
At your service, my lady

After dying due to a terrible disease, Fausto wakes up as the character of his favorite novel. He reincarnated as the most loyal servant of the villainess! Their fate is to die at the hand of the heroine and the prince, but the pent-up feelings from the original character will not allow Fausto to let such an ending happen. Now, with a new body and mixed feelings, Fausto has to find a way to reach a happy ending for himself and his mistress. The method does not matter. He will protect what is precious to him.

Y0Y1S · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
52 Chs

Nothing like home

When I was delivered back to the Fotiadis, the medic patched me up with magic, medicines, and other medical tools.

I was inside my room, covered by the blanket of my bed. The Fotiadis family surrounded me as the doctor spoke with a notebook in his hand.

"Drink these pills to clean your system from the narcotics. Nausea should wear off after an hour. Also, your leg will be fine after a month of complete rest. Luckily, the blade didn´t cut deeper into your muscle, otherwise, your ability to run would have been gone for the rest of your days"

A chill ran down my spine when I heard that.

I saved my life and reputation with Herion, but I almost lost a leg.

I need to be more careful from now on...

The doctor went to Herion and handed him a note saying: "This will be enough for him". The man nodded as he thanked the medic for his services, and his wife followed both while leaving my room.

Now I was alone with Verónica, who seemed quite angry.

If I was in a better situation, I would be struggling to not look much at her light crimson pajamas and clear cleavage.

"I uhh... I´m sorry..."

"For what exactly?"


"Don´t apologize if you don´t know why you´re doing it"

She turned her head, making it impossible for my eyes to witness her expression.

Feeling bone-crushing guilt, I averted my head in shame.

"I was worried..."

Suddenly, her weak voice echoed through my head.

"When father returned, and you weren´t with him I... I thought something bad happened to you, b-but then he said you went on a mission alone, and when I asked for the reason, he didn´t tell me, and..."

Her voice broke and fastened with each word, little by little her sniffs and tears became visible.

"My lady, I-"



Just when I was about to explain the situation, Verónica abandoned her seat and got on top of me, pushing down my shoulders.


The view was honestly magnificent. Her snow-white skin was wet by the crystal tears that fled from 2 perfect rubies reflecting my face. The smell of her golden hair filled my nose with the desirable presence of her glossy peach lips.

She was my entire world for a brief moment.

"I know that you were just doing your job! I know you were following orders! I know it but..."

Her grip tightened as her face rested on my chest.

"Don´t get so hurt... You´re my servant... People will think I don´t treat you nice if you´re always filled with wounds..."

"... Haha..."

Hugging her slender, yet, voluptuous body closer, I let out a chuckle.

"What´s so funny you idiot?" She asked, lifting her face.

"It´s just... your choice of words to say you were worried was... well... not very honest"

I gently swept her tears, the warmth of her body being one of the things occupying space inside my mind and heart.

Her ears and cheeks became bright red in response to my actions and words.

"Hmph, you have some nerve to be talking to your master like that"

"I wouldn´t be doing it if I knew you didn´t like it"


Now with her face red as a tomato, Verónica chose to bury herself in my blankets, her arms and legs holding my body.

I did the same instinctively and rested my head on hers.

"I´m glad you kept your word, but please, be more careful next time..."

"... Yes, my lady..."

"Do you promise?"

Being attacked by her begging eyes, there was only one option for me.

"Yes... I promise..."

"... You can´t go back on that, understand?"


Returning to her position with a smile, she closed her eyes, it was just a matter of minutes before her breath became softer.

Feeling extreme happiness and guilt, I swore inside this stolen room.

Sorry, Dominique... I´m going to enjoy this a little bit more...


"Oh, my~ Fufufu~"


Herion and Delilah returned to Dominique´s room after a couple of hours. They had just finished the discussion with the doctor and the captain, so they decided that it was a good time to see what the conclusion of leaving their daughter with that man would be.

