
Wan Shi Tong’s library

Two whole months. That's how long it took me to find any clue as to where the library could be. I had cleved my way through an outrageous amount of bandits.

The sand benders, which are formidible, let the overall power of regular earth benders shine. Most of the ambushes that the bandits carry out rely heavily on obscuring their victims vision. 

Luckily for me, sight is a luxury in combat. My new title, Gravewalker, gave me the confidence to challenge them in their home field. 

However, during these two months, I've had to restrict the use of my fire bending. If the earth nation got wind of a powerful fire bender in their desert, they might figure out I'm still alive and send a squad after me. 

As I continued through the roiling dunes of this great desert, I finally came across my goal. In the distance on the horizon, I was able to make out a spire. 

Slowly, I began to pick up my pace before breaking into a sprint, and within no time at all, I arrived before the library's entrance. 

At haste, I began to check for any signs of an entrence. I was no earth bender; I could not simply move vast amounts of sand until I found the door. 

With no other choice, I concentrated my Chi into my sword, raising the temperature of the blade to an immeasurable degree before stabbing into the wall. Cutting in a circular motion, I made my way into the library, Jedi style. 

Dropping down from my self-made entrance, I arrived between the shelves of some section of the library. Before I could even make any substantial movements, the owl who guards the vast amount of knowledge pearched upon a nearby book shelf. 

" Tresspasser! Why have you come? This library is forbidden. My knowledge shall not be used for war!" The owl spirit was already preparing to attack me. 

Clasping my hands and performing a respectful bow. I spoke truthfully, as one cannot lie to a spirit. "Greetings spirit, I am sorry for how I entered your home; I couldn't find the door. However, I don't come seeking to use your knowledge for war but to help myself gain enlightenment and achieve a greater level of self-balance with the world." 

The spirit stared at me for what appeared to be minutes, scrutinising my words, attempting to determine if what I said had no half truths. 

The owls large eyes appeared to stare into my soul, looking over my every flaw. "Hmm, know that you will be turned away, but know that you are unwelcome. Tread carefully, or I shall return my library to the spirit world along with you."

When Wan Shi Tong finished his little speech, he immediately flew off into the never-ending library. 

Sighing in relief, I began to make my way through the book shelves. I spent hours looking for books related to fire bending as well as lightning bending. 

As if by accident, or maybe by coincidence, I ran into that owl again. "Wan Shi Tong, my, point me in the direction of fire bending as well as lightning bending sections," the owl who had been looking at me approach ruffled his feathers in annoyance. 

Without even responding, he swooped down from his perched position and picked me up with his talons. I wasn't scared or even panicked when this happened. I could sense when or if he wanted to attack me, but even so, this bird was incredibly neutral. 

After a short flight, Wan Shi Tong dropped me off and immediately left without saying anything. 

Seeing the location of the bending scrolls, I made my way over. I was fully stocked up on solar energy, meaning I didn't need to eat for a month. 

Before I even realised it, days began to pass by as I read through the scrolls on my interested subjects. Fire bending, lightning bending, swordsmanship, and even powerful spirits. 

During my stay, I would read up on forgotten knowledge related to these techniques. There were methods for condensing your chi, making it thicker and more powerful. There were also many methods on how to increase one's overall Chi. 

Once I had read through all the scrolls that interested me, I was forced to ask Wan Shi Tong about the location of scrolls related to opening chakras. It was a conversation, as the owl was shocked by my request but also delighted by my interest in the subject. Without hesitation, he took me over to the scrolls. 

It took me weeks to filter through what was true and what wasn't. I read about the 7 chakras and how to open each. 

In order, they are: earth, water, fire, air, sound, light, and thought. 

It was, as I remember, how to open all my chakras, but hiding at the back of me was a small, dusty scroll. 

Opening the scroll, its contents revealed that there was a unique way of opening the 7th chakra without throwing away earthly attachment. 

"Few have been able to achieve the opening of their 7th chakra. However, only one has done so without removing all earthly attachments.  The method for doing so is simple, yet one most wouldn't think of. You must expect that you are a being of the earth. If you have the desire to go beyond earth, you must practice the original method. 

The method I devised is a way to connect oneself to the earth using their seventh chakra, and in doing so, open it. 

The binding must be created out of positive emotions; if one uses negative emotions, they will be corrupted by the will of the world." 

Once I'd finished reading, I couldn't help but be ecstatic! "Yes, this is exactly what I needed; if I saw that dumb-looking owl, I'd give it a kiss." 

The sound of russeling feathers resounded behind me. The owl was mad; I'd never seen him so angry. However, before I could respond, the entire library began to sink. 

My eyes widened in surprise; had he really had enough of me? Letting out a sigh, I moved over towards Wan Shi Tong before performing a quick bow. Once I'd finished, I began making a break for the entrence I made when I first came to the library. 

Once outside, I couldn't help but let out a deep sigh. As I watched the spire fall below the sand, I couldn't help but shake my head. 

All the opportunities for knowledge were lost because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

'System, show me my stats.' 

[Name - Mael Sol

Age - 11 years

Titles - prince of the fire nation, child of the sun, master of fire bending, sword prodigy, Gravewalker

Current power level - peak expert fire bender


Royal etiquette - level 11 - max

Thought acceleration - level 9 - passive

Perfect memory - N/A - passive

Sunshine - level 9 - passive

Photosynthesis- N/A - passive

Azure fire bending - level 9

Lightning bending - level 4

Lightning redirect - level 3

Adept swordsmanship - level 9

Adept hand to hand - level 7

Expert elemental bending combat - 6

Worlds visited - 1

Avatar the last air bender]

Looking at my stats I couldn't help but smile. Although my bending hasn't progressed much over the time I spend within the library my theoretical knowledge has expanded massively.

'My climb towards master should be smooth sailing' the dumb smile on my face would have made my thoughts know to everyone even that dumb owl.

Scanning the horizon I was able to spot an oasis until I've opened my chakras, and react the rank of master this is where I'll remain. Quite peacefully I made my way over to start my next round of intense training.


Author note

I wrote library so much this chapter kill me now, please.

Also waiting for that one guy to comment trash again, come on I beg you please do it 🥺🥺🥺