

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 15 - Departure

2 weeks later


A showered Lucina wandered out her bathroom and collapsed face down onto her bed. Today marked the completion of her training. Her brother had been personally training her and he'd made sure it had been engraved into her body. After every session, she was exhausted, sore, mana depleted and all she wanted to do was sleep. But she couldn't, not just yet. Lucina groaned as she realised she still needed to pack her belongings and lazily rolled off her bed. She grabbed her black, plain suitcase from the wardrobe and opened it up on her bed. She then packed everything she'd need from training clothes, her combat outfit to her casual clothes that she could wear when exploring Palgia. Afterwards she set out herself an outfit for tomorrow, brushed her teeth, turned off the lights and then passed out in her bed, her consciousness fading away as soon as her head touched the pillow.

She was abruptly woken by a series of loud bangs on her door "Lucina! Get up!" Lewis told her before walking away where she could hear him laughing to himself.

'Asshole'. After lying in bed for a moment allowing the desire to sleep again to fade, she yawned and slipped out from under her covers. She then headed into her bathroom that was lit up by the morning light radiating in from the small window high above the toilet. She quickly showered and went through her morning routine before dressing herself in a comfy white top and black pants that looked like were designed for the summer unlike the winter Elysi was heading into. Lucina had never been to Thalassi, but she'd knew it had a tropical and warm environment. She put on her jacket and slid her phone into her pocket before packing anything she'd not placed into her suitcase in a backpack. Grabbing her luggage she gave her room one last glance before locking the door and heading downstairs.

By the main entrance suitcases and bags were stacked to the side. She recognised Arthur and Ike's but there was a few she'd never seen before. She placed her luggage in the pile and then headed towards the dining room. As she walked through the door she saw Lewis, Arthur, Ike and Eri on a table eating breakfast and to her surprise Kate and Eric as well.

"Good morning" she greeted them while taking a seat next to Eri. On the table was plates of bacon, sausages, eggs, and bread as well as bowl of beans. Lucina grabbed a plate and began filling it with food while listening in on the conversation.

"So we go in three days?" Eri asked.

"Yeah" Lewis replied.

"How come they're going so early?".

"To make sure all the competitors get there before the event starts" Lewis told her.

"Nervous?" Kate suddenly asked Lucina drawing her attention away from her brother.

She quickly shook her head however, then hesitated "Well at least not at the moment. How come you guys came here?".

"It was on the way and I'm not going to say no to a free breakfast" Kate grinned.

"We also wanted to goodbye to everyone" Eric added while nudging his friend.

"Hate to be that guy" Lewis abruptly spoke up while looking at the clock, "But you guys better get a move on".

"As much as I hate to agree with Lewis. He's not wrong" Eric confirmed annoyed glancing at the clock. Everyone quickly finished their breakfast and got up from the table. They attempted to clean the up, but Lewis told them he'll sort it out later. Leaving the dining room, they made their way to the main door and collected their luggage. Most of the orphanage had come to say goodbye and Becka emerged from the top floor, a friendly smile stretching across her face.

"Are you all off?" she asked.

"Yeah" Eric responded.

"I'll see you soon then" she stated as she came downstairs and gave them all a hug.

"See you all in three days" Eric said while opening the door. They all hugged Eri as she jumped into their arms and said goodbye to Lewis, he wasn't the biggest fan of hugs (or any human contact), so no one tried to touch him. Well no one but Kate who forced him into a hug with a mischievous grin and after seeing the opportunity Lucina quickly pulled him in as well. After one final goodbye they left the orphanage and closed the door behind them.

Embracing the morning air, an excited grin spread across Lucina's face and her heart began racing as she realised it was finally happening.


Lewis made sure the door had been shut properly before turning to Eri. He instantly noticed her slightly glum expression.

"We'll see them in a few days" he said while ruffling her hair.

"Where are they going right now?" she asked.

"They'll go meet up with Korra, General Zeit and the other competitors and then they'll go through a portal to Iter" he told her.

"What's Iter?".

"A city down south. It contains portals to countries all over the world".

"There aren't any here?"

"Not international ones. Elysi just contains portal's to other cities in Elysia" Lewis told her. He then headed back to the dining room to take care of the dishes from breakfast. However, as he walked he noticed something close on his heels, or should he say someone.

"There's no point following me around" he told Eri.

"I'm coming to help".

"I think I can handle a few dishes on my own" he grinned "Go play". With a slight reluctance she disappeared upstairs. It didn't take long for Lewis to clean to the dishes and have them dried and back in the cub-board. He asked Becka if there was anything she needed done however, found out there wasn't. So for first time in a while he just sat in his room.

Hours passed and his peace was suddenly disturbed by a knock on his door.

"Come in" Lewis said sitting up from the book he was writing in. His door creaked open, and Ava poked her head into his room.

"Heard you were looking for something to do" she said.

"What can't you be bothered doing" he instantly cut to the chase.

"Dishes downstairs".

"I'll handle them" he sighed putting down the pen and getting up from his desk.

"You're a lifesaver" she smiled before disappearing from his room.

"Coming from someone who's life I've actually saved it's a little anticlimactic to say it over dishes" he called out but there was no response. He wandered into the kitchen, prepared to be met with a mountain of dishes.

"It's not even that bad" he mumbled as he saw only about a dozen plates beside the sink. As soon as the water turned hot he efficiently cleaned all the dishes and had them drying on the rack

'Ava can put them away'. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Lewis placed down the towel he was using to dry his hands and went to leave the kitchen.

"I'll get it!" Ava shouted. Lewis listened out for a voice to try and figure out who knocked however, all that came was a eery silence.

"Lewis" Ava suddenly shouted with a strange tone, was she worried? "I think it's for you", no not worried, she was scared. Lewis rushed to the front of the orphanage but came to an immediate stop. The doors where wide open and Ava was stood in front of them however, she wasn't alone. There it was again. It looked a little different in daylight, but he wasn't mistaken. Holding a black sickle to Ava's throat was Lewis's mystery stalker.

"Hello again" Lewis said calmly, "How about you let her go?". It remained silent. "Worth a shot" Lewis mumbled. Now illustrated by daylight Lewis could clearly see its appearance. It was a humanoid figure covered in a short black cloak with silver highlights, and dark-grey cloth could be seen covering its limbs. The cloaks hood completely hid it's face inside a black void.

Seeing the stress on Ava's face Lewis rapidly decided his next course of action. He slowly raised his hands into the air.

"Alright what do you want?" Lewis questioned. It raised its other arm and pointed at itself then to Lewis and then finally outside.

Lewis's face creased "What? What does that mean? You want me to go outside? To what … fight?". Its expression changed.

"A fight that's what you want" Lewis said shocked "You've been stalking me and got a hostage to ask me for a fight" Lewis continued his anger growing with each word. Once again the cloaked figure didn't respond.

"Yeah sure I'll fight you, just let her go" Lewis said. To his surprise the cloaked creature instantly lowered the sickle from Ava's neck and then gestured in the air, almost as if it was shooing her away. Ava stayed motionless clearly baffled and panicked on what to do, her eyes locked onto Lewis.

"Ava let's not keep our guest waiting. Go in the living room and make sure no one leaves" Lewis told her sternly his eyes not leaving their 'guest'. Instantly Ava vanished from its side as fast as possible. As soon as she was out of sight Lewis started to walk towards it, his expression completely changed.

"Well then. Shall we start?" Lewis said coldly. Mana surged through his body.