
At Your Side

The sheer madness of a person going back to the one that hurt them the most was astounding, yet here Rosie was, suitcase in hand at her ex-husband's door step. Ready to mess up her life again and this time it was by her own choice.

Tae_Lee4724 · Urbain
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2 Chs

new day

I awoke with a start to a loud banging at my bedroom door. Being whisked from my deep sleep caused me to walk to the door in a dazed state not caring of how I looked in the slightest. By the time the blurriness in my eyes cleared, I saw the annoyed look of someone I hadn't wanted to see so early in the morning.

If it wasnt Lucas then who else could it be.

'What does he want now?' I silently wondered.

He snorted silently as muttered, "Disgusting" .

I looked up at him in confusion but soon realized that I had just gotten out of bed and my face must have been unsightly to look at. I already knew clearly how I looked when I just gotten out bed more so if I had been exhausted terribly the night before.

The scruffy bedhead, red eyes and traces of drool that ran all the way down to my neck that had already probably dried long before. I quickly turned around in embarrassment and turned my back to face him.

" What is it? " I asked in a shy voice.

I should have take more care and acted appropriately. I was no longer in my own little studio apartment. I had to be more aware of my surroundings so that incidents like this wouldn't occur. I sighed deeply as I lamented my misfortune.

"Get dressed. " Lucas didn't wait for a reply but just turned around and headed up the stairs.

What was wrong with this man? He calls me back to his house, states that we were going somewhere so early in the morning and doesn't even have the basic decency to declare where we would be going to .

Clarity soon strikes at my thoughts. How could I have forgotten? Even when we were still married, he never considered my opinion on anything, even on what we had to eat a restaurant whenever we went out and those moments where few and far in between and could be counted on one hand.

I sighed deeply again and just accepted my fate. Who told me to come back and stay obediently at his side like a servant? I wasn't even getting paid. I had to think of a way to get a job so that I could support my baby who was currently living with my best friend back in Park City. I had to call Mandy and ask her how my baby boy was doing without me at his side.

This was the first time that I had been separated from Danny since the day he was born and it had only been one day and one night but I already missed him so much. I knew we would be separated for a long time so I had to toughen up and not give up right when I had just began. My biggest fear would be Lucas taking custody of Danny, so if there was anyway I could cozy up to Lucas until I could bring out the subject of him having a son that he probably didn't know about and hope that he wouldn't take custody of him because knowing him, he would soon investigate my whereabouts and that if he hadn't done that already.

If the worst came to the worst, I would probably go and beg my family for help. But that was only if other methods had failed.

I shook my head. I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to think of the past. I slowly dragged my feet towards the bathroom and took a hot relaxing shower all the while wondering where Lucas was going to take me so early in the morning.

I went to my suitcase and decided to put a knee high sundress and some flats. It was the middle of summer right now and it was going to get unbearably hot sooner or later. I put on some light make up and curled my shoulder length chest nut hair. My hair used to be very long, nearly up to my waist. But that was a long time a ago. I rather liked my short hair.

By the time I was finished, my room looked like as though a tornado had passed through. I was a messy person, to the point where even I acknowledged it.

Back home, if it wasn't for Mandy constantly berating me for my messiness while cleaning up after me, I do not know how I would have survived to this day. In truth, I wasn't really messy. But I just wasn't very neat and clean as Mandy would have me be. Her cleanliness bordered as an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

I sighed heavily and decided to tidy up my room after I had returned later in the day. This wasn't my home. I had to act as a proper lady even though I wasn't remotely close to one. Unfortunately I had to act the part.

I felt my stomach tighten painfully and growl loudly. Only then did I realize that I had last eaten the morning of the previous day and even then it was just a cup of coffee and a bagel. I was extremely hungry.

I hurried out of my room and followed the map in memory that would lead me to the kitchen. To my surprise , it was completely empty, I couldn't even get a glimpse of Nanny Ann to ask if there was any left food left over from those who had eaten breakfast. My stomach tightened even more thus reminding me of my growing hunger.

" Why are you standing there? We need to leave. " The sound of a deep baritone brought me out of my thoughts over my impending hunger.

" What. I cant eat now. You expect me to walk around following you like a damn dog and do whatever you say. " I shouted angrily.

By the time I was done, speaking, my breath was coming out in short pants. I felt like I had just let out the words that had been bothering me since I came back to this villa.

Suddenly, I realized my mistake, I had shouted angrily at Lucas and if my memory served me right, that was a bad idea. My face paled and I lowered my head in shame as I thought of how he would handle my impudent behaviour.

I was never one to let my real character show in front of Lucas. I had schooled myself into being the perfect wife with the perfect temper just for Lucas during the two years that we were married. Maybe it was the hunger that caused me to lash out or maybe it was the fact that I hadn't been near Lucas for the past three years and had forgotten how to act. I stood rooted at the front of the kitchen while looking at my feet wondering how Lucas would deal with me.

Suddenly, I felt a large warm hand rub the top of my head. I looked up in confusion only to see Lucas looking down at me with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Alright. Let's eat first." As soon as he said those words, he put his hand back to its original position which happened to be his trouser pocket and walked.

I still stood where I was in a daze. 'What just happened? Wasn't he angry? Wasn't he going to punish me like in the past? What's going on?' I questioned silently in my head as I looked at the handsome figure departing from the house. Lucas turned back with a questioning gaze.

" What . You don't want to eat now. Mmm That's also fine." With that, he turned around and walked even faster.

" Wait. Wait . I'm coming " I hurriedly called out. "What's he rushing for?" I muttered irritably under my breathe as I rushed out of the villa after my now declared stomach's benefactor.