

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 23 - Opening ceremony (I)

The Atlas games opening ceremony was starting in just under an hour, which would've usually been a good thing, except they were still stuck in their hotel, and it was clearly affecting Becka. They had been placed in fancier seats than the usual event guest and were directly under the VIP box where the Elysi family would be watching, and as a result they needed to be there earlier before the gates opened for the public.

"Come on! We need to get going!" Lucina could hear Becka upstairs shouting at all the kids still in their rooms, who were meant to have been down in the lobby ten minutes ago.

"At least the coliseum is just across the street" Ike said optimistically. He was slumped into one of the couches beside Arthur to her right. They were all sitting around a rectangular wooden table. Eric and Kate where across from Lucina who was sat with Eri and Sophie. To Lucina's surprise, Emily and her friends had decided to sit with them as well. Maxim and Amelie were sitting directly across from Arthur and Ike with Emily stood over them leaning on the back of their couch.

They'd all got ready and changed as soon as they got back from training and they'd now been waiting for half an hour, it was safe to say they were all bored out of their minds, or at least Lucina was. Her brother was also still nowhere to be found even though they'd met up with the rest of the orphanage hours ago. They were all dressed in their formal military uniform which was also the same uniform they wore for school ceremonies. It consisted of a white shirt, black trousers, black boots, and a black coat with silver highlights. The Elysian Military crest was displayed over their hearts and on the other side of the coat was their name, rank, branch, insignia, and any awards or badges they'd achieved. Lucina's right side was still quite empty compared to everyone around her. Well at least compared to Eric and Emily. The shoulders, sleeves and knees of the uniform were protected by a silver guards that bent with the limbs and the top of the coat was folded like a collar. Kate wore her crowns intelligence uniform which was pretty much identical except she wore the crown's crest, and the uniform was white and gold instead of black and silver. Beside her Sophie and Eri where is brightly coloured summer clothes and trainers that made Lucina a little jealous, she hadn't been able to wear any of the clothes she'd brought yet as all she'd really done since coming here was train.

"Alex take everyone who is ready!" Becka shouted "I'll wait here for the rest of them!". Instantly Alex and Korra wandered into room looking surprisingly happy. Korra was dressed in her uniform however she wore her coat over her shoulders like a cloak revealing a black shirt underneath. Her coat was decorated with so many medals and awards they had to put some on the sleeves and its left side. Her rank also showed a symbol that Lucina didn't recognise but she'd seen the same one on Grey's uniform. If it was also on Alex's she didn't know because he never wore it and almost like he was sticking with a tradition he wandered in wearing a completely white outfit with black sunglasses.

She doubted General Jager would be too happy about that, but I guess the normal rules doubt apply to you when your Alex Athra.

"Alright! Everyone line up outside" he said with a clap that silenced all the noise in the room.

"Not wearing your uniform then?" Eric asked.

"No, I hate that thing" Alex grumbled.

"Oh don't get him started again. You should've heard the arguing between him and the General earlier" Korra said.

"I'm assuming you lost your argument?" Kate jumped in.

"I never bothered starting one" Korra said "It's only for a little while and I also understand I've got reputation to uphold" she added while giving a blatant glance at Alex.

"I understand that to. I just don't care" Alex responded, and Korra let out a tired sigh.

"Can we walk with them?" Eri suddenly asked him, gesturing to everyone around the table.

"Sure" Alex shrugged "Just don't go running off, I don't want to be chasing after you constantly like Lewis was".

"Yes sir" Eri nodded.

It turned out everyone was just as bored as Lucina as they were lined up outside the hotel faster than she'd ever seen. Lucina the others slowly trailed behind after Alex and Korra while Eric and Kate walked directly beside them.

They made their way across the street and through the southern coliseum gate, usually they needed to show they're event badges to get inside however it seemed Alex and Korra's presence was equally as effective and maybe the fact that half of them were in full uniform Lucina considered as they walked into the lobby. They then continued through the coliseum making their way through marble corridors until they approached sunlit stairs. They embraced the warm Thalassi air as they walked up to the stands, making sure to exit near the seating area assigned to Elysia.

