
Chapter 7

A swathe of light from the hallway cut across the floor as the door swung open. There, in the entrance, was the dark outline of the very vampire she was looking for.

“Well, I’d like to say this is a surprise,” he said, stuffing his hands into his pockets and leaning against the jamb. Though his face was in shadows, there was no denying the flash of white as he smiled at her. “Except somehow, I just knew you’d find me irresistible.”3

Gideon lied.

The sight of the woman from the church had initially roused a wall of fury inside him. Especially when he saw the stake she clutched in her tight little hand. Did she really think she could just show up at his home and try to finish what she hadn’t managed the night before? Didn’t she know who he was? Well, obviously, she did, or she wouldn’t have found out where he lived. But still. It galled.