
ATHENA: goddess of war

Sent to earth before the destruction of her planet, Jupiter lives a ordinary life until those who attack her planet invades earth. It up to Jupiter to save the whole planet, will she be able to save her new home or be taken away???

Tomisin_Osarz · Histoire
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Home alone again

Looking at the sky, " the sky looks bright and clear today" talking to her self Jupiter said why looking at the sky.

She was coming back from school. Jupiter was adopted by Mr and Mrs silver when she was still a baby, they picked her from a farm on their way home. She was in a small spaceship which has a letter in it. It does not contain much it only contains few words " her name is Jupiter keep her save, she is the only one who can save the world" not understanding what the letter entails, Mr and Mrs silver took her in.

When she was brought home Drek their first born was home playing video game. She. He saw is mom holding a baby, he couldn't help but ask " whose baby is that" cause the last time he saw is mom her stomach was not big and his sister, Alice is just 3 years old.

 His mom Mrs Vivian silver answered him " she is your new sister from today onward, her name is Jupiter and has the big brother you must look after her" 

Four years after Jupiter was enrolled in a school. She registered late due to her in ability to walk and talk early.

Eher lives begin to change when they move to another city. Though she wasn't the smartest, she was still among the best. 

Jupiter doesn't like people touching her, so she avoids people touch.

"Mom! Am home" Jupiter called out to her Mom after coming back from school. But nobody answered so she went in to check.

"Mom and dad went out, your food is in the kitchen do the dishes when you are done" Drek her brother answered to her after he saw her checking mom and dads room.

"Okay big bro, what about big sis?" 

"She already went back to school today" he answered then took his backbag and gave her some money.

"I was waiting for you to come before I leave,am also going back today, am not sure when mom and dad will be back take care of yourself and be good" he told her before leaving.

"Home alone again"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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