This was the first time Lucina had been to the coliseum's stands and she hadn't realised how massive they actually were.

Each walkway to get around were so wide they'd easily be able to fit thirty people standing in line and the stairways up to each level could have ten people walking up them side by side.

"I'm going to get these lot in their seats you're free to do what you want" Alex told them before guiding half of the orphanage away.

"I'm going to get us seats" Lucina heard Sophie whispering to Eri before walking away with the orphanage.

"We might as well come with you" Emily told him "there's no point us standing around here". As they all walked away Korra then turned towards Lucina and the others.

"I'm going to go check on Azra. You lot behave yourselves" Korra told them before heading down the walkway.

The seating areas that usually looked like huge marble steps had now been decorated with rows of cushioned seats and benches. It must be part of the coliseum magic Lucina thought because yesterday the stands were completely empty and today they were completely decked out with stands and seating. Looking around it was obvious that all the other competing military school and VIP guests had started to arrive from all the students and staff walking around in their differently coloured uniforms and clothes.

Compared to the other stands Elysia's was currently quite empty and peaceful with only them, the coliseum staff, and a couple guests walking around. Glancing towards their seats she could see the royal family were already here by all the guards stationed around the VIP box however, she couldn't see inside due to the thick silver curtains. Looking around at all the other VIP boxes she could an array of different coloured curtains providing the royal family's privacy, the colours seemingly correlating with the families respective country in some way.

"Is that Lewis?" Eri abruptly asked drawing everyone's attention. They glanced at where she pointing to, and she was right, far down the walkway to their right manoeuvring through workers was a brown-haired boy with emerald eyes that gleamed brightly in the sun. Lucina sighed, of course he was dressed in all black.

They started to make their way over to him and Lucina noticed more and more of stands were starting to get filled, they must've started opening the gates and letting people in.

As they got close they managed to catch Lewis's eye and he gave them a wave, Lucina went to wave back however she hesitated. Suddenly a huge blur appeared behind Lewis and before he could even barley turn and try to defend himself, the blur charged into his back lifting him high into the air.

Lucina's heart raced and everyone was seeming to have the same reaction as they bolted forward however as they got a better view their advance ended as quickly as it began.

"Lewis!" the blur which was actually a humongous man called out cheerfully. Lucina and the others couldn't help but burst out laughing, she couldn't remember the last time her brother looked so stunned, his eyes wide from being caught completely off guard.

"Looks like they found him first" Eric grinned. As they got closer they could see a new group of people appear from behind the giant man, a group of people Lucina hadn't seen in a long time. It must've been well over a year since she'd last seen them.

"Who are they?" Eri asked clearly baffled to why Lewis was being put down on the ground by a giant.

"Old friends" Eric told her with a smile.

"It's good to see you too Hafbor" she head Lewis say once his feet touched the ground again. Hafbor Djofull had been born and raised in Ledusiar a country found in the northern hemisphere. He was a titan of a man whose body was pretty much completely made of steel like muscle, and he was also one of the only people Lucina knew who was taller than Eric being just slightly under seven feet. He had piercing ice blue eyes, long thick black hair that was braided like a Viking and a wild, bushy beard that made him look much older than his age of twenty-one. To Lucina's surprise he wasn't wearing his usual Ledusian armour and instead had opted for a light blue shirt that strained to contain his size and navy bottoms with black boots however, he of course still wore his bone carved bear pendant.

"No greeting for us Lewis" a girl appeared from behind Hafbor's back "and after we came halfway across the world to see you". Lucina beamed joyfully at the site of the girl, she'd missed seeing Euna. Like always the Hajian girl had her windswept white hair tied up putting her stormy grey eyes on full display. Similarly to Hafbor she had decided to not wear her usual outfits and instead had a sky-blue hoodie with white tracksuit bottoms and trainers.

