers at Yesang but today it is as of he don't know he was present. He basically wasn't in the mood to play cat and mouse with Yesang so he just sat down and closed his eyes .

" today's mission is a little different because we are targeting someone at military base in south Rhodesia . that means that we are going to have to fly there and stay for for five days then come back so basically that's two weeks of intense life ", woojin proposed

"Two weeks in a tent with you guys ?", Ilseong complained while his eyes were closed . the turbulence plus anaesthesia plus painkillers plus pain plus vodka plus lack of glucose was mutilating him but he had to swallow it all up . Yesang would occasionally stare at him because he could tell something was wrong but he knew ilseong won't wanna talk about it .

" shawty , we ain't ground hogs, we aren't gonna be sleeping on the debris. The big man has let us blow some cheese ", tomi stated and checked Yesang finding him boring daggers at him .

Tomo stood up and recited the plan 

The profile for this mission is an unlikely member. Ilseong went digging like Kwangsun instructed him to and he found out that although the secretary shared among his colleagues he wasn't talking about the one under the formal-line of employment. Ilseong found that a general was given a duplicate of the documents and he keeps them as leverage which is how he is about to keep his position in the army .

The general had got hits ordered on him many times but each time managed to live . they never ordered Yesang to do it because they know he will deliver therefore Yesang is sort of skeptical if it won't be cumbersome if they end up killing him . funny enough , Kwangsun doesn't care if he does die, all he wants are the documents. 

The flight remained airborne for a while that the others eventually fell asleep but Yesang couldn't . he peaked over and he saw the ilseong was sleeping . he was sweating a little too much in his sleep and so Yesang thought to ask the pilot to low the temperature but he didn't do that .

He took out his watch and unlocked it . he wasn't planning on bringing any gadgets but he really needs to monitor some things even though he is so far away . there were many notifications that his battery on his phone , tablet and laptop were low . he knows that jinyoung must be using them and drying them out of spite . 

He sighed and he looked back to ilseong who was awake and glared at him through half-dazed eyes . it was like he could make out that it was Yesang but he wasn't sure if indeed it was him . For some arbitrary reason, the space felt like it was spinning and Ilseong felt like the color in his eyes was just being replaced by a curtain of darkness


" remind me again how we are going to get the police reports ! ", 

Jinyoung ignored him and carried on typing on Yesang's computer . 

He had brought it with him to the attic where he still had Luke tied up . He wasn't planning on releasing him until he is sure that he can be relied on . therefore right now he is trying to face id Luke for the pictures that he took of him while he was asleep but nothing is showing up . it is as bizarre as it is intriguing .

"What is your legal name ?", 

"Just shoot me !", Luke yelled at him in his home language which Jinyoung had never heard of 

He pushed aside the PC and he proceeded to walk up to him and he undid the locks . Next Luke slapped him 

" don't ever pour water on me ! ", he yelled 

Jinyoung rotated back to him and he hit him as well . Luke didn't flinch to that and watched Jinyoung in amazement 

"Don't ever touch my face !", he barked and Luke huffed