
Astral Transcendence

[!] I stopped posting this story here. I just want to test it here, guess I didn't have great luck. Anyway, I'm working on to post my finished project on Royal Road.

Shyrlo · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
41 Chs

[ Treasure-N-Quest 2 ]

Upon uttering those words to Vanessa, a system notification abruptly materialized before me.


<Quest: Seek the Scrolls>

Objective: Acquire (0/10) Scrolls

Reward: +1 Willpower

Objective: Decipher (0/5) Scrolls

Reward: +1 Intelligence

Bonus: Collect more marbles than Vanessa

Reward: +25 Essence Points

Will you accept this quest?



Considering recent events, I've been contemplating this type of quest more often, though I only tackled it once during my training and rejected the others due to its formidable challenges. However, this one appears significantly more manageable.

The opportunity presented by this quest is too promising to decline.

With determination, I accepted it.

[ You have accepted the quest ]

Following Leno's lead, our initial search area was Ruonar City's Park. Upon our arrival, Leno swiftly addressed the group. "This park sprawls over a considerable expanse, so let's split up and reconvene here in roughly 30 minutes," he instructed.

Both Naera and I acknowledged his directions, setting off on our separate paths. My chosen route led me to the park's tranquil lake.

The park's lake stretched out serenely, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the vibrant azure of the sky.

Surrounded by lush, emerald foliage, the lake was framed by a majestic weeping willow tree, its cascading branches gracefully dipping into the water, creating a picturesque scene that seemed straight out of a storybook.

The tree's leaves swayed gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows on the tranquil surface of the lake.

As I approached the water's edge, I could hear the soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds, adding to the park's peaceful ambiance.

Could they really hide a scroll in this peaceful lake? It seemed unlikely, but I shouldn't rule out the possibility since they were even willing to bury one under a water fountain in the city plaza.

They claim that there are 100 scrolls hidden around the city, all with no clues except the starter scroll we received.

I noticed two children about my age, a boy and a girl. I approached them slowly, and it was clear they understood my intention and prepared themselves.

They seemed like the ascenders from the other party. I had an idea to confirm the whereabouts of the scrolls.

"You must be an ascendant, right?" The boy asked me.

Since fighting was prohibited in this challenge, it made approaching them less daunting. I nodded in response to his question.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"I figured as much. Well, if you're on the hunt for a scroll around here, we've already discovered three. You're a bit behind," the boy remarked, his tone carrying a hint of taunt.

"Wow, you couldn't even locate a single one here, and you have the audacity to claim you found three? That's pretty lame," I retorted.

The girl's irritation was evident as she responded, "W-what did you just say!?"

"I'll do what I want. Why should I believe your lies?" I countered, determined to continue my quest.

"Fine, then see it for yourself!" The girl exclaimed.

"Pearl, don't!!" The boy intervened.

Their reactions were confirmation enough that they had indeed found the scrolls here. Still, I don't think all the scrolls in their possession were found here. They put up a white lies here.

"Don't worry, even if we show it to him, nothing will change. Fighting is prohibited in this challenge, so if he attacks us, his team will face penalties," the girl reassured.

"Well, it's great that you found scrolls here, but you might have missed one," I remarked.

"What do you mean by that?" the boy inquired.

I gestured toward the lake. "There's one in that lake," I stated matter-of-factly.

"Huh? That's nonsense!" Pearl exclaimed.

It seemed they hadn't explored the lake yet, which was fortunate.

"I'm telling the truth," I responded casually.

The boy remained skeptical. "Why should we believe you?" he questioned.

"How about this? If I find a scroll in that lake, we can share it," I proposed.

The boy appeared perplexed. "Why would you even suggest that?"

"But, of course, I had another proposal in mind," I explained.

"No, I wouldn't trade the scrolls," he firmly declined.

"Don't worry, I won't ask for that. What I want is for both of you to honestly answer three questions. That's all," I clarified, raising three fingers in front of them.

They exchanged glances, seemingly contemplating my offer.

"Well, that depends on whether you can prove the scroll is inside the lake first," the girl stipulated.

"Deal," I extended my hand to seal the agreement.

The boy stepped forward and shook my hand. "So, how do you plan to search for the scroll in that lake?" he inquired.

I strolled casually towards the lake as they watched with astonishment. "By swimming, of course."


"Stephen, I think he might have lost a few screws in his head," Pearl commented.

I swiftly removed my shoes and leaped into the lake, leaving both of them utterly shocked. As I entered the water, I harnessed my control over it, effortlessly maneuvering through its depths.

