
Astral Arcanum

In the aftermath of the fall of the Romanum Empire, a new power rose to dominate the world. The mysterious Astral Imperium swept across the land, conquering nations and bringing them under a single, unifying banner. They fused together science, magic, and technology, creating a new era of innovation and progress unlike anything the world had ever seen before. Now, centuries later, the Astral Imperium has set its sights on the stars. Their first venture into outer space is about to begin, with a team of the most skilled scientists, engineers, and mages leading the way. But as they travel deeper into the void, they begin to uncover secrets that were meant to stay hidden. As the expedition becomes increasingly dangerous, the team must rely on all of their skills and knowledge to survive. But when they discover an ancient power that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear, they are faced with a choice that could determine the fate of the Astral Imperium itself. They were not alone in this universe. They must do anything necessary to make sure that they survive the dangers that lay ahead. FOR THE SUPREMACY OF THE HUMAN RACE!

Gabriantheus · Romance
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10 Chs


As the 15 transport ships carrying the human mage battalions entered the orbit of Archelous' moon, the creatures below sensed their arrival. They had been waiting for this moment to unleash their gruesome attacks on the invaders.

Slowly, the ships descended, brimming with the latest technology that incorporated magic. The five battalions of the Special Space Mage were ready for the battle ahead, knowing they were up against an unknown and dangerous enemy.

The creatures on the moon were not just thin, wiry, and pale. Their skin crawled with dark magic, and they had mastered moon-dependent spells that could tear apart their enemies in the most gruesome way possible.

As the transport ships landed, the Crimson Phoenix Battalion charged into battle. Their weapons fired furiously, but the creatures were not intimidated. They darted and weaved, dodging blaster bolts and magic spells with incredible agility. These creatures were not just fast; they were deadly, having already claimed the lives of the previous explorers who had dared to land on the moon.

Captain Rodriguez shouted orders, determined to hold the line. "Don't let them get past us! Push forward!"

The creatures came at them with a ferocity that was almost supernatural. They were like nothing the humans had ever faced before, and they seemed to take pleasure in inflicting pain.

Private Jenkins was overwhelmed by the sight of the creatures. "What are they? What do they want?" he screamed.

Captain Rodriguez grabbed Jenkins by the collar and shook him. "Focus, soldier! They want to kill us, but we're not going to let them. Stay sharp!"

The battle continued to rage, with the Black Dragon Battalion fighting against a group of creatures that were using dark magic to create illusions and confusion. The air was thick with spells that twisted the soldiers' perceptions and made it impossible to distinguish friend from foe.

Private Chen struggled to keep her head straight. "This isn't real. This isn't real," she muttered to herself, firing blindly into the fray.

Lieutenant Lee was shouting orders, trying to rally the troops. "Stay alert! Don't let them get inside your head!"

But the creatures were relentless, and the illusions were only getting worse. The soldiers were starting to lose hope.

Meanwhile, the Golden Griffin Battalion was providing cover fire, sending energy blasts towards the creatures to keep them at bay. Captain Chen coordinated with the other battalions to make sure they had the support they needed.

"Keep pushing them back!" she bellowed into her comms. "We can do this!"

The creatures were getting desperate, and they started to throw themselves at the invading force with reckless abandon. The air was filled with the sound of blaster fire, and the ground shook with the impact of magical explosions.

The Silver Unicorn Battalion was working tirelessly to keep the wounded alive, but the casualties were mounting. Lieutenant Hernandez was struggling to keep up with the demand for healing magic.

"I need more time!" she shouted, sweat pouring down her face as she worked to close a gaping wound.

The Emerald Serpent Battalion was disabling the enemy's traps and defenses, working frantically to clear the way for the other battalions.

"Watch out for that one!" Captain Park shouted as she disarmed a particularly nasty trap.

The battle was gruesome and gory. Limbs were torn from bodies, and blood sprayed across the lunar surface. The creatures seemed to be enjoying every moment of it, relishing in the pain and suffering they were causing.

But the human invasion force was not about to give up. They fought on, determined to overcome the creatures and claim the moon for humanity.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the creatures began to falter. They were exhausted, their dark magic depleted. The humans had won.

The soldiers collapsed to the ground, panting and covered in blood and sweat. But they had done it. They had survived the battle and came out victorious.

Captain Rodriguez looked around at his soldiers, a mixture of relief and pride in his eyes. But there is an odd realization that came through. The creatures that they're just fighting with were only 3, but in their minds they were fighting countless of them.

As the humans celebrated their victory, they heard a strange sound in the distance. It was a low, guttural growl that seemed to be coming from all around them. Suddenly, more creatures emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity.

The Crimson Phoenix Battalion was the first to react, firing their weapons at the new wave of attackers. But it was too late. The creatures were already upon them, tearing through their armor with sharp claws and jagged teeth.

Private Smith felt a sharp pain in his leg and looked down to see a creature sinking its teeth into his flesh. He screamed in terror as his suit started to leak, the pressure dropping rapidly.

Captain Rodriguez saw what was happening and rushed over to Smith, trying to stop the leak. But it was too late. The pressure dropped too quickly, and Smith's body exploded from the sudden decompression.

The sight was too much for some of the soldiers, who started to break down mentally. They had faced death before, but nothing like this. The creatures seemed to be enjoying their pain and suffering, and there was no end in sight.

Lieutenant Lee tried to rally the troops once more. "We can't let them break us! We have to keep fighting!"

But the creatures were unrelenting, and the soldiers were starting to lose hope. Private Chen felt something snap in her mind as she watched her fellow soldiers die one by one. She dropped her weapon and started to run, screaming at the top of her lungs.

The battle was turning into a massacre, with the creatures overwhelming the humans at every turn. The Golden Griffin Battalion was being picked off one by one, their energy blasts doing little to stop the onslaught.

The Silver Unicorn Battalion was overrun, with Lieutenant Hernandez unable to keep up with the demand for healing magic. The wounded were left to die on the lunar surface, their screams echoing through the air.

The Emerald Serpent Battalion was trying to hold the line, but the creatures were too numerous. They were being surrounded, their backs to the wall.

Captain Park looked around at her fellow soldiers, her eyes filled with tears. "We're not going to make it," she whispered.

Yet another failure.