
At your service, my lady

After dying due to a terrible disease, Fausto wakes up as the character of his favorite novel. He reincarnated as the most loyal servant of the villainess! Their fate is to die at the hand of the heroine and the prince, but the pent-up feelings from the original character will not allow Fausto to let such an ending happen. Now, with a new body and mixed feelings, Fausto has to find a way to reach a happy ending for himself and his mistress. The method does not matter. He will protect what is precious to him.

Y0Y1S · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
52 Chs

There is a shadow of hope

In the cabin was a giant torch, once it was ignited; the fight would start.

Dominique and Isabella were discretely chatting between them, Opherio noticed this and scuffed at them while thinking to himself: "Useless".

The irregulars smiled at each other, since they both were attractive to the human eye, the image was almost artistic. However, they were still irregulars, which turn the piece of art into a foul and obscene picture of monsters grinning at their execution.

Opherio couldn´t wait anymore. Once the torch lightens, he will shove away every one to be the first one to cut into tiny bits the man who dared to challenge him despite his noble origins.

A failure like them wouldn´t stand a chance against his water magic and swordsmanship. He has been appraised for being a talented user of both skills. A street fight like this was nothing but a method to ease his anger and hatred toward the errors of the world.

Opherio looked at the torch. Siegfreid was pointing his palm at the empty object. Seconds felt eternal as the fire from his hand sparkled and danced as it was shot into the steel recipient.

A sea of sweat and corporal fluids were hugging his protected body while the sword in his hand was covered by a wild barrage of water.

He calculated the momentum perfectly so when the torch was lightened, he would already be attacking his enemies.

This type of calculation and strategy could only be achieved by real experience and high-quality education.

Elements that were basic in the life of a true noble like him.


He was already able to picture his victory. Everyone clapped for him as his feet crushed the head of his victims. Prince Nicholas thanked him for defeating the monsters that had put lies and tricks into his mind. And vice-president Verónica asked him if she could marry the next general of the royal guard.

Just as he had envisioned so many times before. The Academy of Xerxes was nothing but a springboard to his success. To his golden destiny.

These monsters will be the starting point of my legend!!

And as the thought landed in his mind filled with delusions and dreams.

The torch was fired up, and the shout of Siegfreid signaling the beginning of the battle almost shook the ground with its power.

Opherio trusted forward with his shield covering his body and his sword on its way to cut down the demons.

His teammates were not expecting him to jump into battle so suddenly, that´s why their formation was destroyed, and panic ruled over their minds for a couple of seconds.

It was not a matter that needed the focus of Opherio. He was about to turn Isabella into a pile of cut flesh.


And when the edge of his sword was about to reach her shoulder...


"... Huh?...."

"You´re so fucking predictable"

The sword of the other irregular parried his attack and gave him those words.



A striking pain reached the left side of his lower torso. Dominique had aimed his weapon at the places where the armor could not protect its host.

The angle and timing were so perfect, that Opherion couldn´t do anything besides fall to the ground with his face painted in blue.


Dominique didn´t answer immediately, instead, he took away his shield and stamped his other hand against the ground with his feet.

The nasty sound of bones crushing filled the arena as the subordinates of Opherio heard his yells of suffering.

At the same time, Isabella shot her weapons at the remaining enemies. Her aim was as spectacular as the light that was being born on her left hand.


"On it!"

When two of the subordinates fell to the ground with marks of a bullet on their foreheads, Isabella threw the ball of light to the skies as if it was a long pass.

Dominique took advantage of the panic and sprinted forward with his sword in hand.

As the ball was floating on top of their heads, Dominique struck the soldiers with millimetric precision as he used their own shadows to dodge and land attacks.

It was a matter of a few seconds, but the 6 heroes willing to stop the demons and defend the academy were all now laying on the ground with nothing but pain.

And amongst the public that couldn´t believe their eyes. A man shouted.


Both irregulars turned to the golden boy holding his crushed hand. A true hatred poured out of his mouth and eyes in the shape of blood and tears.


With each phrase, Opherio took a step forward with his fist in the air.


He finally reached Isabella, who was now petrified in his place by the vulgar image of a decaying man.


Opherion launched his fist at her face, but it never landed thanks to the palm of another person.

"I bet that´s how all of you motherfuckers see us"

A second after, the feet of Dominique reached Opherio´s stomach, destroying his armor in the process.

Even when Dominique had enough strength to do so, there was a price that her leg had to pay.


But the pain was bearable, so he kept moving forward.

"All these years, and you still believe in such nonsense. When will you learn that we are not deficient products?"

The shadows of the surroundings began to take the form of never-seen beasts. Strange howls and groans could be heard from the bottomless monstrosities.

Opherio was being surrounded by them. The fear allowed him to forget about the pain for a moment and attempted to escape, but there was no safe place nearby.

Cold sweat covered his body as the beasts were about to reach him.

"N-No! S-Stay away from me! STAY AWAY!!"

Just as the thought he had before.

It was useless.

His limbs were held by the strange creatures, forcing him to stay in a position of submission where his legs knelt and his arms were behind his back.

It was the same position that the kingdom used when someone was about to be beheaded.

Opherio noticed this and his throat became a hot dessert. He wanted to scream and shout but the words just didn´t come out.

For the first time in his whole life, true terror had reached him.

"Losers, demons, filth, bastards, commoners. You have so many ways to call us because your lack of comprehension is painfully trying to give a name you can control"

Dominique reached his side and grabbed Opherio by his hair, forcing him to show his neck.

"But let me tell you this, and you all better listen to me!!"

Then, with the help of his shadows, grabbed the golden sword of Opherio, and rested its edge on the necks of its rightful owner.


"We are champions! WE are evolution!! WE ARE NOT DEMONS!!!"

Blood began to slide down his neck, the sword was being pushed harder against him. It was ready to slice the head of an enemy.

Dominique landed his cold gaze on the weeping eyes of his enemy.

"We are the people whose gifts are from the love of god..."

A final trust.



Everyone was on the edge of their seat, even the teachers and student council were hypnotized by the performance developing before them.

Maybe that and the nature of this scenario were the reason why none could believe what was happening now.

The golden sword fell to the ground and the shapes of monsters disappeared.

"And because we are love, is that we won´t do the same things you do"

Opherio was free, but his mind was wandering in the emptiness of his own will.

"We are not monsters. We are not beasts. WE ARE PEOPLE!! WE FEEL!! WE CRY!! WE LOVE!!! WE CAN DO ANYTHING YOU DO AND MUCH MORE!!!"

The voice of Dominique was like a hammer. The hammer of conscience and awakening.


With his fist on the sky, he shouted: "FREEDOM TO LIVE!!! FREEDOM TO FEEL!!! FREEDOM TO LOVE!!!"

And like this, the first fight in the arena of Xerxes; transmitted to the whole capital by the Club of Communication and Divulgation, reached its end.

But deep down everyone that saw that figure knew. Not only the people, but the whole world was about to change.

"... Verónica... Dominique is amazing..."

The prince, who was expecting an entertaining moment, could only give those words at the sight before him.

His vice-president was trying very hard to hold it, but tears ran out of her eyes as a relentless river.

A river filled with respect, and joy.

And love.

"I know... God... I know it so well..."