'Garen, try to locate the scroll as well,' I communicated through our mental connection.

'Sure, but first, why did you agree to those terms with them?' Garen questioned.

'They were just a group of kids, Garen. Trust me, we're scamming them after this,' I replied.

'S-scamming?' Garen sounded uncertain and concerned.

I descended to the lake's bottom and then utilized my combination of wind and water magic to generate a pocket of air, dispelling the water around me. Despite this, visibility remained limited in the murky depths.

'How can you be so sure that there was a scroll down here?'

'Not 100% but my guts telling me there is. I will explain it later once I can confirm there is one here.'

Carefully, I employed a controlled flame to illuminate the lake's floor, taking care to minimize the light to avoid drawing attention from those on the surface.

'Let me help you. Since you're not that good yet with Earth elements.' Garen said while ordering me to touch the ground.

Garen utilized his earth magic to thoroughly scan the lakebed for any signs of the scroll's presence. After a period of concentration, he communicated that he had detected something resembling the scroll's energy signature.

'Maybe you're right, go to your left a bit further than to your right.' Garen guided me.

After a diligent search, we finally laid our hands on it. The scroll was a striking shade of crimson, with intricate gold accents adorning its edges. Its surface felt smooth to the touch, and as I unfurled it, the riddle and intricate words upon it came into view.

[ You have found a scroll ]

[ You have earned +1 Essence Point ]

[ You have gathered (1/10) scrolls ]

"I am where The Sun breath ignites the steel's desire, within me they take form,"

This riddle is easier than the previous one.

As I surfaced, water dripping from my soaked clothes, I could sense the boy's and girl's skepticism lingering in the air.

"That was quick. You gave up halfway? As I thought, you're all ta—" the boy began to say.

However, their assumptions were abruptly halted when I revealed the red scroll in my hand, gently shaking it to display it to them. Their expressions shifted from doubt to sheer astonishment.

"No way. A red scroll," Pearl exclaimed, her surprise palpable, while the boy's initial skepticism transformed into a mix of astonishment and admiration.

With the red scroll in hand, I couldn't help but playfully inquire, "So, are we still in agreement on those terms?"

Both of their eyes remained fixated on the red scroll in my hand, unyielding in their gaze. It was as though no matter where I moved, their eyes trailed it like a pack of loyal hounds.

"Now, as we agreed, I'll share the content of this scroll with you. But before we proceed, you both have to answer three questions honestly. I'll be the judge of your honesty based on my own instincts and feelings," I stated with a serious tone.

"Fine." Both of them said.

I raised my index finger. "First, do you know what this is?" I showed them the yellow marble that previously was a scroll.

Both of them stared at each other before saying their words at the same time. "A marble?"

"Don't play dumb with me." I said.

"Tch. Fine. It became that once we answered the riddle." Pearl explained.

I stared at them judging their reaction. They really did know about this marble. That means they had answered the scroll before or they did saw their teammates answer it.

I moved to the next question without a pause. I raised two fingers and asked. "Second, where is the whereabouts of your first task after receiving the white paper in the Adventure Guild?"

"The Ruonar's Library." Stephen answered.

"So, your next search location is here after the library?" I inquired.

"Was that your third question?" Pearl asked, seeking clarity.

"No," I replied, pretending to clear my throat.

"Then, last. What is the content of those three scrolls you've found?"

Pearl immediately grew agitated, and Stephen joined her in protest.

"That's crossing the line," Stephen objected.

"Sorry, but you don't have to answer it. Instead, just write down the three riddles on this sand," I suggested, sensing their reluctance. They both agreed to my proposal, realizing they had nothing to lose, and began inscribing the riddles in the sand with sticks.

The first one.

"I house artifacts and treasures of old, Legends and history in stories retold. Visitors flock to learn, to see, and to muse, In a place where the past takes center stage, who am I to enthuse?"

It's probably the Guild Hall or The City Hall. I thought.

The second one.

"Amidst the urban maze, I wind my way, A place where commerce thrives both night and day. Hidden in plain sight, yet secrets I hold, In the heart of the city, my stories unfold."

This one is hard but…either the street market or the city plaza.

The last one.

"I flow unseen beneath stone's embrace, Hushed whispers ripple in my quiet space. Where arches cross, and shadows play tricks,"

Bridge? under a bridge, maybe.

Thankfully, I have this photographic memory talent so I was able to remember all of these riddles.

