

The next day I made my departure from there bidding them farewell. I and Rajendra took a walk from there and then took a taxi to go to Shyambaazar. From there we again walked a bit and boarded our train. We then went to Mughal Sarai, as per our tour plan we had to take quite a detour to shake off any followers if any. From Mughal Sarai we went to Azamgarh were Boss was planned to be waiting for us. From there we planned to go to Delhi.

In train, I asked, "Does your family know about your job, your true one?" He told, "My wife knows, she's quite understanding, I did not tell my mother; she's an elderly woman, if I tell her, she would be worried, my children are way too young to know, so only her," then he suddenly changed his tone and said coldly, "Don't you dare to spill the beans, right we will not speak about the mission in my house." I agreed even though I was not planning to do any such stuff. He then again told me, "Denote me as Rajesh at my place, don't call me by my code name." I had no problem with it.

We followed the plan, we met Boss, he was a stout man with grizzled beard, with shades over his eyes, there at Azamgarh around nine in the morning and then we flew straight to the Capital for the last mission. From Delhi Airport it took around 20 minutes to reach Rajendra's house.

There, Rajendra's place we were given a warm welcome. In his family- Mrs Laxmi Sharma, his mother; Mrs. Indrani Sharma, his wife; and his twin children- Rishi and Rishika. His father Mr. Kishore passed away last year. At around 2'o clock we were given lunch. I came to know Mrs. Laxmi was sick, that's why she could not join us for the food. That also explained why I received a cold stare from her when we met her from her.

After that in the evening I was playing chess with Rishi, who played really good for a 10-year-old boy. After that I went out to meet a friend of mine who was there in Delhi for the time around. When I returned Rajendra told me that we would start our work the next day in the evening.

The next day after lunch, I and boss were given some fruit juice, Rajendra preferred tea over juice. I asked, "Rajesh, how far is the place of work?" He briefed us about the place, which was around a half-an-hour far from his place. After finishing drinking the juice, I took some pills and gave some to Boss as well. When it was enquired about the pills by Boss, I announced them as Vitamins which works well with Juice.

The place was in an Alley near Punjabi Bagh. The alley was dark as the bitumen used for roads. In the end, we found ourselves in front of a 3 storeyed building, it was the same as before but this time I won't be entering alone. The building pulled out some deep memories out which sunk in the depth of my mind, sealed away. It was the location where the chapter of Vinash would finally be at its climax