
ATHENA: goddess of war

Sent to earth before the destruction of her planet, Jupiter lives a ordinary life until those who attack her planet invades earth. It up to Jupiter to save the whole planet, will she be able to save her new home or be taken away???

Tomisin_Osarz · Histoire
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3 Chs

The bullies

This wasn't the first time her parent go out and leaves her Alone at home due to their work. Her mom is a doctor and her dad is a researcher. They only comes homes once a while and her brother and sister her in school.

Her phone rang while she was still thinking of how she will spend the day alone. She picked up shen she saw it was her best friend drake.

"Hey, wassup" she said after picking up the call.

"Sweetheart, well can I spend the night at your place my dad and mom have started their quarrel again and am really tired of it " drake Williams said through the phone.

"No prob, my parent won't be around and my elder brother and sis have gone out" she replied through the phone.

Drake felt relief and said " I will be there before six let me pack my things "

"Hey, don't pack your all your clothes and stuff cause I won't let you use more than two days here, if your parent haven't settled their issue by then, I will have to kick you out, and you know I mean what I said " she replied knowing drake too well he may be bring clothing worth a week or even a month. This is not the first time he sleeps over at her place most of the time her parent may not be around and sometimes they will be around. They also know about drake family issue so they allowed him to spend the night at their place and sometimes Anita also sleep over at his side when they are not around. 

Though outsider may see it as an abnormal thing but the two have know each other since they move here and drake is the only person she is close to.

"Yes ma, I will just bring a pair of pant and shirt" he said mocking her in his mind" if I bring five pairs how will you know hmm just keep saying whatever you want"

" I known you are thinking I won't know, but try me, you better don't bring the clothes you love cause I will burn the extra pairs you will bring, you know I can do it right? " she responded

Knowing her too well he shivered and quickly end the call and only taking the things he needed knowing too well that she can do the undo.

"This girl temper is just too hot, no wonder am her only friend" he said whit removing the extra clothing from his backbag.

He wanted to tell his parent that he his going to Jupiter's place but seeing that they are still arguing, he just write a small note and stick it to the freezer before he left.

He also took some cookies and cake cause he knows Jupiter loves them.

"I will use this cake and cookies to make her forget about me hanging up on her if not she may not let me enter. She not only have a hot temper, she also petty, if not because am her only friend I will have left her long time ago" 

He said while arranging them in his backbag.

He also knows she is the only one who can accommodate him that why she is also his only friend. 

Remembering how they met, he could not help but smile.

When Jupiter just arrive she like staying alone ams since her parent are not always around she will go to the pack with an headphone and sit in a very quiet place while watching others. No matter what happens she won't even stand up until she is ready yo go home.

Drake was always bullied at school and even at home, he couldn't not tell his parent because they are either not at home or they always quarrel not having his time only sending him allowance.

Like usual those bullies were bullying him like always.

"Hey, momma's boy why haven't you done my assignments I gave you. And I told you to pay for my games weapons how come am still using the old ones" Teddy the boss of the bully asked him while hitting a book on his head.

The rest were just laughing and occasionally swearing at him.

 After begging home and telling him he will finish the assignments today and will pay for the weapon once his parent sent him allowance , they left after warning him.

This happens almost every weekend Jupiter was always watching it always seems like a movie to her until one day one of the bully Larry told Teddy their boss that a girl was looking at them.

"Boss, that girl keeps looking at us and this is not the first time. what if she records us and used it against us" Larry told Teddy.

After thinking about it he told Larry " bring her here, she looks kinda cute I will make her one of my muse and if she doesn't agree I will make her my slave " 

Larry left but few minutes later he came back beaten blue and black, even Teddy almost couldn't recognize him.