
At your service, my lady

After dying due to a terrible disease, Fausto wakes up as the character of his favorite novel. He reincarnated as the most loyal servant of the villainess! Their fate is to die at the hand of the heroine and the prince, but the pent-up feelings from the original character will not allow Fausto to let such an ending happen. Now, with a new body and mixed feelings, Fausto has to find a way to reach a happy ending for himself and his mistress. The method does not matter. He will protect what is precious to him.

Y0Y1S · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

Our day

"My lord, I accept the offer, please let me be part of the Yatra house"

Right after leaving the stables, I spent my remaining days planning my course of action for my new role.

Veronica blessed me with her company during those days, explaining to me the methods to rise in the hierarchy of the kingdom.

Once I was sure of my decision, I went to Herion's office to report my conviction.

"Took you long enough boy, I already prepared everything for your transfer to the house, you leave tomorrow"

I thought I could see a little more of a response, he was dead at this point in the original story, so I'm quite curious about his reactions.

"Seems like in the end, I was only walking the road you prepared"

Keeping his eyes on the paper of his desk, he answered with a sigh.

"I expected you to say yes right after our come back from the raid, it is a mystery for all of us why you took so long to decide"

They are not aware of the events about to happen once Veronica and I enter college, the whole world's fate will be in their hands, and I'm the only one who knows that.

I truly needed some time to be sure of my actions.

"I'm just the serious type, I can't make such important choices so randomly"

"You better keep that attitude once you're in the academy, especially when you're an irregular"

"I am aware"


A person out of the 4 original elements of magic: Fire, earth, water, and wind.

Every once in a while someone like that is born in this world, and since most of them have been enemies of the kingdoms through history, there's a lot of discrimination and repulsion to the ones carrying that mark.

Since only a bunch of people can use magic, people born as irregular are permitted to join the army and study in magic academies.

The thing is... I've never known of an irregular that graduated...

Most of them quit due to harassment and unfair treatment.

"In that case, get everything ready for your leaving"

"Yes, my lord"

Just when I was about to grab the knob, Herion tossed a final bomb.

"Veronica already knows of your transfer, but she doesn't know when it's going to happen"

I have to admit it, for a moment there, I kind of felt a little bit of hatred towards him.

He could have helped me there...

"... I see... I'll take care of that..."

Showing a victorious smile, Herion returned his attention to the papers.

"Good, you may go now"

The first direction for my feet was the garden, Veronica should be there at this hour in the afternoon.


As I expected, Veronica was in the middle of a tiny forest. She was sitting on a black leather chair with her cup of tea on the round table, her hands holding a book.

Her figure seemed like those of a fairytale; distant, magical, almost divine.

"Hm? Domi, What are you doing here?"

After noticing my presence I got closer and sat on the grass beside her seat.

"I'm moving to the Yatra's house, and I'm leaving tomorrow"

"I see..."

Silence filled the air as she closed the book.

I originally planned to be more delicate about it, but I changed my mind in the end, the result probably will be the same anyways.

Looking at her face I noticed how deep in thought she was. Maybe thinking of what will be of me once I'm gone, or it could be that she's just wondering how life will be when we enter the Academy.

I don't know, and perhaps I don't need to know. I'll just do everything I can to be worthy of a seat by her side.

Not as master and servant, or as simple friends, but as something much more meaningful, much more personal.

But for now... I'll have to put up with this...

The rest of the day was spent with us talking about our expectations for the future and other meaningless stuff. There wasn't much more to be said or asked.

We knew that things between us were about to change, there was no need to gather further information on that.

This wasn't a goodbye, it was more like saying: "I see you later".

" Hey, Domi"

To break another silence, Veronica spoke in a soft voice.


"Let's go out"


This order wasn't strange at all, there were several times when I had to accompany her to the capital to buy or do something.

But there was something different this time, something out of the ordinary.

"You mean, to the capital?"


"Like, now?"

"In a couple of hours"

This short exchange helped me to clarify the idea rumbling around my head.

"Just us?"


Nervousness attacked at the same time it did joy.

The drumming of my chest and the red on her cheeks pushed me to give her my answer.


"... Then, I'll see you later"


Veronica left as fast as the wind. I waited patiently in the grass until her footsteps were gone.

"... Nice..."

I let gravity do its job and felt the comfy texture of the green land on my back.

"... I just got a date..."

I was very glad that no one was able to see me now.


"So many stares... Do I look that weird?"

I was sitting on the edge of a fountain located in the center of the capital. Stores and people carrying stuffed bags filled my vision as the noise of shopping and food found its way into my ears.

It was around 6 in the afternoon. My white jacket served well against the cold winds. the boots embracing my feet felt nice and my black trousers were formal enough for the date.

"Maybe I shouldn't have worn yellow for the shirt..."

"I think it suits you, the color goes well with your eyes"

Exactly when I was judging my looks, a familiar voice came from behind me.

Looking in her direction I saw what true beauty is.

It had the shape of a young woman wearing a red blouse, her exposed cleavage was decorated with a golden collar with an ambar gemstone in the center. There was a white purse on her hands covered by thin gloves.

Her slim waist was being held by a long black skirt whose fabric got transparent the more you looked down at her legs.

Elegant white shoes gave me a glimpse of her crimson nails.

It wasn't long before my heart began to jump out of my chest.

"Did you see something nice?" Asked Veronica with a confident grin.

Her glossy lips, soft eyeshadow, and thin makeup were a critical hit on my heart rate.

"Yhea... Breathtaking..."

Seemingly pleased by my answer, Veronica held my arm with hers, pulling me forward.

"Let's go, I hate being late for reservations"


As I could, I mustered an answer. The pathetic tune of my voice was just a sad reminder of my lack of experience when it comes to romance.

I never had many friends, much less a girlfriend.

I tried to prepare for this with the advice of some servants and knights, but going from theory to practice is not an easy task.

"Dominique, you are with me now, forget anything not related to that"

Reading my mind like an open book, she hold me tighter while I tried my best to not think much about the softness of her skin.

"Sorry," I said, taking a discrete deep breath before matching her peace.

"You're right, let's just have fun"

Accepting the reality happening before my eyes, I mustered the courage to take the lead in the conversation.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is, but did you know? in the kingdoms of the east, what you just said means: I love you"


The heat on my face was almost suffocating. I tried to hide under the palm of my hand, but my ears were hot enough to make me realize how hard I was blushing.

"Are you perhaps hitting on me, my dear servant?"

A devil.

Tonight I'm going out with a demon that enjoys my suffering and anxiety.

"... Please don't tease me, my lady" I whispered while trying to appear unshakable.

"Fufu~. Come on, we're almost there"

Veronica was having fun, I knew that much by her confidence and aggressive approach.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy, however, my pride as a man is being furiously damaged.

What a night this is gonna be...

Resigned to my current situation of being the leaded instead of the leader, I just nodded in embarrassing silence.