

Synopsis Please don’t kill me, I will give you whatever you demand” The man am about to kill pleaded. . “OH! You sound nice, gentleman, I have been paid, and the thing is, I don’t collect money twice. And according to what you said, I NEED YOUR LIFE, nothing else, then your LIFE” I said repeatedly and smile sheepishly. And the word LIFE keeps echoing in my brain. “I don’t mean that, please spare my life” He pleaded crying and at the same time trembling. “OH! SORRY! It’s too late, maybe when you come back in your next life, I can help you eliminate the person that asked me to terminate your life” I said with a smiling face. “Please I promised to pay you handsomely if you spare my life,” The man said shaking. “Fuck that up man, am a very honest person and never betrayed my partner. But I will give you a chance to say your last prayer if you don’t have anything to say. I have a message I want you to deliver to my mother and siblings, just help me tell them I missed them a lot. “RIP,” I said and pull the trigger, which pump out his brain with blood spitting out all over the place. “Ouch! Did I just kill him?. Ohh MY HEART JUST MELT but is not my fault am a good girl you know. “I said and look at the man lying lifeless on the floor” I nod my head in pity “I need to get out of here, I said and jump through the window. I Know people will soon be here because of the sound of the gun. I will have used my silent pistol but the person who gave me the job, said, he want his death to be announced as soon as possible, so I need to draw people's attention. Meet Alice Heron nickname TERROR. A very beautiful and smart lady. She’s very cool or should I say dangerous. Did I just say cool? Maybe she’s cool and fun to be with, but you can never predict, she’s the most dangerous and wanted assassin. She makes everyone smile, but when she was sent to a household, she makes them cry bitterly. I think she’s cool, and at the same time dangerous, as I said. None of the people she worked for have ever seen her face, because she’s always on a mask wherever she’s out for a mission. Meet Tyler Harry's nickname SMART. A very smart and rich military guy. He was chosen to figure out the assassin that has been disturbing people’s lives. “What happened when a job was given to TERROR to kill SMART. The two smart people are on a mission of each other. Do you think she will succeed in killing him?. Do you think he will succeed in bringing her out to the world, as the most wanted assassin?. Do you also think they will fall in love?. What do you think will become her outcome?. Grap your popcorn now and let’s go on a mission to watch the thrilling moment that’s about to be shown on our screen.

Busayo_Jimoh · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

"What!" He shouted when he saw I knife close to his neck.

I wink at him and smile wickedly.

I smile elapsed my lips while staring at the knife I used to kill my prey.

"You are small but mighty," I said to the knife and wipe the blood on it with a rag.

"Wow!!, You are too much TERROR, you deserve the best award" I said and smile sheepishly.

I went to the sink and watch the knife properly.

"They claim he is a strong man but it doesn't take me a day to eliminate him," I said smiling.


I head into my room after giving the bag back to the woman.

I already have many messages from the man who gave me the job of eliminating his partner.

I read through the messages.

He is a very popular and well-respected person in society, No one no he's a bad person, He is always with security so be careful.

The best place you can get him without any security is the club. He is very promiscuous and loves partying a lot and he doesn't go there with his security.

Don't make a mistake of going to his house, Because if you do, you might not be lucky to come out Alive" I read.

"At the club!. This is the first time I was given instructions on how to kill someone. I wouldn't have heeded his advice but my mind told me to. So I decided to kill him at the club. I took my jacket.

And head to my real house, living in the slum as Alice is one of my plans. I have a mansion and in this Mansion, there is an underground, that is only known to me.

On getting to the mansion. I went to the underground in the mansion where I kept all my guns and tools I used in Killing. I also have a room where I kept all my technological gadgets.

I went to my computer room and sat in front of the computer to get real details about my prey, I was so happy that I was able to gather a lot of details which will help me.

Then I head straight to my inner room where I kept all my mission clothes. I brought out my black jeans and jacket from my wardrobe.

"Wait a minute, are you going there as a killer or has a prostitute. People might suspect you if you go as a killer" my subconscious mind told me.

Then I had a change of plan and decided to go like a slut. After which I went to my main room to get the best and the sexiest outfit for myself.

It was a success getting myself ready as a real slut. But it took me a lot of time because I am never used to girlish behaviors. I always like dressing like a guy. Even as Alice they refer to me as a tomboy.

I check my wall clock and see I still have one hour to go. So, I used that moment to practice how to behave like a real slut. I downloaded some things which I think can help me. I was able to grab it so easily because I am a fast learner. A minute later I head to the club

End of flashes.

And now it was a success. I said removing my glove. I went to my bar and took a bottle of beer.

I pour it into a glass cup and celebrate another successful mission. No one to celebrate with me.

"Cheers," I said to myself and gulped the beer in a goal. Something came to my mind.

"What! How could I forget something so important" I shouted hitting myself. I quickly took my phone and dial a number on my phone.

Smart POV

"Son, why are you so worried," My dad asked.

"Am stressed, thinking of how to get this evil man-call, Gordon. I am wondering who he was, whether the army is finding it difficult to get him, or does him as a magical power" I said worriedly.

"Hmmm, my son, what you need to understand is that we are in a corrupt world.

He's not like this man has a magical power, but he has people who are behind him.

Even among those people who worked with you, there's always an informant. I have tried to track him down before I retired a few months ago but all my effort was a total waste, that was the only dream I was not able to fill.

So, am very proud of you that you decide to pick up this case again. I trust you in this, so, you don't need to stress yourself, just relax and think wisely am sure you gonna figure things out, on how to get him, and one more thing doesn't trust people so much, even the closest to you might hurt you somethings" My dad said.