"I was getting to it" Lewis said. "Also what do you mean travelled halfway across the world he lives here" Lewis added while pointing to the man behind Euna "good to see you Nerin".

"You too" Nerin said. He had a tall athletic frame like Ike with dishevelled blonde hair and eyes that seemed to constantly change between sea blue and green. Following the trend of their friends he was dressed casually in a lose long-sleeved white top, blue jeans, and silver trident pendant around his neck.

They got closer to the group and Euna's gaze spotted them and instantly a bright smile shone on her face.

"Look at that, everyone is showing up now" she stated with a wave "we've almost got ourselves a full reunion". She then glanced down at Eri, "It seems we've got a new face".

"I'm Eri" she said with a small wave.

"So you're the Eri I've heard so much about, it's good to meet finally meet you. I'm Euna Arashi" she said. Euna then turned to her friends, "This is -"

"Hafbor Djofull" the giant said proudly while shaking Eri's hand almost pulling the small girl off her feet.

"Nerin Triania" Nerin said while giving the girl a small smile.

"I see you're missing a few faces" Euna said while glancing over everyone".

"Mera won't be making an appearance I'm afraid, she's still busy doing … fuck knows" Lewis told her while the two groups properly greeted each other, "any idea if anyone else is here?".

"No" Euna replied, "We've had a look around but couldn't fine anyone".

"I'm not surprised" Eric entered the conversation "It's never really been our groups interest to come to these events. If we weren't competing we'd have not came either".

Instantly Euna's head snapped towards Lewis "You're competing?" she asked stunned.

"No" Lewis said, "I got forced to come with the orphanage".

"That makes more sense" Euna admitted, although she seemed a little disappointed.

"Wait so who's competing then" Nerin jumped in. Lucina had always struggled to get a read on Nerin he always had a neutral expression and posture but even she could tell he was curious.

"Solo" Eric said pointing at himself, he then pointed at the Lucina, Ike, and Arthur, "Group, group, group along with Emily Jager".

"Not a bad team" Euna said and the other two nodded in agreement, "I'm guessing Elysi is predicted to win again".

"You'd think that, but there are meant to be a few strong teams this year, apparently Enaicae and Ceano are looking solid this time along with the usual threats" Eric told them.

"It'll be a good tournament then" Hafbor said excitedly, "Where are you all sitting?".

"Over there" Eric said pointing to where the Elysian box was.

"Any spare seats?" Euna asked.

"Erm?" Eric mused like her was trying to remember however instead glanced at Kate.

She sighed "yeah there's plenty, we were given a nice area".

"Off we go then" Euna said happily.

"What about the people you came with?" Kate asked, "Won't they want you to sit with them?".

"Eh" Euna shrugged, and Lucina noticed her brother stifle a laugh, "We see them all the time it's been ages since we were all together".

They wandered back along the walkway which had become much busier during their conversation. Guests poured into the Coliseum buying snacks, drinks and taking their seats in the stands, the silence from when they first arrived now gone instead replaced by thousands of conversations echoing around the stands.

As much fun as it was seeing her old friends Lucina still couldn't fully enjoy herself, like everyone else was. She'd still not stopped feeling worried about her brother. Ever since being told she's had a feeling of dread in the back of her mind even after Kate and Eric told day after day he would be fine and even now after seeing him perfectly fine. Everyone was acting like nothing had happened, but she couldn't. Her brother, someone she thought to be an unstoppable force, an invincible protector was almost killed. She always knew it was possible, as strong as he was there was people stronger like Alex and Grey and she knew he could be hurt she'd been told stories by Eric and Kate. But when they told her the stories about when they were younger they always seemed fun and exciting and no matter what happened the three of them had each other's backs. This time her brother was on his own and when she was told there was no laughter or smiling.

