
The beginning

''A very long time there was a man who was a very good artist, legend says he was the best artist in the whole world and the same legend also says the people from far and wide came to look for him just to get a drawing of their self and this was a time before phones or cameras or even moving pictures so you could imagine where people came from just to get a drawing now the this story is not just about an artist who could draw of cus if where just a story of a good artist I wouldn't tell it , so now the interesting part, legend has it that this artist had a paintbrush that anything he would with this brush would come to life whatever he draws if he wishes to , I know right very cool same thing I said when my mom told me the story so how did he do it ,he had this special paintbrush that whatever he would draw with this brush came a to life some say the brush was given to him by the gods, some say the brush fell from the sky and some say he found it in cave but all that doesn't really matter what matters was that anything drawn by the brush would literally come to life and not just that it was said that the brush gave him immortality so guess what if there is anything history has taught us is that with great power comes great power hungry bad guys so like every other story like this one there were many many bad guys who wanted the brush for them self's some of them didn't really what the brush because it could bring drawings to life but for the fact that it gave the owner immortality so as you've guessed many people tried to have the brush for them self's but failed so with that the man decided to stop drawing and went into hiding so for thousands of years nobody saw or heard of him again and from there as usual the story has passed down through generations and now some people thinks it's just a myth . so do believe in the story ,well these modern times nobody knows what to believe again so but I love a good story whether it's a myth or a true I don't really care all I want is a good story and my mom is an expert on that like this one every other story she told me was top class but why did I like this one so much well I don't know maybe because am just a boy in highschool who lives with his mom and loves to draw so that's the kind of person I should be making my role model right well if that's your guess then that's true''.

''JOE!!! I hope u are done preparing for school? cus I don't want to be invited by the principal again today just because you were late again for school'' .

"and oh for those of you wondering yea that was my mom ", so joe packed his books into his bag and shouted ''yes ma am done I will be down in a minute".

''you better be, cus your lateness is getting out of hand and make sure you have your breakfast before going to school, and I also packed some for you to take to school". She picks up her car keys and walked towards the door and then said "am off to work dear"

"Ok mum drive safe " Joe picks up his phone and calls his friend Jesse , then he dails the number the first time and nobody picks then he tries it again this time Jesse picks it "hello bro hope u are all packed cus we start after school"

"But bro should we really do this I mean it's called a myth for a reason " Jesse tried convincing Joe that it going to look for the paint brush is not a very good ideap.

"Come on bro I can't give up now bro I already bought plane tickets and I have done my research very well so they is nothing to fear"