

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 7 – The Imperial

Lewis dropped Sera off in front of the Royal palace and vanished back into the night without anyone knowing he was ever there. He then gently landed outside the centre wall and headed south into the city.

He wandered through the streets as he made his way to the address Kate had given him, a bar on Swan street. For some puzzling reason, Kate had suggested they go to a different place from their usual and annoyingly Eric agreed instantly giving Lewis no room to argue. Why they had to switch Lewis had no idea but here he was on the streets of Elysi wandering through crowds and scanning buildings.

Swan street was right outside the city centre and due to that was completely flooded with people and of course they were pretty much all drunk. Subduing his irritation he shuffled through the crowds passing many different restaurants and bars, whose lights lit up the street, until he eventually arrived at his destination, 'The Imperial'.

The bar seemed to be one floor but was so wide that it took up the space of two buildings. The front of the bar was pretty much all glass, inside he could that the bar ran along the entire back wall with stools lined across it. On the far left of the bar he could see Kate and Eric conversing with one of the bartenders. Lewis entered through the glass doors and approached the bar, walking past tables and chairs occupied with people drinking and dining.

Without saying a word he sat beside the wall on the stool next to Kate and looked at the drinks on display, behind the bar.

"Well hello to you too" Kate stated as he appeared next to her.

"hmm" he grunted as he decided on what to order.

"Are you still sulking because we went somewhere different?" Eric asked while trying to hold back his laughter.

"I'm not sulking" he stated his gaze not leaving the display.

"Are you serious?" Kate stated deadpan "How do you randomly become so juvenile?"

"Shut up" his gaze switched to her "I just don't understand why we changed bar?"

"Because the Redhouse is awful and is also closing down, it's getting a replaced with a café or something" Kate stated bluntly matching his attitude "this place was recommended to me and it's good".

"Recommended by who?".

"It doesn't matter" she shrugged off his question and piercing gaze before sliding a drink over to him "We got you your usual. Now stop moaning". In front of him was an old-fashioned glass with bourbon mixed with a black-brown carbonated soda.

"Thanks" he stated before taking a sip, a faint but enjoyable burning sensation running down his throat. Kate was drinking a crystal liquid consisting of some type of liquor in an identical glass to Lewis whereas, Eric was drinking from a black bottle of flavoured cider, probably berry. Lewis noticed both their drinks looked pretty expensive, but then this whole bar was quite fancy.

"Lewis they've got good whiskey's and bourbon here. You should try them instead of that cheap stuff you always drink" Eric informed him while finishing off his bottle.

"No I'm alright. I like the way these taste" he stated while gesturing his glass.

"How do you like the taste of that stuff?" Kate asked her body shivering slightly but Lewis just shrugged as he took another sip.

"Lucina told me you stayed late with her" Lewis turned to Eric.

"Yeah so?".

"How come you were late?" Lewis cut straight the point, his gaze now jumping between both of them "Or should I say who were you meeting?".

"Joker" Eric stated.

"How come?" Lewis asked curiously, while sipping his drink "You two aren't the type to just hang out".

"There has been rumours Blade is back and well it turns out they were not rumours and he's back" Eric explained. Blade or if being called by his official title, Mr Blade is a known serial killer and drug lord known to operate all over Elysia however, he'd disappeared over a year ago once the military destroyed his operation.

"Mr Blade huh, it's still such a stupid name" Lewis smirked "I'd take the piss out of him more, if he hadn't killed an upsetting amount of people". He then turned towards Kate "I'm assuming you know where he is?".

"Yeah" Kate said.

"So what's he doing back here in Elysi?" Lewis asked.

"To be honest we don't know exactly however, all evidence seems to lead me to the idea that he's trying to transport something into the city" Eric informed him he then hesitated a moment like he was wondering if he should continue, "I plan to act in two days. That's when he should next be here".

"When were you going to tell me?" Lewis asked annoyed.

"I am now".

"I mean if I didn't bring it up" Lewis said.

"I wasn't" Eric stated bluntly "He's my problem. You don't have to worry about him". Lewis sighed and rolled his eyes before returning to his drink.

"Fine" Lewis stated which seemed to shock the two of them.

"Alright then" Eric responded while ordering another drink, his astonishment fading as quick as it came. Lewis quickly finished his drink and ordered another, before turning to Kate, who was stretched across the bar staring at her drink.

