
Assistant Hero

Death was always close to me, and death only proved to be the beginning as I awakened to a reality far more sinister than the one I left behind. Assigned the title of the 'Assistant Hero', my destiny is bound to a chosen savior, a hero who does not have knowledge of my existence. My purpose? To serve the selfless role of helping him from the shadows while he's oblivious to my existence. I must aid them from the shadows, ensuring their success while remaining hidden, for revealing my existence would make me a target, just like the hero. ***** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. ***** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · Fantaisie
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66 Chs

Chapter 31: No Choice

Perseus POV

I retreated at the sight of mages going around and patrolling and hiding near the town. And the next day, it was snowing...it was as if the gods had finally somewhat blessed me for the first time as I could now go around heavily dressed without looking suspicious.

The heavy snowfall blanketed the bustling port town was just a fortunate opportunity to conceal my identity.

But before I left, I got an idea, I went to a nearby rock cave, where I was sure that a bear was, I used magic to shave off all my hair, and biting into a thick piece of cloth, I used wind magic to cut my arm off.

I want to make it look as if I was eaten by the bear in my sleep when I accidentally ventured into this cave, with my eyes on Horus, my arm was slowly regenerating, and the cold helped numb my pain a bit, while also stopping the bleeding.

I created a fire and threw in my old torn prison clothes, and a few other bits of food. I then shot a fireball into the cave. I hoped to damage the bear a bit so that the injury would be present when they checked around in a few days. I used magic to blow most of my hair away and left a bit here.

Hopefully, the bear will gnaw on my arm and leave a bit of my skin, just so that they'll really think it's me and slow down their chase for a bit. After I heard an angry roar, I ran out of the location.


As I ventured out into the frigid morning air, I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head, obscuring my features from prying eyes. A mask adorned my face, further masking my identity, while a beanie offered additional protection against the biting cold for my bald head.

Despite the thick layers of clothing, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at the pit of my stomach. The bustling crowds milling about the harbor seemed to cast suspicious glances in my direction, it's probably my darker skin color that's revealed in between my eyes.

My first order of business was to acquire a pair of goggles, essential for protecting my eyes and hiding my skin color as people were a bit more pale from these parts, the goggles were also good at blocking against the blinding snow as I navigated the maze of ships lining the harbor.

Ducking into a nearby stall, I exchanged a handful of coins for a sturdy pair of goggles, their lenses fogged with condensation from the bitter cold. With the goggles securely in place, I set out to find a ship bound for Centralia.

Navigating the network of docks proved to be a daunting task, the snow obscuring my vision and making it difficult to discern one vessel from the next. But I pressed on, my senses on high alert as I scanned the rows of ships for any signs of activity.

It wasn't long before I spotted a small vessel nestled in a secluded corner of the harbor, its crew bustling about as they prepared for departure.

Drawing closer, I strained to overhear snippets of conversation drifting on the icy winds.

"...Centralia...yeah, the weather is unpredictable here" one sailor muttered, his words barely audible above the howling wind, "...Something about...a stone...legend...yeah!"

My heart leaped with excitement as I realized that I had stumbled upon the very ship I had been seeking. Now all that remained was to find a way aboard without arousing suspicion.

With the heavy wind, I managed to mingle among the crowd and snuck onto the ship without payment where I'll have to show my face to confirm my identity or something. The ship wasn't fully crowded yet as it wasn't underway, but I am currently walking around to find a good spot to hide for the rest of the way.


With the ship now underway, and with a good amount of time walking around the ship, I stumbled upon a narrow staircase leading up to the pantry. With a quick glance around to ensure that no one was watching, I ascended the steps.

Finally, my eyes caught sight of a small hatch hidden in the ceiling above the pantry. With a surge of excitement, I realized that this could be the perfect hiding spot to evade detection by the ship's crew, no one would go up there...it's probably where the vents are and the ceiling is made to hide the vents.

Swiftly and silently, I made my way to reach for the hatch above.

With a quiet click, the hatch swung open, revealing a small compartment hidden within the ship's framework. It was cramped and dark with no light source, but it offered the perfect vantage point from which to observe the goings-on below.

Without hesitation, I hoisted myself up into the compartment and pulled the hatch closed behind me.

The air was stale and musty, tinged with the scent of salt and seaweed that wafted in through the vents. But I pushed aside my discomfort, focusing instead on the task at hand, remaining hidden until I reached my destination.

If I'm out of food, I can sneak and go down below.


After a while, I snuck onto one of the vents, to check my possible escape route if they somehow discovered me, I was peering through the small cracks in the compartment, and I watched as the crew bustled about their duties below.

From my vantage point, I could see the pantry bustling with activity as the sailors prepared meals for the journey ahead. It was a risky gamble, hiding in such close proximity to the ship's supplies, but I knew that it was my best chance of remaining undetected.

I then went around and came upon a vent above a bathroom and a toilet, which was nice.

I snuck back after a while and made myself as comfortable as I could, but it was hot, like really hot, but I had no choice.