
Astral Mage

With the humans' desperation to rid the world of magic, Friesha left the perfect hiding place she and her late mother had to pursue the path of becoming an Astral Mage - a title given to magicians who have surpassed the realm of reality towards what is known as universal magic. However on her path, she encounters a young human boy who has the intention of capturing her for the purpose of becoming king. Friesha's hatred for humans have always been very strong ever since the death of her father in the hands of these vile beasts, yet never had the intention of hurting those who serve her no threat. Despite Friesha being already a powerful magician, and the boy's airheadedness and humiliating loss against her, he continues to pursue her through continuous stalking and spying, as well as randomly attacking out of nowhere. Aside from this, she must also alone fight the forces of humanity who would stop her from being an Astral Mage. How will Friesha achieve her goal on her journey. What will Friesha's encounter with the boy be of purpose?

Nirinia · Fantaisie
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82 Chs

Weird People (Friesha's note 69)

Today's morning felt warm after a good nights sleep with the Cloud Clown's Circus performers, well, it was more like sleep after having fun. So far, it was the most fun I had ever since I went out of my hiding spot. As I watched them pack their things to leave, I felt quite heavy in my chest.

"Hey, that doesn't go there!!"

"This one should be..."

"Pack this one up here."

One by one, they packed their things in bags, boxes, and barrels on different carriages. The animals too were loaded in different large carriages powered by machine. It turned out humans have made innovations throughout their lives like Pruina's gun and those exploding thingies. Then why do they need to continue harming us mages?

"Hey, don't look solemn now," Hantel came to me and suddenly pulled a lily flower from his sleeve. "Us mages are strong. Goodbyes don't keep us from moving."

"No, it's not that I'm sad," I then took the flower and held on to it with both hands. "I'm just wondering... You finally found a reason to live, as for me... my reason to live..."

Hantel then giggled as he held my chin up, "It's okay. Doubts exist as we travel our paths. Even so, as you doubt, do not stop walking. Doubt and doubt as you may, but keep on walking. Until your doubt be answered."

As he let go of my chin I asked, "That large tent, are you not going to bring it with you?" I pointed to the humongous tent where they all performed.

"Oh, that. Its not really ours. It's owned by the town itself," he looked at the direction I was pointing.

"Oh, then why is it still there?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I hear another circus will be performing tonight," Hantel looked at the tent with the look of satisfaction in his eyes. "May they provide a marvelous performance for the people as well.

"Another?" I looked at him as I asked.

"Mmh. So be sure to watch and compare us. It's not like we're in a competition and all," he winked as if indicating a lie.

"Ahahaha, okay," I couldn't help but fake a laugh.

"Anyway, where is that boy with you?" Hantel looked around. "Felgard was it? What's his last name anyway?"

"Hmm.. What was it..?" how could I forget his last name? It's not like it's important though. "... I think it was Ballthorns or something..? I forgot, I'll just ask him. I think he went to the carnival already."

"Ballthorns? That sounds funny! So you're not sure huh?" he just shrugged his shoulders. "Well, it doesn't really matter."

"Hantel!! Where is your luggage?!" his co-performer called out to him.

"Magic!!! Hahahahahaha!!" and he just walked towards him while laughing.

"Hey, I'm seriously gonna kill if it's another prank!" his co-performer just smirked.

"Ahahaha, my bad," just then he suddenly turned back at me. "Oh, right! Wait here."

"Eh?!" I watched as he went inside one of the carriages and heard rumbling sounds of things. Suddenly he came out with a long object.

"Here it is!" Hantel then extended to me a long staff. "I'll give this to you..."

"A staff?! Could this be your staff?! Why?" it came to me as a shock. "Aren't mages unable to use the staff of others?"

"They can't if it's still owned and is being used," he just flashed me a smile.

"Wait, don't tell me..." I gasped as I noticed the truth. "You need no staff in casting magic?!"

"Ahahahahahahaha!! Nope, that's not it..." he then showed me his knuckle. "In truth..." he opened it and the flower he gave me was there.

"Whaa?!" now I remember. During his performance, I could've sensed realea movement. But in truth, I haven't. "You weren't using magic the entire time?!?!"

"Hahaha! You're right!" he then took out his mask. "I gave up using magic the moment I worked at this circus. Although the rest would convince me to, still... I'm a new person now..." He then had me hold the staff and wore his mask before saying, "Then, fare thee well miss Mirraden! And good luck!!"

