
Info before the start


Magic is star based. All magic comes from stars in constellations. If you have a affinity for a constellation you can learn that type of magic. Magic types:

Earth, air, fire, water, lighting, ice, light, dark, nature, space, neutral, metal, blood, crystal, spirit.

Each type of magic has a different style and different ways to unlock them.


The world of vara has 5 continents. each continent having its own empire.


Cotem, pikorem, astoth, kajova, xeun.

Cotem is a small tropical island nation, having a population of less than 30 million. However the natural resources are very plentiful.

Pikorem is a large desert kingdom with a population of over 80 million. It is known for its plentiful natural mana and frequent meteor showers.

Astoth is a medium sized country with a population of over 40 million. It's known for its large caverns with rare materials and mysterious monsters.

Kajova is a extremely large, semi mountainous coalition with a population of over 100 million. It is known for its large jungles and mountains filled with monsters and valuable resources. Namely the kaj fruit being the one of the most valuable foods in the world used to increase the power of magic.

Xeun is a cold and large mountainous empire with a population of over 50 million. It is known for its many mountains and monsters. The population is very spread out over the entire empire. Xeun is also known as the magic empire.


The Vara calendar has 4 months 50 days in each month and 200 days total. Also the current year in the story is 1325



Name: Dax xue

Age: 16

From: xeun

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Birthday: 4/28/1309

Affinity: ???

Up-bringing: a orphan who grew up in the wilderness

Talents: communicating with animals, survival skills, herbal medicines, and fast thinking
