

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 13 – Mr Blade

Eric cursed as he watched the crimson user turn the warehouse Lucina had crashed through into a fiery wreckage. He couldn't risk letting Blade escape so all he could do is put his faith in Lucina. He scowled and turned back to his target.

"You look stressed Eric" Blade taunted, a stupid smirk on his face.

"Just contemplating how I'm going to explain the two dead bodies Lucina will leave behind" Eric replied and with a surge of mana he darted between unconscious bodies towards his target. Blade on the other hand had no issues stamping on his employee's. If you could even call them that.

Sparks lit up the night as black and grey steel clashed. Their weapons locked together as the two of them pushed against each other. Eric knew Blade liked to overpower his opponents using his large size however, Eric was bigger than him and was able to out strengthen the murderer. Blade's face creased with annoyance as he realised his favourite strategy wouldn't work and that annoyance soon turned to strain, as Eric began to push him back. Blade grunted through gritted teeth, the mana flowing through his body suddenly beginning to increase as he attempted to force back Eric.

"What's wrong Blade, struggling?" Eric taunted, a smirk now on his face. Blade slipped away from the strength battle, quickly stepping to the side, and swinging his blade upwards. Eric turned and parried the machete down pinning it against the ground. Instantly he then spun on the ball of his foot and kicked Blade in his side sending him recoiling back. Blade retreated back and Eric could sense him concentrating mana in his machete. The blade became coated in a red-white light, its glow bathing the surrounding area. Blade struck at Eric once again, his strikes felt twice as powerful however it wasn't something Eric couldn't handle. Well, that was the current level of power however, as the battle progressed Blade increased the mana augmenting his body and weapon. The machete's coating grew a deeper red as it became more lethal, and his muscles seemed to almost swell, and they were filled with mana. His slashes became more ferocious, faster, and were beginning to push Eric back.

"What happened to all that confidence? Should you not have beaten me by now" Blade exclaimed as he swung his blade at Eric's torso. There was a flash in Eric's vision and a glowing machete cut across his chest and blood flew into the air. Eric retreated back calmly not a single bit of pain or panic crossing his face. He picked at his torn shirt, that was quickly becoming soaked with blood, he frowned annoyed that he'd let his clothes get ruined. Suddenly red sparks sprung from his wound and his body began to mend itself, his chest regenerating out of what seemed to be thin air. In moments Eric's chest looked like it had before the fight.

"Looks like I'm a little rusty" Eric admitted. However, he then glanced to Blade "But at least I've advanced since last time". Blade scowled at Eric's comment and unleashed an overheard swing. Eric leapt back and watched the machete shatter the ground. "Even after all this time you've learned no proper technique. You still love to just swing your machete around and brute force your way through every fight" Eric stated.

"You're talkative today" Blade said irritated.

A grin appeared on Eric's face, and he casually began to approach Blade his sword dancing around in his grip "I see you're not in the mood for words. That's alright I guess I'll just have to show you". When it came to strength Blade was no one to overlook and had killed enough people to make that known. However, there was something Blade lacked, and it would be his downfall. Precision and technique. Eric dashed forward his sword at his waist, Blade swung his glowing machete but found nothing as Eric effortlessly sidestepped. His sword then tore through the air sending Blade's machete flying from his hands. Swiftly and efficiently in a single movement, Eric cracked his foot against Blades knee sending it crashing to the ground and then instantly slashed his sword across Blade's chest, ending the fight. Blade was ripped open from the bottom of his right shoulder to the left side of his pelvis. The wound had purposefully been made shallow enough, so he'd live.

"You've lost it Blade, time to retire" Eric said while swiping his sword through the air, splattering Blade's blood onto the ground. Blade's hand became stained red as it traced across his wound. A dark expression enveloped his face as he analysed his injury and then he glanced up at Eric.

"You're wrong" He said solemnly. Eric's raised his eyebrows at Blade's comment, but quickly shook it off. He had to go help Lucina "If you have any desire to live through the night I wouldn't move".

As he turned to the towards the smoking wreckage, that was once a warehouse, there was an explosion of orange and red and a figure was sent flying across the depot. He watched as Lucina tumbled across the gravel. Eric quickly began to move towards her when Blade spoke again.