"So anything new with you" he asked gaining her attention.

"Erm yeah I guess" she stated while sitting up "General Zeit has decided to take me on". They both stared at her puzzled.

"What do you mean he's took you on?" Lewis asked.

"He's made me his assistant, well sort of I don't really know what I am. He's giving me more important work, takes me with him on pretty much all work related things, and also gave me a raise" Kate explained.

"I didn't even know you got paid" Lewis mumbled.

A smile crept up of Eric's face "he must've finally forgiven you" he joked causing Lewis to laugh as he recalled the incident or better said incidents.

"It's not funny" she stated annoyed, punching his arms "It completely halted my career".

"Well it's fine now. He's finally making use of your skills" Lewis stated, "Anyway we helped you get the job, we're allowed to have a little fun".

"I guess, but our past time, involved me doing a lot of paperwork" she sighed however, then her expression quickly lit up "Oh yeah, I'm coming to the Atlas games now as well".


"Yeah, General Zeit told me he's brining me as well as some others. Something about helping with security" she explained.

"So we're all going then" said Eric causing Kate to turn to Lewis.

"You're coming?"

"Yeah the whole orphanage is going as guests or something, I don't really know I wasn't listening when Becka and General Jager told everyone, but I have to go as a makeshift staff member" Lewis explained.

"So you're only as a spectator?" Eric asked with curious eyes.

"yeah" he replied but Eric's gaze never faded. Their night continued and it was going well Lewis was even starting to like the new bar however after Kate had a few more drinks she turned to Lewis a mischievous grin spreading across her face. 'This can't be good'.

 "I heard you're teaching a class in our old school" Kate said.

"Really?" Lewis stated, doing his utmost best to not let his surprise reach his face "Weird". 'Now how the hell does she know that'.

"Yeah, also heard you've already taught a couple classes before this too" she continued her enthusiasm not fading.

"How do you know?" Lewis sighed.

 "Becka told me the other day" she admitted.

"So you finally gave it a go?" Eric said amused.


"You've always been good at teaching, so I always thought you'd try teaching at least a few classes" Eric explained.

"How did this even come about?" Kate asked.

"Do you remember our old teacher Mrs Whiteside?" Lewis questioned.

Kate nodded "Yeah, year 5 and 6. So she's married now?"

"Yeah I think it was a few years after we left. Well with Eri going to the same school as us and taking the last name Athra she was able to get back into contact with Becka and then eventually to me. Miss then asked me If I would teach a few classes on magic, and I agreed" Lewis informed them.

"Well you were always the best, even if you never liked to show it" Kate stated before finishing off her drink "Do you want another drink?".

"Yeah go on, but I'll get this round" he replied before drinking the remains of his glass and ordering the three of them a set of drinks.

They continued to enjoy their night however, suddenly Lewis and Eric's attention was drawn away from their conversation and towards the bar's entrance after sensing a set of familiar mana signatures. He stared baffled as he watched Alex and Korra enter the bar along with a man he hadn't seen for a long time, Grey Astrum. He was only slightly shorter than Alex but still towered over most people he passed, standing at six foot two inches. He had a strong jaw and pitch-black hair, with a similar messiness to Lewis and Alex, which complimented his grey eyes that were so dark they almost seemed black.

"How come they're here?" Lewis asked. They approached and instantly noticed the stupid grin on Alex's face and suddenly everything clicked in his mind.

"They recommended this place to you didn't?" he asked the two of them. Before his friends could respond Alex and Korra and Grey stood beside Eric.

"So you did end coming here then. I told you its good didn't I" Alex stated happily.

"Yeah me and Kate like it, and I don't want to speak to soon, but Lewis doesn't seem to hate it" Eric responded, "So it's been good so far".

"Look at that, miracles do happen" Korra joked shaking Lewis's shoulder.

"It's a nice bar" Lewis admitted slightly annoyed "So is this were you three come, to be honest I thought you'd go someplace more expensive and private".

"We've been coming here since it opened about a decade ago, so now it's just the bar we like to come to" Alex explained.

"Are you not going to order a drink" Lewis asked.