By the time he rode the carriage, I felt something on my shoulder. It was the lily flower he gave me. I took it and held it close before placing it on top of my veiled hat. It felt quite nice...

I then looked at the staff in my possession. The length was quite longer than the one I once had. Although mine was wobbly, this one was more refined and straight. It looked more like a wooden pole than a staff. The problem now is how to hide this from people. Surely, I'll be more obvious with this attracting people's eyes. Just as I was wondering on what to do, a mother and a child passed by me from a distance.

"Mama look! A staff!" the little girl pointed at me.

"Ahahaha, yes I know," the mother replied.

"I wanna buy one too!" she then was about to run when she was held tight.

"No, we promised to meet Papa so no delays," the mother told her child.

"No way..." both of them then went father ahead.

As they were no longer seen, I smiled to myself and left.

Here I am, looking for that stupid foolish mongrel to wherever he might've gone. People would sometimes giggle s they pass by me. A teenage girl even asked me where I got my staff where I answered, "I won it from a stall." As I passed by a certain alley, I noticed some people with colorful outfits. I stopped to look and saw that man with a whip from the forest. He looked like he's in rage as he screamed and pointed at his companions. For some reason, I remembered the wolf boy from before and what he said, "I'm never going back..." I remembered the look in his sparkling sad eyes... Now why am I thinking of another boy? I still am searching for one now. I then left to continue looking for the fool.

"Friiiiiiiiiieeeeshaaaaa!!!!" was the annoying sound which reverberated around the entire carnival as people looked at the fool running towards me with a teary face.

"What is it now..? You spent all your coins on one stall and got nothing?" by the looks of his face, I'm pretty much right.

"Mmmmhh!! Mmmmhh!!" and I was right as he nodded while sparkling those eyes at me.

"Well, I'll have to tell you that we have to leave or else we might be in danger," I then turned my back from him. "So no!"

Just then, I felt that strong gaze again. It's the same feeling I had when I was at the tent as the circus ended. I looked around to sense from where it might be when Felgard poked my sides.

"Frieeeshaaa..." looked like a puppy begging to be carried. "Can I have a coin for at least one game. I already got the hang of it so this time -"

"No," and I turned my back and walked away.

"Wait, Friesha!!!" and he has no choice but to follow me.

Felgard tailed behind as I was looking for the way out of this town while getting farther and farther away from the carnival. The houses were huge like noblemen houses. Flowers and trees were carefully placed at different sides of the road as we walked on a cobblestone path. Still, the gaze won't go away. It did not felt dangerous, rather, it felt like a warning. But to what..?

"Friesha..." suddenly the tail behind me spoke. "I'm hungry..."

"Now this is what I meant. You focused too much on gaming stalls and not on food," I just crossed my arms at him. However, I cannot just deny it, for I am hungry too. "I guess we should find a place to eat then..."

As we went farther, I felt like there were less and less people around. Then, further ahead of us was a tall man dressed in light sleeveless black and white stripe clothing and long slender pants. He had a black hat that looked like a magician's hat. As we were getting closer, two people emerged from a certain alley behind us. On the opposite side of the road, a red-haired woman in a red dress with a red parasol was smiling at us.

"Friesha..." Felgard then walked right next to me. "What should we do..?"

"Let's just hurry and find a diner at least," I looked around to find one. "We need strength just in case. Also, they won't be able to do anything with people around.

Luckily, there was a diner on our path before we could encounter the weird tall man so we entered inside. It was a big diner but only countable people were inside with us. Felgard and I then sat down at a table for two near a window. And here I thought they'd stop but the two people following us from behind also went inside and sat at a table near the door. These two looked like ordinary people unlike the tall man and the red woman. Still, cautiousness is required...

"What would you two want?!" a waiter with green curly hair approached us. He was swaying side to side.

"Uhh... we're new here... So can you recommend us something..?" was my answer to his question.

"How about our specialty?!" the waiter then suddenly took out a gun from his pocket. "Obedience?!?!"

"Oi, you!!" as Felgard was about to take out his wooden sword, the green haired man swayed his pointy finger in front of him.

"No, no, no! Or she'll get it!!!" He pointed the gun at me. "Like I recommended, obedience!!"

I looked around and saw the rest of the people stood up and smiled at us. I then stared at the smiling green haired fool in front of me.

As always, thank you very much for reading!!! I hope you continue to stay tuned in. to my story. If you have anything in mind, feel free to comment or give me a review. Thank you so much.

Niriniacreators' thoughts