"Thanks, dad. I promised I will bring him to book" I said and manage to smile.

"I trust you, now go to bed," Dad said.

The next morning

"Alice another news on the line" Rhian shouted knocking on her TERROR door.

"Aren't you tired of reading paper every morning, theirs is no news you aren't aware of "Alice blurted and open the door angrily?

"Noooo" Rhian shouted covering her face.

"What! Why are you shouting" Alice said and cover her mouth?

"You look horrible with that look, didn't you check your mirror before coming out," Ryan said and open her eyes a little.

"You aren't serious, you are the reason why I am angry, you always come to wake me every morning to read the newspaper, I don't have business with those people.

There aren't my family, so, why will I have to pity them. If they die is their luck" Terror said trying to change the entire topic.

"Check your time, you know what I don't like about you, is that, you are a sleepyhead, how can you forget we have to go and fish, so, we can go and deliver it for our customers,

This newspaper is just the way of waking you up, if you think you still want to sleep you can go, and am not going to disturb you, go back Inside and sleep" Rhian said angrily.

"Am sorry, why do you take this personal dear, I don't mean it, I forget we need to go out to fish, I am so tired" Alice said yawning.

"Wait don't tell me you bring a guy here?" Rhian asked smiling.

"I don't understand what you mean," Alice said with a serious face.

"I was just teasing you, you said you are tired, so, I was wondering what work you did over that gets you tired," Rhian said.

"You can never change your ways," Alice said.

"I have a gist for you," Rhian said smiling.

"What gist is that hope does not gossip this time?" Alice asked.

"Let go, I will tell you on the way," Rhian said and drag her.

"Leave me, I can walk on my own and I haven't brushed my teeth," Alice said.

"We are already late, you will brush your teeth when we come back," Rhian said and stop.

"Wait, what if we meet him on her way, and he said hello pretty, what if he wants to say hi to Alice and he found out her mouth is smelling, then he will hate me, nooo" Alice muttered but it was loud enough to be heard.

"Hmmm, who are you talking about, I mean who is Insulting who,?" Alice asked.

"You won't understand, and I already told you that there's a gist, so, go and brush your teeth," Rhian said.

"Okay," Alice said and was about to go into her room

"WOW, he's so cute, with well-built well-builts, is this a creature of God or a falling angel" Rhian muttered lost in her imaginary world on seeing a well-built guy with blue eyes and a promiscuous look, putting on a singlet and his jacket by his shoulder.

He walked closer to them.

"I pretty you look so beautiful and if I may say, you are the queen of the world," The guy said.

"Thanks a lot, you are such a sweetheart" Rhian replied blushing harder.

It was all Rhian's imagination as the guy walked past her to meet Alice who was looking at the guy somehow.

"Hey, What's up, I am Johny by name," he said and stretch forth his hand for a handshake.

"Am Alice, how may I help you?" Alice said shaking him.

"Hmm, Alice, he is our new neighbor. He stays on the third floor" Rhian said and make them release their hand.

"Yeah, I stay on the third floor, won't mind mingling with you girls," Johny said.

"If you wanna mingle with us that means, you will have to follow us to the river to fish," Rhian said.

"I don't trust this guy, I think he is here for a purpose, how could a guy like him leave all the whole city and decide to stay in the roughest and unsafe place in Korea," Alice thought to herself.

"Johny if may ask, why do you choose to stay around here, I mean you are handsome and well built you know, and this is rough and unsafe for someone like you they might kidnap you in exchange for ransom," Alice asked.

"Yes she's right, that question has been bothering me since yesterday, "Rhian said.

"Is not a big deal, I just wanna see what life in the slum looks like" Johnny said smiling.

"Hmm, and do you think you can survive around here?" Alice asked.

"Why not, since beautiful girl like you can survive, I can also survive," Johnny said.

"You make a good point," Rhian said.

"I don't trust any of his words but no problem, we are here together, you should know you can never be smarter than TERROR," Alice thought.

"Will you follow us to the river to fish?" Alice asked.

"No problem, if this beautiful damsel here permits me," Johnny said smiling at TERROR.

"My friend wants that, so, I can't say no" Alice replied with a smile and went inside her room.

"Hmmm" Jonny smirks.

Military Zone

The arm keeps saluting the General walked with full action into the military Zone, Smart was walking behind him.

General office

"Tyler, I know have a case you were supposed to complete before, which was the Gordon case, but now I think you will have to suspend that case and deal with the case that has just been bought to my table, " General Morgan said handling the file to him.

"Okay sir, I will go through it and give you feedback," Tyler said and stood up.

He salutes before leaving for his office.

Tyler was studying the file of the TERROR case. Alexis comes there.

She salutes Tyler, he also salutes her without standing up.

"I don't have any work on my table for now, so, I think I can come and help you, because, I know your table is always filled with work," Alexis said sitting.

"You are right, theirs is a new case on my table, captain told me to suspend Gordon's case for now and face this one," Tyler said and show her the file.

She collected the file and check the details.

"This is complicated," she said.

"Exactly, but you should trust me, it won't be too difficult for me," Tyler said smiling.

"Okay, I trust you completely, but I have a suggestion" Alexis said.

"What is your suggestion?" Tyler asked.

"I think you should handle Gorgon case over to me, I will help you with it, while you deal with this assasin case" Alexis said.

"Hmmm" Tyler thinks.

"I am not forcing you, I just think, that could help us, it won't be like we suspend the case, atleast we