"No, not down here. Like you said we draw a bit too much attention" Alex stated, causing them to all notice the guests at the bar glancing whether they were trying to hide it or not it was obvious everyone was watching them, with even people from outside giving confused and shocked glimpses. After spending so long with the three of them, Lewis knew this was inevitable because of their 'accomplishments' they were possibly the most famous people on the planet.

"Grab your drinks and come with us" Alex told them as they moved towards a door beside the bar.

"Where to?" Lewis asked as he watched Kate and Eric grab their drinks, Kate also quickly grabbed his glass, forcing him to follow.

"There's a bar upstairs that we'll have to ourselves, it's usually closed except for events, but the owner gives us access whenever we want" Korra explained before walking through the door that Grey held open. The three of them followed Alex and Korra through the door and Grey let it close behind him as he walked beside Lewis.

"How've you been?" he asked Lewis as they followed the others down a small corridor, passing the male and female toilets.

"I've been doing alright, what about you? You've been gone awhile?" he replied. The corridor then turned left revealing a set of stairs leading up to a second story.

"Yeah I've been getting put on longer missions lately" he explained as they reached the top of the stairs.

"What type of missions?"

"You know I can't tell you that" Grey stated in a familiar tone. A grin grew on Lewis's face, he had already known what Grey's response would be, but he still always loved to ask, whether out of hope he'd one day get an answer or just to be a pain in the ass.

They entered the upstairs bar, it wasn't as big as the one downstairs however, it also didn't include any dining tables instead it was fitted with sets of brown couches and small dark wood tables. The bar was placed at the back wall next to them with the front wall being formed from many windows, revealing the night sky and the street below.

"Alright I'm going to get us some drinks, do you three want anything?" Alex stated as he walked over to the bar.

"I'm good for now thanks. Can you just go behind the bar?" Kate asked, as she handed Lewis's drink back to him.

"Yeah whatever we drink we just put on our tab" Alex explained.

"And the owner is okay with that?" Lewis asked. Alex just gave him a shrug before moving behind the bar. Leaving him to make drinks, the five of them made their way to a set of couches near the window. The couches were even softer than they looked, Lewis sunk into the one facing the window with Grey sitting next to him. Eric and Kate sat across from him with Korra taking the armchair to his right that was pushed against the wall.

"Oh I almost forgot" Grey turned to Lewis "Has Senshi spoken to you recently?".

"No haven't seen him for a while why?" Lewis asked confused.

"He wants a word" Grey told him. Curiosity flooded Lewis's mind and from the corner of his eye he could see Kate and Eric had suffered the same fate.

"Do you know why?" Lewis asked.

"No" Grey admitted "But I may have an idea" his tone turned grave.

"While we're on the topic of Senshi has anyone seen him lately" Eric asked and then turned to Grey "he's been gone longer than you".

"We've been busy lately" Korra began to speak but then paused "Well most of us have". As if one que, Alex appeared next to the table placing down three drinks and taking the armchair opposite to Korra.

"What are you guys talking about?" he asked confused on why they were all smiling trying to stifle their laughter.

"Nothing, we're just talking about Senshi" Korra responded.

"Oh well if we're speaking about him, I found out earlier he's coming to the Atlas games" Alex informed him.

"Well that's saves you searching for each other. You can speak to him then" Eric stated.

Lewis watched a confused look wash over Alex's face, "He wants to speak to you".

"In private?" Alex asked.

"Apparently so" Lewis stated. Alex mumbled something as he took a drink from his beer, but he couldn't make out what he said.

"Speaking of the Atlas games" Korra broke the silence "How's everyone's training been going?"

"It's going well. We should have some interesting fights this year.

"I hope so, I know a lot of the competitors for the other countries, and they definitely shouldn't be underestimated" Korra stated.

"Is that including your new apprentice?" Alex asked.

"It might" she responded.

"You got an apprentice?" Eric blurted out shocked. Even Lewis was caught off guard, to his knowledge Korra had never taken on anyone, unlike a lot of the military higher ups. She wouldn't even take on Lucina even though they pretty much share the same magic discipline, always saying Lucina's an anomaly, which wasn't an incorrect statement, and she wouldn't know how to teach her. She would also state she shares the same principles as her own master and would only take on a fellow Patheon.

"You found another pantheon?" Eric asked.

"Yeah" Korra confirmed.