"You're wrong about me not advancing since our last encounter". Eric turned to see Blade on his feet and his wound had somehow closed, a pink line and patch raw skin were the only sign it was ever there. He once again held his machete however, something was different. The inscriptions of the weapon's blade glowed an ominous deep red. Like blood flowed in the crevice's. Suddenly a strange substance began to exit the blood on Blade's torso and flow into the machete. It was like a translucent mist stained red that twisted and flowed like a fluid through the air. At first glance even Eric was left baffled however, in moments an all too familiar sense filled his head. 'Mana. Pure mana'. The mana was being drained from Blade's blood and channelled into the machete.

"Vampiric magic" Eric said.

"Nothing gets past you. I Picked it up during my time in Uralis. Useful spell but unfortunately it does have a … call it a condition that has to be met." Blade explained. Suddenly he plunged the machete into the closest body near him, impaling a man in the back. The man let out a grunt of pain as his body attempted to resist however, after moments his body began to go limp as the same red mist from before flowed from the wound into Blade's machete. Eric darted forward however, before he could even get close Blade slashed two other people laying on the floor their blood staining the stones around them, their mana also beginning to get drained.

"To be honest. I got this spell as way to try and kill you" Blade informed him. Eric swung his sword over his head and Blade quickly raised his machete locking their weapons together. "I have no idea how it'll react with your regeneration but there's only one way to find out" Blade suddenly went silent and then an unsettling grin fell on his face, "This spell also has a second functions". In that moment Eric realised the machete's inscriptions were now glowing extremely bright and there was no more mana being channelled into the blade, instead it was flowing around the machete like an aura. Without wasting a second, Blade concentrated his mana into the weapon and all the red mist entered the blade however, instead of a bright red-white glow coating the weapon a deep crimson now embraced the machete's blade doubling its size and making it appear to be a sword of blood.

Instantly Blade swung his weapon through the air and an arc of light as tall as Blade cut through the air. Eric's coat rippled at the force of the projectile as he twisted his body out of its path. He could hear the arc bisect a warehouse behind him, but Eric's eyes never left Blade. He readied himself as Blade sent four more blood arcs soaring towards him, not bothering to try and dodge Eric tightened his grip on his sword and struck out against projectiles. Each one felt as if he was exchanging blows with Blade himself however, they where all still ripped apart by his black sword. Seemingly unconcerned Blade approached Eric producing more blood arcs as he walked forward. Eric tore apart the new arcs and quickly dashed towards Blade covering the distance in an instant, both hands on his sword he swung it straight at Blade's torso. But Blade just raised his machete. It connected with Eric's sword completely bringing his attack to a halt. The black sword trembled as it attempted to push against the machete, but it was no use it felt as if he was pushing against a brick wall. Blade casually flicked his wrist and the black sword bounced away, not giving Eric a second to register what was happening he swung the machete down attempted to bisect Eric from the shoulder. Eric rapidly channelled mana into his technique and sparks emitted from his boot into the ground below. He quickly manipulated the grounds structure and suddenly the ground between them ruptured and a pillar of stone shot out, hitting Blade in the chest. Blade flew back but quickly rotated his body landing straight back on his feet like a cat.

Blade went to charge towards Eric however something quickly drew their attention. Across the depot an enormous crimson explosion rose into the sky dwarfing all the warehouses nearby. Their fight completely came to a stop as they watched the smoke clear revealing a large black bird whose feathers reflected the night sky shielding a girl whose brown hair had been stained with ash. Lucina quickly rose from under the bird and the two of them dashed towards their opponents and quickly overpowered them. Eric grinned and turned back to Blade whose face was stained with an irritated scowl.

"Useless" he muttered however his scowl suddenly lightened "About time they arrived". Eric's grin quickly dissolved as he watched two cloaked figures charge into Lucina and disappear into the shadows of the depot.

'Shit'. even with Lucina's stubbornness four opponents might be able to overwhelm her he needed to finish this fast.

