
Assassination Kingdom

Follow Rokuza a sixteen year old boy and his friends as they find out the truth about the nation of Hoiteron and its corrupt kingdoms and how they plan to eradicate the corruption.

Squidslayer23 · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Reconnaissance Day II

Waking the next morning I went straight to Saikeya's room. Walking in he was sitting at his desk. He glanced up and said, "I heard the mission didn't go so well last night. At least the disappearance of six dealers will make them worry a little. Even though your mission didn't gain much intel. I had a mission of my own last night. I followed some of the men who bought the drug. It is called Reaper. There is a brothel called The Golden Touch being run by some mercenaries who are buying reaper in large quantities. Tonight I want you and Josento to scope it out and find out any information you can.".

I didn't get a chance to speak so after hearing what he had to say I left the room to meet up with Josento. Arriving back at the barracks I heard talking coming from the lounge. Gerard was talking to Joesento until I walked in. He looked at me and said, "Rokuza, in two days The Shadow Squad will be on escort duty. You will be escorting Charlotte Fralwea to the border of the Foract district and hand her over to the knights of Unon. Your father left you something in your room.".

After he left Josento and I talked about the mission. I said, "We're gonna be looking for information at The Golden Touch brothel. It is run by some mercenaries who have been buying reaper in large quantities. We will leave around nine.".

Telling him the mission details I went to my room. Standing in the middle of the room was an armor stand with a pure black metal set of lightweight armor. Mina knocked on my door, "Rokuza, what are we supposed to do about the escort mission? Do we wait to kill the target or do it before the escort mission starts?".

I answered, "It would be better to wait until we are outside of the city. We can blame bandits for her death. Josento and I should be able to find the location of the location where the reaper is being produced.".

Before heading out I hugged Mina. Meeting Josento in an alley by the brothel we decided he would enter first. About ten minutes after he entered the entire building lit up with blue electricity. I rushed in to see what happened. Josento was holding up one of the mercenaries' burnt corpses. One of the mercenaries was trying to escape out the back so I captured him. I tied up the mercenary and started interrogating him, "Where are you purchasing the large quantities of reaper? The dealers don't carry very much on them.".

He said, "I won't talk.".

I said, "If you don't want to end up like your friend over there, I would start talking.".

Josento started gathering electricity in his hand and walked closer to the man. Josento gave him a small shock that made him shake violently. Josento stopped the shock and backed up a little. I asked again, "Where is the main supply of the reaper coming from?".

He looked toward Josento and Josento sparked his fingers making him jump. He said, "There is a farm outside the city. It operates as the main production location and the place to buy in large quantities.".

I told him, "Tell the head of the mercenaries working under Charlotte that in two days she is planning to betray everyone who is working under her. She plans to escape into Unon.".

After I finished talking I let him go. I nodded toward Josento and we killed the remaining mercenaries hiding in the building, we killed ten each. We returned to the barracks and gathered the squad. I told them, "We need to leave in ten minutes. Arrion and Fumiko, you're coming with us. We need to annihilate the production site of reaper.".

Putting on my cloak, armor and helmet, I met with Josento, Arrion, and Fumiko at the gate of the city. I told them, "I'm going ahead. I'll take out all the guards and gather any documents that I find.".

I found the only farm with a fence and watch towers around it. Taking in the surrounding area I counted thirty guards. I killed all of them and gathered them in a pile. Searching through the house I found official documents signed by the king and Charlotte to keep their dealings secret. They were planning to expand the drug market into Unon. Gathering all the documents I ran to meet up with the rest of my team. Leading them to the farm I told Arrion and Fumiko to use their most powerful attacks to destroy everything. Each of them started gathering an insane amount of ice and fire. Both of the attacks were three times the size of the house when they were fully charged.

They threw their attacks. They hit the ground and at first the entire area froze entirely before Fumiko's fireball hit the ground and everything evaporated. It looked like a fresh plot of land except there was no grass for twenty acres. No trace was left behind. We immediately left and headed straight for the barracks. Entering the barracks, Saikeya was waiting for us to return. He said, "Great job destroying the production farm.".

I handed over the documents. I went to my room and hid my gear. I added an entry to my journal. I killed forty people today and I started to lose my feeling of dread. It's getting easier the more I kill. Mina walked in while I was writing. She was leaning over my shoulder. I looked up and she had tears in her eyes. I hugged her and said, "Everything is gonna be fine.".

I kissed her and squeezed her tighter. I promised her, "I'll never leave you alone.".

We spent the night chatting. Waking the next morning she smiled at me. Getting up I patted her head and went to the training grounds. Starting to train my ability I wanted to see how long I could maintain my full speed. I started at ten in the morning and ran until ten at night. I was surprised at how long I could run. After training I returned to the barracks. Just one more day until the escort mission starts.