
Atlas Of Murder

Medical Examiner Geun Namkyu is fresh out of school and has just closed his tenth case. Suddenly his brother goes missing and while the police look for him, the abductor is sending Namkyu pieces of him. He is trying to keep it together but it is getting beyond difficult when every single one of the cases that lands on Namkyu 's table has a piece of Jinyoung's body. Detective Lee does his absolute best to find the killer that is messing up his station before a lot of people end up dead but every time he gets a clue , he meets a dead end. Worst of all the clues lead to Geun Namkyu The question becomes is the killer causing a distraction so they can finish their puzzle of body parts or are they trying to send a message

Orianne_Hennessey · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Chapter 11

‍‍‍‍‍ChaeWon ‍: we let him go because the street cameras and the club were his alibi. We didn't ask Namkyu because he was hospitalized the whole time. Following this girl to her work place , we realize that she had taken a two day off saying she was unwell. The boss say she lives alone and doesn't know any of her friends. Her phone didn't receive or transmit any unusual calls. Basically we are staring at a blank wall.

Minjun: What about the doctor?

Chohee: The CCTV is missing and a lot of workers have accessed the room that day. All prints were taken and all have alibis.

Garam: The college female?

GyeongJa: Autopsy show she wasn't pregnant and she wasn't having any significant arguments with anyone. There was this other girl whom they were fighting over a boy but both his and her alibis check out.

Dongshik: Jiwoo?

ChaeWon: No breakthrough as of current.

" Garam, Bomsoek and Yeonghwan , prepare the room for interrogation with ChaeWon. GyeongJa , go get Namkyu ", Dongshik instructed and Garam responded with a yes.


Chohee: we have to prepare some points. So far I find the car thing not linking up at all.

Bomsoek: GyeongJa said that a doctor came to examine Namkyu, soon after the Gyutae turned out to be dead. Gyutae was the one instructed to enter the room. Something is confusing me.

Shiyang stood up in front of the white board. By default, Minjun gave him the marker

Shiyang : Gyutae was drugged and then stabbed multiple times. He was assigned Namkyu at around eleven and his body was found two hours later. GyeongJa said that Gyutae came into the room carrying pills but less than twenty-five minutes later ,there was an emergency

Yeonghwan: Sir , what are you saying?

Shiyang: Gyutae was found when he was ten minutes dead. He must have gone back to the pill cabinet after examining Namkyu . How long did the examination take ? How many routes can be taken before reaching the cabinet?

Garam: Inspector Lee, it's obvious that Shiyang was murdered.

Shiyang: but we don't know if the body in the cabinet is the doctor that touched Namkyu? If we can prove the impossibility of it being one person, then we can be certain that Namkyu met the killer or thier apprentices. Moreover we can be sure that , some words have been exchanged.

Chohee : what makes you think they would talk?

Shiyang: a killer only ever goes into the game to relay the rules or to watch other players lose. I am sure they said something to him

ChaeWon: so what if they talked? What if they told Namkyu not to say anything?

A momentary silence was complimented by everyone looking at Garam and noting he has hit a point of realization

Garam: the point isn't really to know what they said, just to be sure they were actually there and were watching...

Shiyang: through that we can put a provocative trap around Namkyu...

Garam: .... if the killer bites then we stand a chance to catch them.

Shiyang: ... And the plan won't fail because we have the reigns.

Chohee (whispering to giggling GyeongJa): they started arguing and are now completing each other's sentences .


" Who has access to your car keys other than you? ", ChaeWon dropped the formalities

" Only my brother ", Namkyu answered in a heavy tone

ChaeWon : Do you have reason to believe that someone would access your house ?

Namkyu: No , we never bring anyone home and my ex was the last to have a set of keys but she returned them after we broke up

ChaeWon: Where are those keys?

Namkyu : I keep them at home.

Namkyu kept his eyes on Garam who was dead quiet. He had been looking at the pen in his hand but his mind was light years away.

ChaeWon : Where are your car keys?

" I don't know , must have lost them! ", He shrugged his shoulders

ChaeWon : Do you have any acquaintance with Mina, the arcade cashier?

Namkyu: There is but very little, we only ever rarely talk for a few minutes about Jinyoung's games.

" Well she drove your car and she is currently in hospital now!", ChaeWon stated a matter of fact

Namkyu( annoyed) : Would you believe me if I said I didn't do it?

ChaeWon (infuriated) : Mr Geun, people are getting injured in the most cruel ways and we literally are going around in circles with you as the pivot.

Garam pulled his arm so that he calms down.

Garam ( softly):Gyutae checked into the cabinet at 1300 and at 1325 he was found ten minutes dead. Suppose he didn't stop anywhere. The route to the cabinet is eight minutes. The guards say the doctor stayed for fifteen. fifteen in the room plus eight back to cabinet equals twenty one.

Namkyu: ....

Garam( reciting the words Shiyang was saying to the earcom): logically speaking from 1300 , Gyutae was alive for fifteen minutes. Supposing he didn't stop anywhere and tracing back, Gyutae was still alive when he was found dead! In other words the Gyutae you met isn't the Gyutae we found..

Garam : Your brother has been missing for some time and though we haven't issued a missing persons, you haven't asked about it , why?

Namkyu: ...

