
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

CHAPTER 8: Divine Punishment

When Riku opened his eyes he saw the line of three guards frozen by some unknown force.

From Riku's perceptive he could look through all three guards' heads and to the wall behind them very clearly.

"You owe me big time Riku!"

Nakita said as she cocked her weapon and readied it for the next kill. Nakita had special Armour piercing bullets made especially for groups like these.

Riku exhaled a giant sigh of relief as he continued his descent and thought to himself.

Owe my ass! it's your fault I'm here to begin with!

Truthfully despite her powerful ammunition, it was no match for the protective layer of metal covers on the target's floor. This was why Dante and Riku had to physically go to the target's floor. Some direct help was needed, and to rightly and tactically split his forces they had to attack from both sides.

Riku had just arrived on the target floor and heard the commotion Dante was causing inside of another room.

But Riku wasn't prepared for the next thing that he saw…

Is…. Is that the target creeping around on the floor in the hallway? Coming out of that room with all the gunfire?

Riku thought as he fired his pistol at the man crawling in the dark.

The first round connected with Mr Nova's large round belly. The pain alone flipped him over.

Mr Nova, still with his pistol in hand, tried to return fire but before he could get off even one round Riku had already fired his own shot and knocked the pistol from Mr Nova's hand.

Mr Nova felt a cold shiver cover his body and he tried to hold his gunshot wound but the blood escaped from his fingers regardless.

"Please … save me! I have money and a lot of men … I'll do anything."

Mr Nova, feeling his consciousness drifting, tried to beg for help. Riku glanced at the doorway and still heard the fire fight happening with Dante. Riku ignored it and sat beside the bleeding Mr Nova.

"You're type are the ones who disgust me the most, you know?"

Riku, finally able to catch his breath, looked up at the ceiling as he rested his head on the wall and sat up.

"Spent your whole life getting away scotch free and it's now in death you have regrets and can do anything?"

Riku scoffed and spat at Mr Nova whose eyes had already started to close down.

"Well call me divine punishment and you my emissary."

Riku smirked as he sat and listened to Mr Nova take his last breath.

Richard's blood merged with the shadows around him as his body went numb and his blood disappeared into the rug.

After a while Riku got up and peeped into the room and saw eight security guards raining down bullets at a sofa.

Riku popped the corner with his double pistols firing at all the guards' hands making their rifles fall simultaneously as they turned in unison surprised at the presences of another-

A flash of darkness danced past them leaving only a streak of silver behind, like grapes their heads fell one by one to the floor, their bodies still standing as though not yet receiving the idea of death.

Ruki was surprised how easily Dante dealt with armored men while he had struggled to take on less than half what he had just casually killed.