
ATHENA: goddess of war

Sent to earth before the destruction of her planet, Jupiter lives a ordinary life until those who attack her planet invades earth. It up to Jupiter to save the whole planet, will she be able to save her new home or be taken away???

Tomisin_Osarz · Histoire
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3 Chs

The bullies 2

looking At Larry whose head looks like a pig's head Teddy asked "what happened to you, how did you get beaten when you are just to bring that girl here"

"l really tried but the girl won't listen to me, instead she beats me up. I didn't want to make a move on her because I thought she might be your girlfriend later" he lied. 

He couldn't tell larry that when he go there he was bragging about his boss has taken a liking to her and she should be happy and follow him. while closing his eyes waiting for her to stand up and happily follow him, but she didn't even lift her head she just keep pressing her phone and not even bother about him as if he was a fly that was just bustling around so he couldn't take it anymore so he tried to remove the headphone from her head he was just about to ask her if she heard him or if she was dumb when she punch him the question he was going to ask stuck to his throat with the punch he received It thought maybe that was a mistake so you try to act cool but before he could talk this time, she slapped him and said " you are making noise" he couldn't accept that,so it tried to slap her but before his hand could get to her, she twisted is hand, and warn him "I told you am not interested so buss off" 

You didn't want to go back defeated, so you try to sound bossy and mean " what do you think you are, just because I was just being gentle with you, because my boss likes you that why you feel you can beat me. I knew girls like you try to play hard to get but don't worry if you come with me now I won't tell my boss bout today just now,who knows my boss may like you so let's go quietly"

trying to look like an angel after getting beaten. But she didn't look at him at all and was about to leave so he pull her headphone,then she got angry and beats him up.

" I'm already having a bad day has it is and you just keep reeling me" she puts her headphone on her head and said " go tell your boss i don't give a fuck who he is so he should just buss off and leave me alone " then she sat down back.

Teddy knows Larry isn't saying everything he just it to be because the girl could beat one of his underlings, if he doesn't so anything his underling might think he is getting weak or he his afraid of her.

"wow I like his girls she is fierce, let go and meet her if she doesn't want to meet me" he said with a smirk.

" hey cutie, I asked one of my boy to call you, but it seems it was rude to you, am here to apologise for his wrong doing how about we go out so I can show you my apology " Teddy said but didn't get any response.

she only looked at Drek at his back and asked " why you looking like a slave, well your mom said you should follow me home, she said that I should help you out with your assignment"

Drek knows his mom was only joking when she said that and didn't except her to take it serious.

he was just about to tell her no need that she should run when Teddy said,

" wow you guys knows each other, since you want to help him with his assignment why don't you do mine too"

But when sees she wasn't even looking at him, he got angry and wanted to hit her when drek spoke for her, " she doesn't like speaking that why, I will do your assignment for you just leave her out of this"

Teddy smirks," wow, lovely couple, so you guys are supporting each other, well I don't have your time today, I got some important things to do, do just make sure my assignment is done, I don't care who does it"

he said after checking his wrist watch.

He was about to go when Jupiter said

"hey didn't you hear what I said let go"

then she turns to Teddy " if you can't do your assignment yourself then just don't go to school nobody will ask you why you didn't go anyway, its not like you like going to school so just drop out" 

she then started packing are thing into her bag.

when Teddy heard what she said he was angry 

" you bitch what do you mean, good now from today you will be the one to do my assignments "

drek already stand up an was going to Jupiter side when Teddy looks at him and said "who asked you to stand up"

before drek could kneel down back, Jupiter pulled him to her side and said " I thought you are a man why are you acting like a kid, are you scared of this flies, no wonder your Mon said I should look out for you"

drek thought in His head " why don't I remember my mom saying something lime this or is there Somers wrong with my memory, isn't it her mom who told me to look out for her" 

seeing the look on drek face, Jupiter could not be bothered to explain, she just hold his hand when Teddy was about to hit her.

she dodge it and kick teddy in his Scotch.

Teddy fell down while holding is crotch, his underling where trying to help him up when he saw Larry smiling at the corner.

"at least my face is still better than that place, I wonder if boss could still do the do" Larry was smiling while thinking this in his head.

" what the fuck are you laughing about go and bring that bitch here if you don't, don't come back" Teddy shouted at Larry then he look at his boys.

they all wanted to go but when they remembered the beaten Larry received and their boss crotch, they hesisated but with the look from their boss they chase after them but after 15 minutes they comes back all beaten even larry was carried back. 

they then tell their boss.

" she is a devil" before they fell on the ground to tired to even walk.

Teddy looks at the them " good for nothing, only a girl and that whinny beat you to this extent "

one of the boys said" it was only the girl"

" and you still have the mouth to say it weaklings.

bitch don't let me catch you if not you are dead"

since that day they didn't bother drek again because of Jupiter

anytime they sees her they run.

after remembering how she helped him, drek smiled and closed the fridge.