"Now, it's your turn. Hand over the scroll," Stephen insisted.

"That's not what we had agreed upon," I countered.

"There's no way we can share the scroll," he asserted.

"There is a way. Remember the rule states that if both parties find the scroll, they can share the content. However, technically speaking, I was the one who found it. So, I'm already being generous by sharing its contents with you. Besides, this is a red scroll, which is better than what you found," I stated confidently.

"You already read the scroll first, you had the advantages." Pearl said.

I opened the scroll in front of them. "Then, you have 1 minute to figure out the answer to this riddle."

"What!? That's unfair!" The girl whined.

"56." I started the countdown.

Both of their faces turned pale, and a sense of panic overcame them as they desperately wracked their brains in search of the answer.

"I am where The Sun breath ignites the steel's desire, within me they take form," The girl read the riddle aloud.

"Err…The Sun breath? Er…Volcano?" The girl states her answer but there is no effect on the scroll.


"Gah. A dragon?"


"Fuck!! a furnace!" The girl shouted but again no reaction.

"5,4,3,2,1…Times up" I closed the scroll.

"Damn it!" The boy's frustration manifested as he delivered a powerful punch to the ground.

Both of them glared at me with anger, awaiting my response to the riddle.

With a calm demeanor, I provided the answer, "A blacksmith." At that very moment, the scroll responded, emanating a brilliant glow and transforming into a radiant red marble.

[ You have solved the riddle ]

[ You have earned +1 Essence Points ]

[ You have solved (1/5) riddles ]

Both of them retreated slowly, their disappointment evident. "Tch. I told you we should have just left him be when he jumped into the lake. What a waste of time," the girl complained.

Stephen halted and shot me a final glare. "I remember your face," he declared before resuming his departure.

I could empathize with their frustration; they had come away empty-handed. Meanwhile, I had gleaned valuable insights from this encounter.

Firstly, all of these riddles seemed to be connected to various places in Ruonar City. Secondly, each riddle led to another scroll. Lastly, it appeared that the scroll's color indicated its difficulty level to obtain, with red being the most challenging and white being the easiest.

Returning to the center of the park to regroup with my companions, Leno and Naera expressed their surprise.

"What happened to you, kid?" Leno inquired, puzzled.

I responded casually, "I jumped into the lake."

Leno chuckled. "Did Viora teach you to do that every time you come to the park?"

Ignoring his jest, I revealed the red marble.

"You found a red scroll and y–you even solved it!" Leno exclaimed in astonishment.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Amazing, Raul," Naera applauded. "Sorry, I couldn't find any scroll here," she apologized.

Leno, on the other hand, displayed a white scroll. "I did find one. A white scroll," he showed it to us. "I thought of solving it, but maybe I should give you the chance," he said, handing me the scroll.

I concealed my inner amusement about his excuse and accepted the scroll from him.

[ You have found a scroll ]

[ You have earned +1 Essence Point ]

[ You have found (2/10) scrolls ]

Eh. Even though it wasn't me who found it. Well, that's good, I guess. I opened the scroll.

"I rustle with life in the sun's warm embrace, My secrets lie beneath the golden space. I play a vital part that nurtures the starved."

Once I realised the patterns of the riddles, they became easier to solve.

"I think I know the answer." Naera said.

"Oh, sure, go ahead." I said to her.

"A wheat," she confidently offered as her answer. The scroll responded by emitting a gentle glow and transforming into a white marble.

I realized that there was no notification indicating that I had solved the riddle. It seemed that I had to be the one to correctly solve it to trigger that notification.

"So, what's next?" Naera inquired.

Leno suggested, "Let's try looking at the other places."

However, I had a different idea. "No, let's gather first at the center of the plaza with the others. I have something to discuss with everyone," I proposed.

With 35 minutes remaining before our agreed-upon gathering time, I suggested, "Why not arrive there a bit earlier?"

Naera chimed in, advising, "Agree, but before that, you should dry yourself first." She pointed her finger at my drenched clothes.

I chuckled in realization. "Oh, I totally forgot about that."

Naera, with a warm smile, said, "Let me help you with that." She harnessed her wind magic, and a gentle breeze enveloped me, swiftly drying my clothes. The sensation was both refreshing and invigorating.


"Don't mention it." She nonchalantly replied.

"But before that, kid. How did you know there was a scroll in that lake?" Leno asked curiously.

Naera also seemed interested to hear my answer. Garen was also putting an effort to hear it too.

"Well, about that..." I rubbed the back of my head as I was trying to sort my words.