"I guess it's time I get serious too" Eric stated. Blade darted towards Eric using a plethora of blood arcs as protection. Eric activated in technique again and pillars of stone launched from the ground and twisted through the air towards Blade. Pillars and projectiles intercepted, and the arcs burrowed through stone dissipating before ever reaching Eric. Like a feral beast Blade sprinted across the depot swiftly manoeuvring through pillar remnants and obliterating any flying towards him with a swing with his machete until he finally closed in on Eric. However, Eric calmly just released more mana from his body and the ground beneath Blade trembled and then changed shape. Dozens of steel spears darted up from the ground and trapped Blade's body bringing him to a complete halt. Confusion shot over Blade's face however, it quickly changed to anger as his augmented body ripped free from the spears and pounced on Eric his machete slicing through the air. However, Eric was prepared mana surged through his sword and the two weapons met. The force of the clash sent tremors through the air before sending the two of them stumbling back. Instantly they went at it again and then again and again, they dashed around the depot every encounter shaking the air and sending tremors through the ground. However, as their battle continued Eric noticed Blade's glowing machete almost quivering like the spell was becoming unstable. Eric increased the mana infusing his sword and after they clashed again he was sure. Blade's machete's aura began to shrink and break apart and soon the blade was back to its original size. The spell was running out of mana. It was clear Blade was aware of this fact too as he quickly began retreating from the fight and sprinted to where Eric had shot his employees. Instantly Eric trailed after him each step he took shooting pillars after Blade. Blade quickly spun around and lashed out tearing all the pillars apart however that attack used the last of his spell's fuel. The machete once again became dull revealing a grey metal with inscribing's that glowed dimly. Eric sprinted towards Blade however, the man suddenly stopped his advance and faced Eric. He thrusted his machete at Eric's chest however, Eric was quickly able to grab hold of it before it made contact.

Blade growled as he put all his weight behind the machete. Erics arm trembled under the pressure and the machete began to poke into his skin, but he remained calm.

"It's over" Eric stated bluntly. Once again he channelled mana into his technique and blue sparks bounced across the machete's blade. Suddenly the grey metal shattered like glass, before Blade could register what had happened Eric's hand gripped around his head, and he activated his technique one last time. Strong tendrils of blue-white lightning tore from in-between Blades face and Eric's hand and in an instant Blade's body wilted. Eric released his grip and Blade's body crumpled to the gravel.

Eric let out a long-relaxed breath into the sky when an abrupt sudden spike in mana caused Eric to spin around behind him. It was coming from where Lucina had been taken and the two people she'd beaten where also nowhere to be seen.

"Shit" he muttered.



A lot had happened to Lucina tonight and what annoyed her the most was that she didn't know what the hell most of it was. Only that it hurt.

She'd somehow been dragged to the other side of the depot and was now near the sea. Whatever had just hit her had somehow disappeared because she was now seemingly alone. Suddenly there was a screech and Cali descended from the night beside her. Well at least there were some good things about her situation Cali was still here and she still had her sword and whip. There was a crunch up ahead of her in the darkness like someone was stepping on the gravel. Lucina readied herself and four figures emerged, Venli, Mor and two people she didn't recognise, the ones she assumed sent her flying.

"Who are your friends" she asked.

"Voc" Venli gestured to the man with long blonde hair "Nei" she said pointing at the women beside her with braided black hair.

"I'm assuming they also don't like my brother?" Lucina questioned.

"Who is your brother?" Nei asked.

"Lewis Athra" Venli answered.

"Then yes" Voc responded. Instantly she sensed an increase mana flow in his body, and he charged towards them.

"Cali" Lucina commanded. Her summon became a blur of black and violet as it charged into Voc sending him flying back. Venli quickly produced a dozen crimson knives and then launched them towards Lucina. Lucina lashed out her whip and the knives exploding against its chains. Smoke filled the air however, abruptly cleared when the wind grew wild and Mor and Nei came charging through. Mor ignited his arms with flames and the wind seemed to almost converge around Nei before quickly pushing her forward. Nei dashed towards Lucina and air around them grew fierce, if it wasn't for her augments she'd be struggling to stand. Nei kicked out at Lucina catching her in her side. Lucina staggered back and Nei thrusted her hand forward, in an instant the wind in front of her condensed and rushed towards Lucina. The air hit Lucina like a rock sending her flying off her feet and skating across the ground. She dug her hands into the stones around her bringing herself to a stop just before the depot ended and met with the sea. Looking up Lucina could see Nei sprinting towards her speed seemingly increased by the wind behind her back. Lucina's whip cracked against the air and wrapped around Nei's legs tripping her to the ground. With enhanced strength Lucina ragged on the whip dragging Nei across the ground towards her, were Lucina delivered a sharp kick to her head.