Summoners are one of, if not the rarest type of magic in the world. Mainly due to the fact they were hunted to extinction around a thousand years ago, due to people's fear of their power. As a last resort the surviving summoners sacrificed themselves and created the pantheons. Beings who are linked to the old gods and have the power to summon creatures straight from mythology. Only four pantheons can exist in this world, all with their own unique abilities. If one dies a new pantheon is born into this world in their place. There are also other summoners known as minor pantheons however, they're nowhere near as powerful as the four pantheons but they're still considerably rare when you compare them to the other disciplines. In the modern world these are the only summoners with a power similar to those from centuries ago with the exception of one person. One girl. Lucina Athra. She possesses the same summoner magic used thousands of years ago, however, is neither a pantheon nor minor pantheon.

"So, who is this person?" Lewis asked.

"Azra Ece, she's from Aitia" Korra informed them "If you want to know more speak to her at the Atlas games … please do I really want her to have some friends in Elysi".

"Don't worry, your apprentice will be welcomed with opened arms" Kate comforted her with a mischievous smile that cancelled out her soft tone, causing dread to wash over Korra's face.

"Anyone but Kate" Korra quickly stated, she then turned to Lewis "To be honest my request is more directed at you. I've got a favour to ask".

"A favour?"


"You know to get a favour I need to owe you one right?" he stated but he could clearly see she didn't care "Go on" he sighed.

"Not here" Korra said looking around at everyone staring like vultures, her stare then switched to his empty glass "come the bar and get another drink". Ignoring everyone they wandered to behind the bar. Korra quickly glanced back to make sure no one had followed or was eaves dropping.

"Well since you were so good at teaching Lucina summoning magic I was hoping you could help Azra out" she informed him as she made herself a drink.

"You know the point of being a mentor Is to do the mentoring right?"

"I'm very busy".

"So am I" he stated as confidently, while pouring bourbon into his glass.

She turned to him with thin eyes "Busy doing what? I've seen the crime reports of Elysi".

"I do other stuff".

"No you don't. Just give it ago you know you want too anyway".

She wasn't wrong it was an extremely rare opportunity to meet a Patheon never mind train one. Eventually his interest got the best of him "I'll speak to her and see what I can do after the Atlas games" he stated while completing his drink with a brown carbonated soda.

"Thank you, I owe you" she smiled.

"I'll add it to the list" he grumbled. They then quickly returned to their seats with the others.

"So that's the team you're going with this year?" Alex asked.

"hmm" Lewis voiced his interest to what they've been talking about as he sat down.

"Emily, Ike, Arthur and Lucina are our representatives for the group battle this Atlas games" Eric explained.

"Solid team" Lewis noted.

"Especially Jager, she's turning out to be quite the monster. Might be able to even give you two a run for your money" Grey teased as he shook his shoulder.

"Very possible, I won't deny it" Lewis admitted, to be honest he'd never fought her, so he didn't know her full capabilities but from the rumours she wasn't to be underestimated.

"Well I'll wish you all luck now" Grey suddenly raised his glass "As I'm back on the field in a couple days and will miss the event". Everyone clinked their glasses and downed their drinks.

"Well, should we get some more drinks" Alex stated getting up along with Korra and Grey.

"Oh I forgot to ask. How do you want us to pay for the drinks?" Eric asked as he stood.

"Don't worry about it, it's on our tab so think so think of tonight as our treat" Alex stated.

"Ooo free drinks" Kate exclaimed excitedly as she dragged Lewis and Eric to bar who couldn't help but laugh.

They continued to enjoy their night until the early hour of the morning came, and the bar finally closed. Waving their goodbyes outside, they dispersed out into the city as they headed home.

Lewis was the only one to walk on his own. He travelled towards the south of the city. He escaped the flashing lights and loud streets of the Anterius and travelled along the kings canal watching the stars and moon bounce of its calm waters. He breathed in the nights cold air and watched as it dispersed into the air every time he exhaled. He eventually made it to the street that the orphanage called home, but abruptly stopped at its entrance and turned staring out into the city. Ever since he split from the group, he had a constant eerie feeling. Like he was being watched. He stared out enhancing his eyes with mana and scanned for mana signatures however, he found nothing. It should've been relief he felt but he felt nothing of the sort. He stood there motionless, until suddenly the ominous feeling to faded. 'Must just be the alcohol making me a bit paranoid' he thought as he scratched and made his way to the orphanage 'probably'.