

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 29 – Princess Sera II

The coliseum erupted. Well at least she think it did, honestly she didn't know. Whether it was due to physical or mental exhaustion she didn't know but she felt like a damn ghost. As soon as those words 'I yield' left her mouth she died inside.

She wasn't truly paying attention, but she remembered the fleet admiral announcing the winner and shaking hands with Kira, making sure to still present herself well with the proper formality and hopefully not embarrass her country any further. She then left the arena, unable to look at the Elysian stands where her family and friends sat.

Sera trudged mindlessly through the coliseum halls until she found her way into the training room.

She wanted to summon a training bag or dummy or anything! and rip it to shreds but she had no strength left. Instead she just pathetically slumped against the white wall and slid to the ground.

She remembered her conversation with Lewis earlier, his words echoing in her head.

'Have fun. It doesn't matter'. She'd had fun, she could admit that. It was the first time she'd ever been able to use 'Royal arms' in a fight. No restrictions. She'd never felt a rush like it. But then she'd lost. Lewis had told her it didn't matter but that wasn't true. She didn't blame him he couldn't understand it, he didn't need to, they lived different lives and had different worries. She was the royal heir battling another royal heir, both representing their country, their family. And thanks to her, her family had lost in front of the world for the first time. How could she face them? She curled up into a ball, resting her head against her arms. A whimper escaped her. She wanted to cry, burst out screaming. But she couldn't. She was sixteen now and the princess to the world's greatest nation and she'd been damned if its future monarch was a crying little girl.

Suddenly the room's door opened, and violet eyes appeared. Lucina came into view, she had the Athra signature grin on her face and Sera was once again stunned to how similar Lucina, Lewis and Alex looked when doing it.

"She's in here" Lucina told someone behind her happily. However, Sera quickly found it wasn't just someone it was the entire group. Sera couldn't force herself to make eye contact. One by one they all poured in. Lucina, Ike, Arthur, Eric, Kate, their friends Hafbor, Euna and Nerin and then trailing behind them all was Lewis and Eri.

The second she stepped into the room Eri sprinted at Sera and dove into a hug.

"You were amazing" the girl exclaimed.

"I never seen you use magic before. Hell of a technique, the jump in power you got … you guys took the entire coliseum by storm" Euna told her and Hafbor nodded in agreement.

"It was a great battle" the titan stated cheerfully. Sera was taken aback how huge the man was, towering over even Eric.

"There aren't many people who can force Kira Tepish to fight like that. You should be proud" Eric spoke up and she could see Nerin and Arthur silently agreeing. She was taken aback by their reactions and had no idea what to say.

"But … I lost" her voice cracked "I let everyone down-".

"Bullshit. You gave it your all" Ike told her with a friendly smile. He and Kate then unexpectedly took a seat on the ground with her, and everyone crowded around. "If people are disappointed then they're idiots".

"And if they have an issue with that they'll have to deal with us" Kate said, a mischievous grin shinning on her face like she was plotting what'd she'd to them.

"Agreed" Lucina beamed and then within an instant the entire group joined in. Well everyone except Lewis. He stood far back and just stared at her blankly with curious eyes. Was he upset?

"Thank you" Sera said meekly. Again she felt like she was about to sob. She didn't know what to do. She'd expected everyone to be failed by her. But here everyone was doing the exact opposite of what she thought. Congratulating her, saying she should be proud with her failure. It didn't make sense.

To her surprise, a smile cracked through her sombre mood.

Kate suddenly wrapped an arm around her and gave her a playful shake. She glanced around at all her friends laughing and joking.

'I'm an idiot'. A small laugh escaped her, and she stood. How could she had ever thought any of these people would be disappointed in her. It had never been who any of them are. She felt her face suddenly flush red as she remembered running straight away after the match instead of seeing them. She really was a fool.

"You should have heard your father and brother cheering" Lucina told her laughing "They were jumping from their seats every time you started kicking Kira's ass".

"I've never heard them so loud" Kate said as her and Ike stood.

Sera smiled as the she imagined her father, king of Elysia, excitedly cheering in the VIP box like he as once again a young man.

"What were my parents like after the match?" Sera asked.

They all went silent.

Kate spoke up "They were just silent. Clapping politely and following the usual formalities royals do when Kira got announced as the winner. After we seen you walk out the arena we left to go find you, so we didn't see what their reaction as after" she explained.

"Oh" Sera said. Her heart sunk. They'd been cheering her on, not caring about ruining their royal reputations and she'd lost. What were they going to say?

'Oh gods'. Sera instantly felt like she was going to throw up and her heart attacked her ribs.

"Do you want to sneak out the coliseum and celebrate? Go get some food and drinks" Lucina asked obviously seeing her change in expression.

Sera shook her head "No I should go see my parents. Maybe later though".

Lucina nodded and it obvious the entire group caught on what was happening. They all said their goodbyes and began leaving the training room. Sera leaned back against the wall as she allowed time for them to get far from the room.

A few minutes passed but she still never moved. Maybe she should wait longer. At least until she could try and figure out a way to prepare herself.

"Just go speak to them" a voice spoke. Sera's heart leapt into her throat. She spun to see Lewis leaning against the door. How long had he been there? When did he come back? Did he ever leave?

Useless questions raced through her mind, and she composed herself.

"It's a bit more complicated than that" Sera said.

"It's not" he said.

"It is. I-I can't just go speak to them" Sera argued.

