

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 28 - A ceremonial conclusion

The entire arena went silent as Sera's feet left the ground and she floated up into the air. That familiar sensation hit her. The amazing feeling of power as her technique surged through her body. It had been far too long. Her physicality and senses instantly soared as 'Royal arms' coated her body like invisible armour, and her mana began radiating into the air. Silver strands of mana solidified in the air and began shaping themselves into weapons. In less than a second dozens of different silver, translucent weapons hovered around Sera, ready to obey her every command. They ranged from a variety of swords of all shapes and sizes to axes, halberds, spears and even glaives. Finally she spread her magic to Excalibur.

Kira made the first move, but she no longer looked like a red blur, Sera could now track her every movement. She leapt across the arena her obsidian dagger slicing through the air as it closed in on Sera's throat. However, Sera didn't move instead she willed the two silver swords at her side to act. They flew rapidly through the air and collided with Kira's dagger instantly overpowering her and sending the Urali princess crashing into the ground. Kira promptly recovered with expert efficiency wasting zero movement however Sera never let up. Moving faster than she ever had before she was upon Kira in an instant completely catching her off guard. With a quick slash of Excalibur she swiped Kira's daggers wide and delivered a brutal kick to her stomach. Taking on the full brunt of Sera's magic technique Kira was launched across the arena and Sera didn't give her a second to breathe. As soon as Kira landed she had to fight off a bombardment of silver weapons that attacked her from every angle. The Urali princess was still only using the physical enhancements of her technique, but Sera was determined to force her to use her magic to the fullest before even attempting to win. Sera hovered high above the arena as she watched Kira dash around and deflect silver weapon that tried to cut or skewer her. Sera had hoped this would be enough to push Kira to go all out but it quickly became clear Kira could easily handle this level of danger with minimal power. That wasn't the only issue either, she hated to admit it but, Sera wouldn't be able to maintain this power for much longer. Unlike Kira she couldn't currently activate only specific parts of her technique, it was 'all out' or nothing.

Sera quickly launched three swords, a halberd and a glaive towards Kira who easily dodged and deflected the first four weapons however, at the last second Sera accelerated the last sword breaking Kira's flow and forcing her to abruptly defend. For a singular moment her guard fell, and Sera wasted no item exploiting that mistake. She soared down right as Kira blocked the final silver blade and watched as her opening appeared. Excalibur raced through the air and Kira's eyes locked onto the weapon however, her body would never be able to move fast enough. Not at her current power.

The glow in Kira's eyes suddenly developed and her aura transformed. Her body moved at unbelievable speeds as it vanished from Excalibur's path. Sera was barely able to track Kira as she once again became a red blur. She spun around following the glowing red trail.

Kira stood across the arena and now seemed like a completely different person. So this is who the stories and rumours are about.

'So this is her family's legendary technique' Sera thought. Like her own family the royal family of Uralis possessed their own legendary magic technique. In the ancient language it is called 'Sanguis Anima' which when translated means 'Blood soul'. A magic technique rumoured to be vampiric in nature and origin Sera could instantly see why. She could feel why. She couldn't explain it, but Kira's magic felt predatory, like it wanted to devour Sera.

Kira's eyes where now a deep flowing crimson like glowed as a beast's would. The mana that coated her was no longer thin, it was now a thick crimson aura that turned into a black smoke as it travelled far from her body. Kira shot Sera a grin.

"Are those fangs?" Sera thought as she caught a glimpse of Kira's teeth.

Suddenly the crowd erupted as they cheered and roared for the two fighters.

"How much time do you have left?" Kira asked.

"Not long" Sera admitted.

"Then make the most of it" Kira stated. She charged forward at ridiculous speeds. Even though her eyes might be able to keep up with Kira's speed, Sera knew her body couldn't. So she wouldn't try to.

Sera soared into the sky and launched a plethora of silver weapons. Kira's daggers ripped apart the mana constructions like they were made from air however, it bought Sera enough time to get out of range.

There was no way she could compete with Kira physically so that left her one option. Magically, and luckily for Sera she had a hell of a lot of mana. Instantly she began flooding mana into her technique forming an army of silver weapons, stronger and more deadly than they were before. It would cut down the time she could use this power tremendously, but her plan didn't require much time.

However, despite the reinforcements Sera gave her weapons, Kira still tore them apart as she dashed around the arena at such rapid speeds to a lot of the audience it probably seemed as if she was teleporting and that was if they could even see what was happening at all.

Sera constantly bombarded Kira with weapons every time she appeared in her sight. Every single weapon either missed or was destroyed but that didn't matter Sera wasn't worried about running out. She needed an opening and after the last time it was obvious Kira didn't plan on giving her one.

