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In the vast and mysterious world known as the Tower, where each floor is a realm of its own, Ahren finds himself reborn at the bottommost level after his untimely demise. Guided by a capricious deity who sees him as nothing more than a plaything, Ahren embarks on a journey of self-discovery, survival, and unprecedented ascent. At the lowest floor of the Tower, where magic is scarce and dangers are plentiful, Ahren grapples with his new life as a babe in a world of towering proportions. The echoes of his past life's knowledge linger, giving him an edge in this realm of challenges. With an insatiable thirst for growth, he navigates the complexities of survival, bonds with his family, and learns the value of trust in a land where treachery lies around every corner. Armed with the enigmatic System granted by the deity, Ahren's innate "Fast Learning" skill becomes a beacon of hope. It enables him to accelerate his understanding of magic, combat, and the intricacies of the Tower. As he matures, Ahren's journey through the tower floors becomes a testament to his tenacity and resourcefulness, forging his path amid ever-shifting alliances, cunning adversaries, and perilous discoveries. Amid treacherous schemes, dark magic, and the challenges of an evolving world, Ahren must forge his destiny. As the Tower's layers unravel, revealing its true purpose, Ahren's rebirth becomes a catalyst for a fate greater than he ever imagined—one that could reshape the Tower itself.

Mitko_M · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Blades and Archery

The sun's golden rays spilled across the training ground, casting a warm embrace upon Ahren and his father, Kael. With wooden swords in hand, they stood face to face—the mentor and the apprentice, bound by their shared determination.

"Today, Ahren," Kael's voice was steady, "we'll delve into the intricacies of swordsmanship—the dance of attack and defense."

Ahren nodded, his eyes focused and eager. With a fluid motion, Kael demonstrated the proper stance, the way his body moved in harmony with the sword. Ahren mirrored his father's movements, a canvas on which Kael painted the art of combat.

"Watch, Ahren," Kael's voice was calm yet commanding. "Every movement serves a purpose, every strike a message. Remember, it's not just about overpowering your opponent—it's about reading them, understanding their intentions."

Ahren's wooden sword whistled through the air as he followed Kael's lead. Each clash, each parry, was a step in his journey—a journey that extended beyond physical skill, encompassing strategy and perception.

In the heat of the practice, Kael stepped back, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "You're learning, Ahren, but remember that the sword is a tool of responsibility. It can protect or harm—it's your intent that shapes its purpose."

As the day turned to dusk, Kael introduced Ahren to a new challenge—the bow. With the same diligence he'd shown with the sword, Ahren learned the nuances of archery. His fingers grazed the bowstring, feeling the tension that resonated with his own determination.

With a flourish, Kael handed Ahren an arrow. "Aim true, Ahren. Archery is about precision, about understanding the flight of the arrow and the path of the wind."

Ahren's gaze locked on a distant target, his breath steady. With a release that mirrored Kael's teachings, the arrow soared through the air, striking the target's center.

"Good," Kael's smile was one of approval. "Every skill is a journey, Ahren. Mastery comes through practice, through understanding the finer details."

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Ahren's training became a symphony of progress. With each sunrise, he honed his skills—swordplay and archery—under the watchful eye of his father. Ahren's body became an instrument, his movements a reflection of discipline and aspiration.

Amidst the ebb and flow of training, the luminous symbols of the System remained a silent companion. Ahren's fingers traced them in moments of contemplation, a reminder of his journey's purpose.

And as a year unfolded, Ahren found himself looking back on the distance he'd traveled. He stood stronger, his body infused with the fruits of his labor. The System's presence was more than just numbers—it was a connection to his evolution, a testament to his growth.

Skill Learned - Sword Mastery: Level 1

Description: Your dedication to the art of the sword grants you a 10% increase in sword-related abilities.

Skill Learned - Archer's Insight: Level 1

Description: Your attunement to archery empowers you to perceive trajectories with greater accuracy, granting a 10% increase in archery-related abilities.

Ahren studied the descriptions, a sense of achievement blossoming within him. These skills were not just additions; they were the embodiment of his progress, his willingness to embrace the challenges set before him.