"Why not?" he questioned bluntly.

"It – it – you".

"See" he smiled, and irritation sparked inside of her.

"You don't understand Lewis. You can't. Things are different for royals especially when your parents are the queen and king. We live different lives you wouldn't be able to understand. When have you ever had to speak with-" she quickly stopped herself. All the irritation she'd felt vanished in an instant. Why had she said that? What the hell is wrong with her?

Lewis expression darkened into a terrifying scowl "I think you'd be surprised" she stated. Sera suddenly became nervous for an entirely different reason completely forgetting about everything she'd been upset about. Her body began to tremble. However, the scowl abruptly vanished as fast as it came as was replaced by his usual expression. She felt like she could breathe again.

He took in a deep breath. "At the end of the day it's your choice but I think you should go talk to your parents. I know you've been forced into politics your whole life to prepare you, but you have to remember they're not just the king and queen" he stated "They're your fucking parents. They're not like other monarchs we know it wouldn't matter if another fighter lost and I guarantee they won't be upset that their daughter did".

She nodded "Okay". She didn't know how much she believed that, but he was making sense.

He then let out a long and intense sigh "Come on then I'll walk you back to the hotel. We can talk about your fight on the way" he smiled. It was an evil smile.

'Oh no'.

They strolled through the stone carved halls of the coliseum as they made their way to the exit.

"You had a good plan against Kira. The issue was you don't have the strength to follow it through and therefore lost. But that's a good thing" he said almost as if he was delighted.

"That's a good thing?" Sera asked confused.

"Yes. I can't teach you to have to have a strategic mind, especially in the middle of a fight. However, I can help you get stronger" Lewis explained.

'That makes sense' Sera thought. She then processed what else he'd said. "Wait you're going to help me?" she asked stunned, as they left the coliseum through the humongous stone archway.

He nodded "If you want me to? Or I get Ike to do it instead" he teased. She felt her flush turn red.

"I'd be glad if you helped me" she said ignoring his provocation.

"Still want me to bring Ike?" he asked with a childish grin.

"Stop" she complained giving him a shove. His grin shone brighter, and she laughed.

"Meet me in the training room first thing in the morning" he told her, and she gave him an affirmative nod.

They made their way across the wide-open ground outside the coliseum and headed towards their hotel. Sera scanned the area, there wasn't a person in sight. The opening ceremony must still be going on. Wait doesn't that mean her parents aren't at the hotel. She confessed her concerns to Lewis.

"No they are there. They left the stands not long after us" he told. She wondered how he knew that but learnt to let it go. You'd burn your brain out trying to figure out Lewis Athra.

They reached the entrance of their hotel and Lewis came to an abrupt stop.

"Before I send you to your worst nightmare", he shot her a teasing smile, "I wanted to promise you something".

"What?" she asked curiously.

"I know despite everything we try and say you'll still be upset about your loss so promise you this. Whatever this secret event is, I guarantee we'll win. You'll be leaving the Atlas games with a win under your belt" Lewis stated confidently.

"You still want to do it?" she asked excitedly.

"Why wouldn't I?" he responded confused.

"Well with what happened to you recently-".

He waved off her concerns "That was never going to stop me".

"Okay then" she stated happily "I'll hold you to that promise".

 Sera then turned and entered the hotel. She made her way up the stairs. However, soon the joy she felt vanished with every step closer she got to her room and her breathing grew more erratic.

'Come on Sera. You're not a little girl anymore'.

She came to a stop her before her rooms door stood, a pair of royal guards stepped aside for her to enter. She took a long deep breath. She entered the hotel's master suite.

The room was in as magnificent condition as ever, you'd think cleaners came four times a day to maintain its six rooms: three bedrooms, an open space living room/dining room, a public toilet and a kitchen.

She stepped into the living room, it was decorated with elegant and lavish couches, rugs, expensive wood tables and bookcases and a large flatscreen Tv in the centre of the far wall, that was formed from a glowing, translucent white crystal.

It turns out Lewis was right her parents were already here. They were sitting together on the couch watching an Thalassian film on the pirate wars. Her brother was nowhere to be seen. As soon as she entered both her father and mother switched off the TV and turned to face her.

Her father spoke first with a smile "You must be exhausted after a performance like that. Do you want anything food? Drink?" he asked. Sera couldn't bring herself to speak. Why was she still scared? She shook her head.

"Come sit down with us" her mother said. Sera walked across the room and took a seat between them.

"Will it not look proper that you left the ceremony early?" Sera asked.

Her father casually shook his head "Oh I couldn't care less about that. We'll see them all at the celebration later". Sera nodded. An awkward silence followed that threatened be never ending.

"I'm sorry I lost" the words suddenly escaped her, and she felt her eyes starting to sting.


"Sera Elizabeth Elysi don't you dare" the queen said coldly. A lump formed in her throat however, then her mother's expression softened, and a small smile emerged. "Don't you dare put yourself down. You fought like a warrior with the fury of our entire bloodline. Your grandfather would be proud and me and your father couldn't be prouder", her mother pulled her into a hug, "I only wish I could've seen enjoying yourself even longer".

A large hand then ruffled her long blonde hair. "You fought better than I ever could at your age" her father stated. She turned to see her father smiling, admiration flooding his eyes.

In that moment she no longer cared about anything else. Princess Sera Elysi wept like a little girl, and she couldn't have cared in slightest of what anyone thought about her.