
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Fantaisie
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49 Chs


As he walked down the prison hallway for the last time, he could feel, smell, and hear a second chance at freedom.

The corridors that before felt like pythons strangling tighter and tighter by the day finally felt as though it was loosening its grips. Riku could tell he was about to trade his blood and sweat for a taste of freedom.

He was being led by this beauty and beast. Trotting in front, the man whose shadow trailed at least two meters behind him, his figure more of a gorilla than a man. His muscles made it seem as though his suit and tie would sink into his skin.

The woman next to the man had a gate that highlighted her sexuality. With every step she accentuated her curves that were already at the peak of its development even her glasses that were semi-hidden under dark blue hair combed down shouted at Riku's adolescent hormones.

Despite leaving prison Riku wasn't given much information as to where he was heading.

He was told that if he is willing to put his life on the line then there might be a place for him outside this prison and that was all that he needed.

It took an eight-hour ride followed by a private plane in the dead of the night before they arrived wherever they were going.

Neither this beautiful woman nor beastly man said a word since the interrogation at the prison.

What puzzled Riku the most was how none of the guards, prisoners nor police followed neither of them after removing an inmate so boldly, not even so much as a question was asked to either of them.

Even if it was the dead of the night this still could never have happened realistically speaking. Riku spent most of the journey pondering just what he was about to get himself into and attempting to ascertain which organization held so much brute power.

After a long unknown journey Riku finally awoke.

His vision still blurred from such an extended peaceful sleep which was not something a prisoner like himself could luxuriously take before.

Riku heard the woman's voice calling him out of the vehicle. To his surprise he was facing a large building, or a collection of buildings that was walled off by a high wall with large trees to further conceal this collection of buildings.

He followed this mysterious duo further and further into this building. As Riku walked further into this building to his surprise these buildings that seemed taller than the ordinary were merely classrooms. They had hallways that all interlocked forming a mini labyrinth, small but to a newcomer such as Riku was just as confusing.

By this time of day not many people were present and from what Riku could make out it seemed like an ordinary school which might have been on some form of a holiday break.

Riku could not think of any holidays nearly due, he could only surmise that being as far away as he was from his starting point this might have been another countries calendar therefore having different holidays.

This was only his random assumptions and ponderings as he continued to follow the pair deeper, into the lower parts of this large maze.

Like the rabbit in wonderland Riku traveled further into the rabbits' hole, until he arrived.

In front of Riku was a half-opened steel door, barely with any form of color. Riku could not yet see into the room before him, he could only see that the man and woman who had led the way up until now had come to a complete stop both standing on opposite ends of the small hallway.

Then Riku entered the unknown room.

The room opened before him was an arsenal. Not your normal armory but a room over packed with every possible hateful device one could suggest from their imagination. Guns, edged weapons and blunt weapons one could hardly mentally conceive so many tools of destruction and death in one room.

Intriguingly they all shined and glittered in Rikus' eyes. Since his knowledge of guns and weapons was not very vast, unlike a tech-savvy person within a tech store, he was more like a tourist in an art museum.

After giving him time to gawk over the collection the man spoke,

"before you now is simply a small collection.

You have one hour to choose an appropriate weapon to defend yourself in any situation that may arise."

Truthfully Riku wasn't very versed in many weapons. The only weapons he knew how to use were pistols which he learned how to handle well from his father who ironically was a police officer, and bows since at his high-school he was the president of the archery club.

After pacing around the room to look at all the fancy swords, scythes, guns, and other unknown objects Riku finally came to a decision.

Riku picked up a handgun feeling its rough grip and light body he knew this was what he needed. It was something familiar to him, a Glock nineteen.

After thinking, Riku wasn't about to leave his life in the hands of just one pistol, he took up another one pointing both at the crowded walls within the tight room, his mind flashed back to a bloody night filled with mountains of corpses.

Riku clenched his teeth, and continued to look around, he realized his life couldn't depend on just thirty rounds of ammunition.

He took up his pistols and searched for more magazines and rounds to fill them. To his curiosity and astonishment he found roughly seventy inside a small box.

Riku continued to look, he wasn't sure what he was searching for or glancing about the room for until he saw an odd-looking item hidden under a pile of knives and daggers.

Riku saw a belt, two belts in fact, with strange pouches attached barely held on by what seemed to be magnetic locks.

This gave Riku a brilliant idea. After spending the hour fitting together his arsenal Riku finally left the room.

To the muscular man's surprise Riku not only hosted a double pistol with dual pistol holsters but also a strange belt.

What surprised both the man and woman outside was the two belts forming an 'x' around Riku's waist consisting of magazines each holding fifteen rounds of ammo for these pistols. These belts crossed and hugged Rikus waist snug enough to avoid shaking while remaining somewhat light and compact enough to not restrict movement severely.

They both chuckled a little. It was a strange contraption, to say the least. After a few minutes, the man came back to a professional demeanor matching his suit. Fixing his tie the man continued.

"Riku after this there is no turning back."

Riku nodded and stepped forward.