
Aspen's Story after being woken up

After Brio finished with Adam Smasher, Aspen didn't know what to do with himself, so he joined a fancy fashion school to try and learn about the world and fell in love with everything, including falling in love with a boy in his class. Of course, Brio helps him get a place and get settled due to the class he picked. He had to go to Korea.

GhostWriter1996 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter One

Brio came back and was breathing. "He is dead," he said and sat on the floor. Gar was holding him. "No more Bruce, he can't take it," Gar said. Bruce nods. Aspen stood there. "Umm, what to come of me," he asked, unsure. "You have nature powers. You want to join us," Gar asks. "No, thank you," he said. Tim slides over a laptop. "Look for something that you find interesting," he said. Aspen was looking, "Dude needs a last name." Tim said. Gar looks. "Logan, His name will be Aspen Logan," he said. Brio smiles, hearing him. Aspen was looking and found an excellent fashion school in Korea. "I found something," Aspen said. Brio walked over and looked. He yawns and types. He jacks into the laptop and transfers money to a bank account. He wrote down the number and found a lovely apartment near the school and bought it. He also got him first-class tickets. "All set to head out tomorrow," he said. Aspen nods and hugs them. They hug back. Tim hands him a cell phone. "Has everyone's number in it, so if you need help, just call," he said. He took the phone and nodded. "Thank you for waking me up," he said. Dick smiles. "Anytime what Bruce was fucked" he said. Aspen yawns. "Come with me," Brio said. He took him to an empty bedroom and smiled. "Rest," he said. Aspen kisses him. "Aspen, I am with Gar," he said. Aspen nods. "I know, I just wanted to see," he said and lay down. Brio walks out and picks up Gar, and kisses him deeply. Gar smiles and kisses back. "He okay," he asks. Brio nods. "Just figuring himself out," he said. Gar nods. "Let me figure you out," he said, pulling him into his room. Aspen was looking around the room. It used to be Dicks. He found some Playboy. He was looking at the naked woman and tossed it. He pulled out an old laptop. He opens it to see porn he slams it shut. "Gross," he said. He heard Gar and Brio making out and moaning. He opens his door and stops there. "Fuck Gar, yes," Brio moans loudly. Gar covers his mouth and moves faster. "Don't want to wake him up," Gar said. Brio nods. Aspen goes back fo his room and opens the laptop and closes the porn, and is looking for stuff about being gay. He was reading and sighed. "I think I am gay. I enjoyed hearing them and then looking at the other stuff," he mumbles. Once he didn't hear any noises, he went and knocked. "Umm can I ask you guys some questions," he said. Brio covers them up. "Sure, come in," he said. Aspen walks in, holding a notebook. "What's up," Gar said. Aspen didn't know how fo bring it up. "I heard you guys, and I was wondering how you know you liked boys," he asked. Gar jabs Brio in the ribs. "Ouch, not my fault you kept slamming against my prostate," he said. Brio looks at him. "When I dated a girl, and we kissed, I didn't like it. I wanted fo to be somewhere else with someone else, and it's not just not liking girls; it's finding them not sexually attractive," he said. Gar nods. "When I saw Brio on stage for the first time, I knew I had to be with him," he said. Aspen was writing all this down. "Is this about what you did earlier?" Brio asks. "I found some old Playboy in my room, and I didn't like what I saw, so I just wanted to talk about it," he said. "Playboy," Brio said. Gar laughs. "You put him in Dicks old room," he said, laughing. "I didn't know Dick had a porn stash," Brio said. "Listen Aspen watch some different porn and see what works for you," he said. Gar nods and hands him some headphones and lotion. Aspen took it and left.