Her hands tightened into fists, and she didn't even realise she'd starting biting down on her lip as she got trapped inside her head again with thoughts of guilt and anger.

'Ow!', suddenly her head rolled forward as something smacked her on the back of her head.

"What?" she snapped as she spun. She came turned to see her brother with his eyes wide, clearly a bit stunned by her reaction however, it didn't last long as they tightened into a scary stare.

"Stop it" he said bluntly. Her faced creased in confusion however, she then felt a warm liquid run down her chin. Licking her lips she quickly found out it was blood, she'd cut open her lip without realising. Glancing down at her hands she discovered deep red marks where her nails had been digging into her hands. "Nervous?" Lewis asked her, his head slightly tilted.

She wiped her mouth clean "yeah a little".

"You'll fine" Eri said from beside her, "Lewis even said so".

Lucina turned to Lewis "Well my exact words were she better do fine, or I'll kick her ass myself. But yeah I guess I think you'll do fine" he grinned, and Euna jabbed him in the ribs with her a sharp elbow.

"Still a dick then" Euna said, and he shrugged his grin never leaving his face even as he rubbed his side, "Don't worry Lucina you'll do fine and we're all routing for you no matter what your brother tries to tell you" Euna told her while walking over and wrapping an arm around Lucina's shoulder.

"I've missed you" Lucina said happily while resting her head on Euna's shoulder.

"I've missed you too Luce" Euna said, and Lucina had to stifle a laugh as she caught Euna putting the middle finger up at her brother.

"You asked us before if we're competing but what about you three?" Lewis asked them all, doing his best to ignore Euna's teasing.

"Not in any tournaments" Euna told him, "But those two convinced me to sign up for some friendlies".

"What are 'friendlies'?" Eri asked.

"There like non-tournament, one-on-one battles. They're basically casual arena fights, no official record is kept so it doesn't matter if you win or lose, you just do it for fun" Lewis explained.

"You should join us Lewis" Hafbor said excitedly, "It's been a while since I've seen you in action".

"I can't, I'm technically working so I can't" Lewis said. Lucina hid her reaction, she knew he was lying but after what he'd been through recently didn't say anything, and it seemed the others were thinking the same thing as not one of them spoke up.

"A shame" Hafbor admitted, clearly a little saddened.

"It's fine" Euna spoke up, "He can just watch us kick everyone's ass instead".

They soon arrived back the VIP box, they took a small set of stairs down below the box.

The rest of the orphanage was sitting on red cushioned white stone benches and Kate wasn't wrong when she said they had plenty of space, even with Eric and Hafbor everyone should be comfy. The bottom of the stairs was blocked by a pair of Elysian guards, they gave their group's newcomers some concerned glances however didn't attempt to stop them as they passed.

On the top bench directly below the box sat Alex and Becka with a mix of military and central intelligence officers. The next row was all the orphanage kids and the one below them sat General Jager, General Zeit, Emily, and her friends as well as some Military and Crown's intelligence personnel, Lucina guessed Korra was still with her mysterious apprentice.

Eri rushed off to the second row and the rest of them started shuffling along the top row. Becka and Alex looked at them stunned at first however, quickly smiled a greeted Euna, Hafbor and Nerin.

"It's been so long" Becka said as she got up and hugged the three of them and Alex shook their hands, "You need to come visit, we always have spare rooms you can stay at".

"We will soon" Euna said.

Becka just glanced at her with raised brows "That's what you said years ago".

"We mean it this time" Euna promised, "We've got a good reason now" she said, and Lucina could've sworn she glanced at Lewis.

Everyone took their seats, Euna and Lucina sat beside Becka with Arthur, Ike, Lewis, Kate and Nerin in the middle of the row and Eric and Hafbor on the end to give them the most space.

The arena continued to echo with noise until suddenly an ear-shattering horn boomed throughout the coliseum so loudly you could feel it vibrate your body, the ground and even the air. In an instant the coliseum went deathly silent.

The ceremony had begun.