Both of them already expected the youngsters to act a bit too friendly. Delilah even bet that Dominique would be kissing her by now. Herion, of course, hated the idea of her noble daughter getting laid with her servant. Though he knew that the possibility wasn´t zero.

Before opening the door, he repeatedly told himself to be patient, and if not, Delilah would be there to stop him from doing anything that could cause their daughter to hate him.

"You filthy traitor..."

This was the perfect moment for that.

"Honey, how do you exactly plan on burning him with Verónica under his arms? As far as I remember, you were never the best at controlling your flames"


Accepting reluctantly his inability with magic, Herion stepped back.

"Listen, normally, I would be the one doing the burning, but this kid is loyal beyond words, and from what I can consider of his recent achievements... He might as well be a genius... A very strong one..."

"... Indeed, I heard that the castle is still having problems figuring out the codes used to write those coordinates. The fact that he was able to solve it can only mean a great intellect or the actions of a treacherous spy"

They both stared at the man holding the most precious thing to them.

"It doesn´t seem like he plans on letting her go any time soon..."

"... That could be the case..."

Delilah hugged the arm of her husband. He placed his hand on hers with his eyes still locked on the young man.

"What should I do? There is so much mystery surrounding him, he could easily be a spy of another house or kingdom... Or a mercenary like those we cleaned from the capital..."

The image of Dominique grabbing his burning sword returned to his mind.

"I know he has the determination to do so..."

The eyes he saw at that moment were filled with a will of iron. One that could not be stopped, unless death made its call.

"Can I truly put my trust in someone like that?..." He asked, clutching his fist in silent agony.

Grabbing the doubting face of Herion with both hands, Delilah talked with a gentle, loving tune.

"Whatever your choice is, I´ll be with you, if you believe he is a threat too big for our home, then I´ll share the hatred of our daughter with you. And if you choose to risk your neck with his support, then I´ll risk mine too"


"We are a team, Herion. Always"

They embraced each other and shared a kiss.

Their destinies changed thanks to his actions, so it´s only natural for them to return the favor.


"I want you to become part of our family branches"

"... What?"

After half a month my lungs were mostly clean, and I was able to walk normally. Just after finishing breakfast with the knights, I was instructed to go to Herion´s office.

The first thing that came from his mouth was an invitation beyond my imagination.

"The house of Yatra is the lowest in the list of descendants, it´s the perfect spot for a stray like you to build a name of your own"

"That might be true but... Doesn´t this mean I´m fired from being a servant?"

"Indeed. Your business in this house would be done"

Cold sweat slid through my spine.

The existence of Dominique develops by being a servant, changing that role means a complete modification in the original story, even more than what I had planned.

And what´s more important, If I disappear from Verónica´s side the consequences are bound to be much more than a simple change in the dialogues.

"Then I can´t-"

"-Think it thoroughly boy. This could be your best and only chance to be with Verónica as more than a servant"


Cutting my words he crushed my dialogue.

Still, I had many doubts.

You don´t understand... I already know how great of an opportunity this is... But... This doesn´t involve just me, your life and many others can be modified in ways that I cannot imagine!

Making an effort to escape from my thoughts, I asked with great concern.

"... What would be of me if I accept?"

"You´ll be translated to the Yatra house as a new son of one relative of mine. I can also offer you a scholarship in the royal academy, though you´ll have to handle the treatment of an irregular like yourself"

"I would be a student instead of a servant..."

"Seems like now I got your interest. What is your choice?"

This is too sudden, I can´t make such an important decision just like that!

I need more time...

"Can I have a couple of days to think about it?"

Showing a grin, Herion nodded.

"You have a week"

"Thank you, my lord, is there anything else?"

"No, you may leave"

With a whirlwind of possibilities doing mayhem inside my head, I left his office.

Once I reached my room, the first thing I did was bury my face under my pillows.

"What do I do now?"

It was going to be a long night.