"Fuck you" she growled. Lucina wasted no time watching the women's head bounce off the stones instead turning towards an advancing Mor with Venli behind preparing Jade and crimson projectiles. Mor suddenly stuck his arm out behind him and launched an explosion from his palm sending him flying towards Lucina. He threw an ablaze fist that Lucina quickly ducked under before delivering a left hook to his kidney. Annoyingly she couldn't follow up her attack instead quickly having to destroy a group of jade orbs on her flank. Giving her no chance to recover Mor grabbed her arm and yanked her off balance before punching across her jaw, luckily with a normal fist. However, unluckily the punch still sent Lucina's head spinning and before she could recover a sudden burst of wind swept her legs from beneath her sending her tumbling to the ground. Lucina instinctively flailed her whip preventing her attackers from getting close. Pushing off the ground she jumped to her feet and quickly reached into her subspace and attempted to pull something out. It wasn't there.

'How could I have I forgot them'. She didn't have long to be annoyed with herself before fireballs and crimson knives launched towards her. Suddenly Cali appeared and blocked the projectiles with a shield formed from tendrils of lightning. 'But if Cali was back that means' as if on cue Voc emerged from the darkness behind his allies blood leaking from his mouth and looking extremely pissed. Without her brothers 'gifts' this would be a lot harder. She channelled mana into her discipline and the shadows to her left convulsed. The shadows suddenly grew and shaped themselves into a creature twice Lucina's size before fading away. A massive quadrupedal wolf like creature stood beside her, icy flew from its mouth as it growled aggressively at her attackers. It had thick silvery white fur and light blue eyes that were colder than ice. Its had a muscular frame all round however its front legs where noticeably bigger than its hind and shaped more like arms with its claws even containing a thumb.

A feral growl emerged from its throat as the wolf suddenly lashed out, its silver claws tearing apart a jade orb. Cali quickly soared across the depot towards their attackers however, Voc and Mor crashed into the raven slamming it into the ground.

"Luna" Lucina commanded and in an instant the white wolf darted towards Cali pouncing on Voc. Flames streamed through the air and quickly engulfed the wolf sending it retreating back. Cali used this distraction to swiftly recover, and her two-summons engaged Mor and Voc. However, Lucina had no time to watch instead quickly swinging out her whip tearing apart spells of crimson, jade, and air. Venli and Nei rushed towards her, Lucina once again wrapped her weapons together and swung the creation through the air. Unfortunately this time Nei was prepared. The air clashed against the sword sending it flying off away in the opposite direction leaving Lucina completely defenceless. Noticing this Venli launched a group of crimson daggers burning through the air. Lucina quickly weaved in between them while attempted to pull her sword back to her hand. However, Lucina couldn't avoid what came next Jade orbs shot through the sky. Lucina attempted to jump back and avoid them however they quickly changed trajectory and sped into her. They shattered against her torso producing a green glow and immense force that threw her back across the gravel. Suddenly something crashed next to her. She glanced up and ragged the hair from out of her eyes to see Luna and Cali beside her on the ground. However, they where both up in a flash and quickly moved to protect her.

Lucina quickly got to her feet as her attacker began to approach her a lot more casually than before "Shit" she muttered once she realised where her weapon was. Her sword and whip on the ground where she been sent flying on which was now unfortunately behind her attackers. Analysing her situation to her right she could see flames covered Mor's hands and Voc now had golden runes running along his forearms which Lucina assumed was how he'd managed to go against Cali and Luna. To her left Venli was surrounded by a green and crimson aura and Nei was surrounded by a shield of wild wind. It didn't take long for Lucina to predict the ending of this fight. It was not in her favour.

Voc cracked his knuckles and then charged across the gravel towards Lucina however, something caught her eye. She noticed Nei and Mor's faces crease in confusion as the air around Nei became calm and Mor's flames suddenly extinguished. Voc enclosed in on Lucina, Cali and Luna getting ready to face him when suddenly a figure came plummeting from the sky and slammed into Voc. He was sent flying back and the figure suddenly appeared on the ground with their backs to Lucina and her summons. Lucina eyes went wide.

"Lewis" she said stunned

"Look at that Ike, you and Arthur was right" Lewis stated, "It was something stupid". Hearing his words she felt her face flush red. Ike suddenly appeared next to Lucina her weapons in his hand an annoyed look on his face which just deepened Lucina's embarrassment.

"So you lot are all with Blade now? And here I was thinking your lives couldn't get any lower" Lewis taunted. They gazed upon her brother stunned and bewildered however, it took only moments for that to quickly turn to rage.

Mana surged through their bodies more than any of them had used in the fight so far, and they all attacked.

"Athra!" they roared.

It was the last word they ever said.