Garam : Your girlfriend returned the keys and that individual was in your house. So there is a possibility that they have taken your keys . Your house doesn't have signs of a break-in , so who'd let them inside?

Namkyu: ...

" Say something! ", ChaeWon barked

" You are delusional ", he answered while Garam was staring thunderbolts at him.

" jiwoo jumped and you found a coin in him. Minghwa overdosed and there were leaves with numbers, mina drove your car, Junghee strangled himself and has broken teeth. Most of the weapons from their bodies were sent to a phone in your car! How am I delusional?", ChaeWon blurted and Namkyu tensed .

" Jiwoo was decapitated, Minghwa has a damaged uterus and cervix ,Junghee has no teeth and Mina is still alive with no toes . At first glance, one can't tell . someone did a phenomenal job extracting those pieces and I wonder WHO has the surgical awareness", ChaeWon made it obvious that he was accusing Namkyu

" The only thing we need are your presence at a scene and you are going to the whole if you're lucky enough to dodge the death penalty ", ChaeWon scared him and it worked.

Garam had buried his head and Shiyang was looking at him from the observation room while Minjun was gawking at Shiyang. Shiyang didn't know what was going on in Garam's head but it was probably that Namkyu was getting more and more suspicious especially now that he can't answer the question Garam asked.


" How has you meeting the girl helped?", Yesang was standing behind the desk and Jinyoung holding a tray .

" She is the only one I could think of , but I didn't take her life because I thought that the cops might think she is their only shot at breaking through the case, until they find out she isn't. It will take them back to square one and have them keep hoping someone will die and simple clue will be left", Jinyoung trembled as his face was getting pale except his eyes and hands that were reddening

Yesang (bellowing): " What did you take? ",

Jinyoung: " She cut off her left toes and gave them to me when I said I spare a limb of Jinyoung for every toe. I used a video simulation to trick her for all this",

" I specifically told you to keep on the low, not to act out , not to copy me and never to act in my place. Tell me what the idea is with this sentence ",

Jinyoung : You are saying the same thing in four different ways.

Yesang: Then why did you the hell can't the point?

Jinyoung : I didn't hurt her just like you said it's unnecessary to do so.

"So she magically , out of her magnanimity lost her toes and you found them?Cultivate a field to plant crops otherwise don't even bother!If this is your way of asking for my attention, it's disgusting and very childish. ", He screamed at him

Jinyoung: I am sorry!

Yesang : You know very well that I have to complete jobs all over the continent yet you go and make a raucous like this. Now I will have to clean up your mess because you think through rose-colored lenses. Get out and don't let me see you.

Jinyoung ran out of the office down the stairs and towards his bedroom.

He immediately slammed and squatted on the side of bed and he cried. He was scared and heart-broken. The look and tone in Yesang's voice was so forced but it was terrifying knowing the kind of person he is. Moreover he is upset because he thought he was helping Yesang and he just turned to be angry at him.


" Young sir is crying. Master can be a little extra sometimes", Ms Jun exclaimed as they could hear the fight all the way from the kitchen

" Are you foolish? Master had to do that to protect him. Last time young sir went to the hospital and now this. He might get obsessed or reckless then do something stupid . When that happens, master might feel bad .",Ms Park reprimanded her

Ms Jun: Why would he feel bad over a stranger?

Ms Park : Does it look like they are strangers? Though young sir did this for master and master scolded him, master is actually impressed by the creative thinking. His only worry is that if he applauded him, young sir might be provoked to do something more drastic.

Ms Jun : that's why he told him not to get involved. master said that not because he is antisocial, but because he wants to protect young sir.

Ms Park :Correct. Afterall who feeds , takes care of and watches over a mere stranger?

Ms Kim : Judging from the past guests, this one might be different in the sense that master even bothered to put an act of rage for him to backdown. In other words, master is being extra to keep young sir fine

Ms Jun: Young sir is special indeed! I just thought that young sir was a bait to a bigger fish . And now it seems though he might be a lure , young sir is slowly becoming an even bigger catch for master

The maids knodded and went back to cleaning.

Old people tend to know the hearts of the ones around them even though nothing else was said. These three ladies have an uncanning ability to read between the lines especially for Yesang and now Jinyoung.

These past few days when Yesang was out , they could see the loneliness in Jinyoung since he played tennis and pool all day. Afterwards he would stay up all night incase Yesang returned. It seemed like he was resorting back to his coping mechanism that he had adapted over the years.

Ms Jun was so concerned about him thanks to the uncle in the basement asking how young master was doing. His inquiry was due to that he received many meals as Jinyoung declined his and ordered they be delivered instead to the uncle. So she mentioned to Jinyoung that Yesang told them to stay and care for him . In addition he would be landing the following day but she didn't mention the airstation . Out of delight he told them he wanted to cook something for Yesang so they all went to buy ingredients. Little did they realize that while they were gone , that Jinyoung had also left to visit Mina.

When Yesang returned, Jinyoung welcomed him with a big meal and gave him a weird coin. Though Yesang was indifferent, Jinyoung was extremely happy.

Today when Yesang returned from town , he was carrying some chocolates that he threw inside his drawer before he processed to question about the car incident. To be honest, Yesang wasn't sure it was Jinyoung considering how smart it was exercised but he took a gamble. For both of them it was very difficult since Jinyoung's feeling were hurt and Yesang was just worried despite disguising it in fury and insults .