
Astraphobia System

David, an ordinary orphan, survives the harsh world that claimed his parents. With only a humble hut and a strange book from his enigmatic uncle, he unknowingly holds the key to a power that could command a kingdom. Little does he realize that his destiny is entwined with ancient forces, launching him into a world of mystery, magic, and the pursuit of his true legacy.

Kingallen · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


A storm covered the whole sky.

"When a storm large enough to swallow the heavens approaches, the fate of man is sealed," A priestess mutters as she collapses in fear.

"The lightning, strong enough to destroy castles. The rain, plentiful enough to flood a continent, and monsters, never seen before, stronger than any man…" The tall old priest beside her continues.

"Why god…Have you forsaken us?"


"Tch, that dream again." Said David as he wiped the cold sweat off his face.

"I don't have time to be dreaming about nonsense right now. Tomorrow is finally the day of my adulthood." He exclaims as he stands up to get ready for the day.

As he leaves his hut, he feels a sharp pain on his forehead.

He looks down and sees a rock with some blood on it.



David looks down at the rock and mutters, 


"Yeah, I used magic, something your dumbass could never do."

" That's enough, boys."

The person who came to David's rescue was a brown-haired woman with green eyes.

"And you, stop giving up. They'll just keep bullying you."

"I'm sorry, ms. May, even after you let me stay in this hut, I still can't be useful."

"I don't let you stay there, how many times do I have to tell you that your parents left it for you"

"Anyway, let's head over to the tavern. Today will be busy like usual."

As David and Ms. May head over to the tavern, he sees a strange shadow from the corner of his eye

"Wait, what was that…"

"What are you talking about? Let's go"


After another long day of cleaning dishes at the local tavern, he walks home alone

David's head begins throbbing, filling him with a throbbing pain

"What the hell is going on…"

As David's hut comes into his field of vision, he senses something is wrong

A dozen dark cloaks, as dark as the night, surrounding his hut

They seemed to be empty, only making David doubt his eyes more

"Wait, what is he doing with the crate."

David ran towards his hut but was knocked to the ground by one of the shadow cloaks

"What the hell are you?!"

David looks at his hand and sees blood 

"Damn it, the wound from this morning reopened."

The shadow cloaks suddenly bowed in the direction of the hut 

A man shrouded in a similar but different shadow cloak was holding a strange book at the entrance of David's hut.

The leader of the shadow cloaks was shrouded in a purple light, a light so bright yet dark enough to swallow the light it produced.

David's one memento from his family was stored inside the hut, a strange book. 

The man surrounded by shadow turned to David, who was bleeding on the ground, and said

"So you're the one who would've inherited this power. Unfortunately for you, I, Gazef am here, and I'll absorb the power of pure lightning."

"Pure lightning? What is this guy talking about?" David thought

At that moment, Gazef let out a ghastly aura so strong that David, who couldn't use magic, would be rendered especially useless.

"*argh* What an aura… Not even the knights would be comparable."

"Now that I have the book of pure lightning, there is only one last step…"

"Your death."

"WHAT?" thought David as he tried his best to crawl away. Failing miserably.

"Funny that the descendant is so weak compared to his forefathers," said the man cloaked in shadows as he put the book into his cloak and pulled a black sword out.

"Since you've made this so easy for me, I'll give you a quick and painless death."

As the man with the ghastly aura advanced, David weakened and unable to escape, bracing for the inevitable. The shadows seemed to tighten around him, and the air grows thick with an ominous tension.

Just as the sword descends upon David's neck, a blinding flash of blue light splits the two men up.

"Damn it, of all the people," Gazef exclaims

Between David and Gazef stood an elderly man with bright white hair; he wore blue robes embroidered with patterns in the shape of lightning. The man had blue eyes that shined with wisdom.

The mysterious old man let loose a punch toward the Gazef.

Gazef dodged, but half of his minions were pulverized by the aura shot out by the man. 

"Get behind me, kid. He can make himself invisible."

As the words left his mouth, a dagger flew out of the shadows at the old man.

He blocked it with his hands

His hands were somehow unscathed as he covered David

"Listen here, kid. The book he stole from you is something significant. More than you could ever know. I'll try to take it from him. In the meantime, you run."

"Got it?"

"O-ok," David barely muttered

David finally stood up, and as the two mysterious men battled, he took cover in a corner near the battle.

"I don't want to run away," David stubbornly thought

As the two clashed, David noticed Gazef's henchmen were surrounding the old man

As the old man and Gazef were locked into battle, the henchmen attacked the old man from behind

The old man let out a large burst of shining blue light in all directions, taking out all the henchmen

"Gah." The old man spit a large clump of blood out of his mouth

He looked down and saw a blade, darker than the night, protruding from his chest.

Gazef stabbed him while the Old Man was getting rid of the henchmen.

"This is finally your end, Lucius," the Gazef declared with what seemed to be a sneer.

David felt as though he himself had been stabbed.

He looked down and saw there was no injury

"Am I going crazy because I'm about to die?"

Gazef withdrew his dark sword from Lucius's back, and the blood was absorbed into the weapon.

As Lucius fell to the ground, he looked toward David and smiled.

Suddenly, the sound of the midnight bell was heard around the town.

Almost simultaneously, Gazef began to light up in a familiar shining blue light

He began to scream in pain, and as he fidgeted, David saw an old but familiar object fall out of his cloak.

The book.

Left by his strange but enigmatic uncle, who disappeared shortly after.

David felt the strange pain in his head again.

He felt as though the book was reaching out to him.

And so, David ran

"If he wanted this so bad, maybe it's some sort of weapon I can use to survive!"

David ran toward the Gazef 

The man saw David and aimed his dagger at him once more

Lucius mustered all his strength to point a finger at the Gazef

The small blast released from the tip of Lucius's finger sent a familiar shockwave around Gazef's body.

Taking advantage of Gazef's temporary paralysis, David snatched the book 

But at that moment, everything changed

In his hands, the book was no longer an old, unreadable tome

It was now clean, embroidered with lightning shapes eerily similar to Lucius's robe, and the title of the book was now legible


It suddenly opened, and what came out was a 3d message

[Will you accept the Astraphobia system? Y/N]

David was confused, but in this situation, there was no time to think

[Welcome to Astraphobia]

[Astraphobia System Unlocked]

[Name: David ???]

[Level: 1]

[Exp 1/100]

[Hp 80/100]

[Mana 5/5]

[Strength 5]

[Agility 5]

[Stamina 5]

[Intelligence 5]

[Element: Lightning]

[Assignable Points available (0)]

Hello to anyone who may be reading this. I hope this journey will be enjoyable for all of us. I'll produce a story that won't lose to others. Please enjoy.

Kingallencreators' thoughts