'Is it getting dark?' Sera suddenly thought. 'Damn'. She'd been so concentrated and maintaining control of the fight she hadn't realised what Kira was doing.

Kira had been leaving smoky, crimson trails of her aura as she travelled all over the arena. This wasn't good, she'd heard people who possess 'Blood soul' could do this.

Suddenly her aura trails converged and congealed forming a thick crimson mist that Kira swiftly vanished into. Sera spun in the air scanning and sensing for Kira in the mist. Nothing.

Suddenly there was a spike of mana behind her. Sera spun and launched an arsenal on weapons. Her weapons came head-to-head with Kira covered in mist. Wait no that wasn't Kira. As Sera analysed it more closely it was a spell. A spell that looked like Kira, however, was it was just a clone formed from the blood mist it emerged from. Their two spells collided and erupted back into mana. Sera quickly began to replace the weapons she'd lost while scanning the entire arena for her opponent. Kira was still no where to be found. Sera then abruptly sensed mana surge in spots throughout the mist and then a seemingly endless wave of clones began charging towards her, wielding daggers forged of blood fire.

She channelled her technique and instantly Sera's mind began burning and her body strained as she called every weapon to her side. Rapidly silver armaments began flying through the air decimating every mist clone that spawned. The arena lit up as spells tore each other apart shattering into fine particles of mana.

To the cheering audience it probably seemed that they were locked into a tight duel were either of one of them could win but Sera knew she barley had much time left. Maybe Kira was taking advantage of that and was buying time. No she wouldn't want to win like that Sera decided. That meant she was planning something in the mist which Sera quickly realised was probably even worse for her. Due to 'small' the fact that she didn't have idea what it was or what this girl was capable of.

Then to Sera's despair, it seemed like Kira was done with hiding.

'Well that is not good' Sera thought not caring that she was stating the obvious. The blood mist parted revealing Kira. In a single moment she shattered the grey brick beneath her and pounced at Sera who hovered high in the air. The obsidian dagger locked onto her neck. Sera fired a number of silver swords to slow Kira down, giving her barley enough time to raise Excalibur. Kira's daggers evaporated the mana constructs and met Excalibur in the air. The force of the collision shook the entire arena and completely tore apart the crimson mist.

Kira unexpectedly sheathed a dagger and grabbed hold of Sera's sword arm, rendering Excalibur useless.

Sera quickly discovered that unleashing the full potential of 'Blood soul' had made Kira even stronger. Too strong. Kira's grip instantly became a steel trap, and she pulled Sera in. Straight towards her dagger. Reluctant to be stabbed, Sera hastily willed glaives and spears to fly in between them and, with all her might, forced them to push against Kira's body.

They became locked in a strenuous struggle. It didn't take long for Sera to start losing. She couldn't compete with Kira's physicality or endurance, and she knew those weapons saving her wouldn't last much longer. She willed more weapons to her side, the mental concentration and strain made her brain feel like it was about to split. Gritting her teeth she forced her way through the pain like she knew Lucina, Ike and Arthur would. How Lewis and Noctis would. She didn't have much time life, it was now or never.

All the translucent silver weapons hovering around them instantly locked onto Kira and soared through the sky.

Kira quickly realised what was happening and she kicked Sera away and drawn her other dagger. As Kira fell, she turned into a magnificent, feral whirlwind of slices and slashes devastating anything that came in close. This was Sera's chance, her one opening.

Suddenly all the silver weapons disintegrated as Sera channelled all her mana into the physical enhancements of 'Royal arms'. She flew straight into Kira and sent her crashing into the arena floor with a vicious kick. Without a moment of delay she redirected her magic technique to Excalibur, activating the secret spell of her families technique. The ancient engravings along its blade shone silver and in an instant the legendary sword was outlined in translucent mana, reminiscent to the very weapons her technique could summon.

With every ounce of strength Sera could muster she swung her Excalibur. She didn't even try to aim, just as long as her strike hit. Excalibur struck Kira.

The Coliseum trembled and the ground crumbled sending debris and dust into the air. The wind rushed with such force it threatened to send spectators flying from their seats.

The air cleared and the Coliseum erupted into gasps and cheers. Sera's heart dropped. Kira stood, her obsidian daggers, coated in crimson blood flames, had stopped Excalibur. Although blood trickled down from Kira's mouth and her bruised and cut body trembled Sera's attack had failed. Her magic technique faded away as exhaustion claimed her body. She'd lost.

Sera used the last of her energy to stab Excalibur into the ground and stand up as straight as she could.

"I yield".