
Astrum Encyclopedia

The Astrum Encyclopedia is a mini-series containing travel notes and stories describing the world of Astrum. It includes descriptions of fauna, flora, races, magic, history, culture, and much more from this universe. The series will be updated daily, with 1-2 mini chapters per day

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The Secrets of Alchemy: Why are all alchemists weird?

As everyone knows, Alchemy and Herbalism are quite related fields. Both deal with the preparation of all kinds of potions. However, there are many differences between them.

Alchemy has more in common with psychology and philosophy than with herbalism. Few, however, know the differences between these disciplines. Alchemy is a branch of magic. We learn to change the state of things.


The topics of changing essence are not foreign to this field. Just as not every alchemist prepares all potions, a herbalist cannot change and control the nature of things. What is the nature of things?

From an early age, we are taught that a given thing is what it is. When you look at a ball made of aluminum, what is it? When you look at a certain animal, can you say what it is? We are taught arithmetic, words, feelings, what is good, and what is bad from an early age. However, the world is not that simple.


All this is nothing more than aspects, frames created by rational beings. "Everything is fluid, everything is and is not." Thus, the Homunculi were created, the deepest knowledge of alchemy.

One of the first alchemists of our era noticed that our thoughts have an incredible influence on our world and thought: "What would happen if a given thing lost its existence, the frames in which it was placed by man? What will happen if someone believes with all their heart and soul that it is not what it was defined as?"


So he began to experiment in seclusion. Day by day, he convinced himself that the piece of wood he possessed was not wood. He tasted, smelled, felt the wood. Because of his isolation, he began to talk to his piece of wood. Tell it about his life.


Soon it turned out that this piece of wood started to vibrate. Change the state of its thing. At first, the alchemist thought he had lost his senses, but he did not stop the experiment.

He named the piece of wood Naru and continued the experiment. Naru responded more and more clearly to the old man's words. One day, new thoughts, more primitive sensations, flowed into the old man's mind. How could a piece of wood, which the Alchemist named, feel?


The researcher went one step further and carved a doll from the piece of wood, gave it a shape. Over the next few years, he imagined how Naru moved between him and helped in his daily duties. After a few more years, it turned out that Naru really moved.


Thoughts and bond between them were stronger, clearer. Answering the thoughts, Naru could change its shape and hardness. Soon this phenomenon was called Homunculus - a creature from the border. An artificial creature of things. Many alchemists in later times created their homunculi. It turned out that not only wood could be used for this. Metal, minerals, and other matters.

One day someone came up with the idea: what if our thoughts influence not only an existing entity? Unfortunately, it was an extremely daunting task. The first Imogi, so-called entities that initially existed only in the alchemist's head, were created.


Entities breaking the law of existence. They were, although they did not really have a physical body, they influenced the material world. Believing in the existence of something that does not exist was really difficult. A moment of hesitation was enough, and the experiment ended in failure. The rejection of the laws governing the world of humans left a mark on the human mind. The vast majority stuck to physical homunculi.


All the people who encountered alchemists on their way could say one thing: they were strange, so most of them avoided contact with them. For generations, these mechanisms were studied, which are related to how gods are created and where miracles happen. However, no one has ever fully tamed this phenomenon