

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 24 - Opening ceremony (II)

Eri had to shuffle past half the orphanage to try and make it to the seat Sophie had saved her and after tripping over Will and Ava she eventually made it. Or more accurately fell into it.

The coliseum was now filled with voices, Eri noticed it now looked almost completely full and the final guests were now emerging into the stands. Everyone on the benches were talking while they waited, and Sophie quietly interrogated her on who Euna, Hafbor and Nerin were, trying not to draw their attention from behind them.

However, in an instant all chatter was abruptly stopped, and a deafening noise boomed across the coliseum shaking Eri's core and making her heart skip a few beats.

The shock disappeared as fast as it came and looking around at everyone else's reactions, Eri burst out laughing at a wide-eyed Sophie who'd been caught just as off guard as her.

"What was that?" Sophie whispered as the stands became deathly quiet.

"I think its starting" Eri replied while glancing around at everyone's reaction. They'd sat up straight as their eyes were all focused down at the arena.

When the orphanage had been given their tour the arena's floor was made of sand however now it had been transformed into a smooth grey brick and looked similar to the plaza outside Elysi's cathedral. Suddenly Eri felt mana flow into the arena floor, like the roots of a tree, it spread out until it covered the entire area. What came next completely took her by surprise, like the ground was made of a liquid it began to change shape and rise, moulding itself into platforms of different elevations. Eventually the arena was transformed into a stage. The stage was three layers the centre a ground level circle, with two opening one at the south end and another at the north end. It was surrounded by an elevated ring and that ring was surrounded by an even higher ring, grey brick stairs had also been moulded into the rings.

As soon as the arena had finished changing structure, men and women began marching out in perfect harmony from the arena's eight gates. They all wore black tie suits and had an emblem engraved over their breast pocket and on their tie, but Eri couldn't make out what it was.

"It's the royal orchestra" Sophie said amazed. The coliseum remained quiet the only sound that could be heard was the footsteps of the orchestra as they marched to their positions on the stage. Stone chairs were formed around the stage as the musicians took their places and once the coliseum went silent again every layer of the stage was completely filled with a single man standing at the centre of the stage that Eri assumed to be the conductor. 'How many times had they rehearsed this' Eri wondered as all the musicians in perfect synchrony sat in their seats and summoned their instruments. In a flash of colourful sparks the orchestra was equipped with a variety of instruments, from percussions, brasses, woodwinds to even strings. It took the musicians only moments to adjust themselves to their instrument and then it began.

Instantly music shook the arena and goosebumps spread over Eri's skin as the air began to vibrate. She didn't know why but as the music boomed through the stands her heart began to race and a smile sparkled on her face as her anticipation flourished. The music made her feel like she was on a fantasy adventure to save the world and her excitement continued to grow throughout the entire performance and never diminished even after it ended. The finale of the performance was brought to a finish by a swift swipe of the conductors baton.

The final echoes of the performance dispersed but before silence could settle in the stands erupted into applause. The entire orchestra stores their instruments and again in perfect synchrony they all stood to take a bow.

Still under the applause of the audience they made their way off the stage and marched in perfect lines out of the arena. Once the last musician disappeared through the gate the applause died down, before Eri could even turn to Sophie to talk about they've just seen the arena began to change again.

The stage vanished back into the ground and the arena was once again a smooth circle of grey brick.

A man then walked out into the arena, Eri didn't recognise him but once he appeared Sophie leaned forward, she saw the people on the row below her focus down on the man and she heard some behind her whisper.

"Did you know he was hosting the ceremony" Eri turned around to see Ike whispering to Nerin.

Nerin then shook his head "No. But he did say he had a surprise I guess this was it". The man had blonde hair similar to Nerin however, slightly shorter and ocean blue eyes. He wore a navy suit, white shirt and red tie and was decorated with golden jewellery such as rings, bracelets, and a golden trident pendant. Over his shoulder was a huge dark navy coat, that was equipped with many badges, ribbons, and awards and at its centre clearly displayed on the man's broad back was a silver emblem. Eri analysed it, she knew she recognised it from somewhere but just couldn't put her finger on it. She glanced up the coliseum's royal or master box were the Spartas family were watching, and it all clicked. It was the royal families crest and Thalassi's flag, an ancient Thalassi helmet crossed by two spears and a sword plunged into its apex. However, despite all this Eri still had no idea who he was only that she guessed he was important.

"Is that fleet admiral Triania?" Sophie questioned in disbelief "It is". Eri stared back at the man after hearing what Sophie said. 'So this man the holds the greatest position in the Thalassi Navy, and did Sophie say Triania isn't that the same name as Nerin'.

Sophie started to shake Eri "Do you know who that is?" she whispered.

"Yeah you just said, fleet admiral Triania" Eri replied.

"No I mean do you actually know who he is?" Sophie continued to shake her.

"No I don't" Eri said taken aback by her friends reaction, "Since when do you care about this stuff?".

"I normally don't but don't but he's legendary. The youngest fleet admiral in history, he trained under General Jager, and he was the hero of the pirate war, playing a huge part in Thalassi's victory". The words 'pirate war' instantly peaked Eri's interests however, before she could ask Sophie a sharp sound abruptly rang in her ears causing her to recoil in her seat.

"Is this working?" the fleet admiral questioned tapping a microphone attached to his ear, Eri had seen the rune engraved on it before, it somehow translated his words to whatever language the listener was most confident in. 'How much must something like that cost?' Eri wondered. His question was quickly answered when his voice echoed around the coliseum, then with a bright smile he continued. "Ladies and gentlemen I am happy to give you all a warm welcome to our beautiful capital. I speak for all of Thalassi when I say we are delighted to host the three hundred and fifty third Atlas games and we thank you all for coming. Now! without further ado lets begin the opening battle. The battle that will set the course for the rest of the event" the fleet admiral announced, and the crowd cheered "So no pressure to the fighter" the man grinned brightly.

He then faced and gestured towards the arena entrance below the Elysian stand. "Please welcome to the arena the brave and powerful warriors, princess Sera Elysi and princess Kira Tepish". Instantly the crowd erupted in cheers and applause as they welcomed the two fighters into the arena.