
ASOIAF: Dimensional Chat Group

After filing out an ASOIAF CYOA form, our protagonist finds himself waking up with all of his choices from the CYOA form becoming reality. Accompanying him is a Dimensional Chat Group that allows him to communicate with beings from different universes, beings he once thought were fictional. Artwork by Lisa Fricke on ArtStation.

Servant_Ambrosius · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs


Date: ???

Location: ???

He almost choked as the water made its way down his throat, violently waking him from his slumber. Despite the jarring situation he found himself in he retained enough of his mental faculties to swim his way up to the surface. As his head breaks through the surface and he drags himself to the riverbank, the water is retched out, allowing him to take in a deep breath in between ragged coughs.

For the next minute or so he does nothing but empty his stomach before eventually getting his bearings. With his thoughts now clearer and danger of death having passed, he turns his attention to his current situation. His last memory is of having gone to bed after filling out an ASOIAF CYOA… No, that can't be right. His last memory is of facing the Night King in single combat with a flaming Longclaw in hand and his ever loyal companion, Ghost, by his side.

"Ghost!" he calls out as he quickly gets to his feet when he remembers the Night King's frozen sword slicing through his partner's white fur and painting the snow beneath them red with blood.

Rather than finding a dying Ghost on the ground, he finds himself facing a smaller and very much confused direwolf who regards him curiously with a tilt of his head, almost as if saying 'I am here, so why are you screaming?'

Exhaling a sigh of relief, he reaches with his hands and gently grips his partner by the sides of his head before leaning down to place his forehead to his direwolf's.

"Are you as confused as I am boy?" he asks his most trusted friend, receiving a gentle nudge through their bond as an answer.

"I seem to possess two sets of life experiences." he explains as he straightens himself out. "One life barely reaching twenty namedays as a nerd, and another more interesting lifetime barely reaching five and twenty namedays."

"It seems that a ROB has transmigrated me into a Jon Snow for one reason or another along with the perks I selected in the CYOA. Without the seamless insertion perk I would surely be experiencing an existential crisis." he continues to say as he checks himself.

The first thing he checks are his clothing, finding them to be a perfectly fitting and well made uniform of the Night's Watch that Jon Snow wore during his brief stint as Lord Commander, fur lined cloak included. Going down to his waist, he finds Longclaw, the hand and half sword slimmer and shorter than the bulky renditions found in the art pieces of his life as a nerd. Sheathed on the right side of his waist, opposite of Longclaw, are two daggers, one castle forged and the other dragonglass.

As he finishes checking his equipment, his attention is drawn to a peculiar rock by his feet. The rock is blood red, slightly bigger than a baby's head, and scaled like a lizard. Kneeling by it, he instantly recognises it as a dragon egg, a dragon egg never mentioned in the books nor shown in the shows. Removing the glove from his left hand, he gently reaches out to the egg and can't help the smile that grows upon his face as he feels the warmth emanating from the egg.

So entranced is he by the egg that it is not until Ghost licks his face impatiently that returns to reality.

"No need to worry. They can't replace you." he reassures his companion while scratching the fur between his ears.

With his equipment checked, his situation known for the most part, and his partner by his side, he begins walking north where a massive forest looms. As they make their way towards the forest he feels the assimilation of the two beings accelerate as the memories of this AU Jon Snow becomes clearer.

Like the canonical Jon Snow, he began his life in Winterfell. However, he somehow became a slave around his tenth nameday. By his six and ten name day he had somehow escaped and became a sellsword. During the four years leading up to his twentieth name day he had recreated Daemon Targaryen's achievement of becoming King of the Stepstones, before leaving when an unbearable impulse forced him back to the North. It was there that he met his bonded companions Ghost and Huginn, Lord Commander Mormont's raven.

Remembering the enigmatic and talkative raven, he searches inwardly, looking for the bond that binds them. Finding it, he easily slips into the raven's skin as if he had already done so thousands of times before.

Looking through Huginn's eyes, he finds himself gliding over a massive forest as the soft morning breeze gently ruffles his feathers. Over the horizon he sees a looming wall of around 150 feet tall, taller than Winterfell's innermost wall yet nothing compared to The Wall. Slipping out of Huginn's skin, he continues his journey to the forest.

Judging by his position, he will barely enter the forest before quickly leaving it on his way to the wall. According to the distance and his current pace, it should take him around a sennight to reach said wall.

They had barely made it into the forest when something went wrong. It was to be a standard expedition outside of Wall Maria to explore the world beyond. They prepared and planned extensively knowing what may lay out there waiting for them. Plans ranging from Titan engagement to evasion had been mapped out and all knew their roles for the mission. And yet, it was not a Titan that did them in, rather a wolf beyond what wolves should be.

Being part of the right flank, Levi had seen it all happen first hand. They had entered the forest and managed to travel some four miles before the horses became skittish. As they forged on not only had the horses grown more apprehensive but they seem to become fearful of something in the forest, a prospect that made him wary considering that the horses were specifically bred and raised to not fear Titans.

As Levi internally questions himself on what could possibly be scarier than Titans, their horses reared back as one in fear, almost causing them to fall from their mounts. The resulting chaos almost destroys their formation as the horses refuse to continue forward and some even decide to slowly step back.

While they calm their horses down, Levi turns his head to the front where a white shadow as big as a pony and eyes the color of a ruby emerges from the trees. Levi's first thought is that he is hallucinating, for he has never seen or heard of such a creature. On its four legs the beast stands as tall as a pony, with sharp claws, a mouth full of fangs on display as it silently snarls at them, and a body full of powerful muscles that tense in preparation for combat.

"What the hell is that!" exclaims Oluo as he draws a blade from his ODM gear.

The action further antagonizes the creature as it turns its head towards Levi's comrade and prepares to pounce. Before it can do so however a voice calls out from deeper in the forest.

"Down boy." commands the voice as a cloaked figure swaggers from the shadows of the trees to stand beside the beast, his gloved hand gently running along the beast's back before softly tugging the fur on its neck. Obeying the man, the wolf's lips return to normal as it sits on its hind legs.

Turning his attention from the beast to its master, the first thought that comes to Levi's mind is that this man is extremely dangerous. From the beast he commands, to the man's martial prowess, and even the ethereal beauty that is simply inhuman. Everything about this man is dangerous.

Standing no taller than six feet, and perhaps an inch or two shorter, the man possesses black hair bound back from his long face. It's a pretty face, if not for the slight stubble along his strong jaw Levi might have thought it too pretty a face for a man. His dark violet eyes hold a charm to them and seem to glitter in amusement as if the man is the only one privy to a particularly amusing secret. Despite being dressed in an all back uniform of command and wearing an equally dark cloak, Levy knows that this man is intimately familiar with using the longsword at his hip to reap human lives.

What perplexes Levi about the man is neither of these observations, but rather the blood red rock that he holds in his left hand as if it were the world's greatest treasure.

Before Levi can make any further observations, Petra voices the question that passes through the minds of all 300 soldiers of the Survey Corps.

"Is that man outside the walls? How did she survive?" she whispers a few feet behind them.

Before any of them can respond to her, Commander Keith manages to force his horse forward a few more feet before it forcibly stops moving, refusing to move even one more inch forward.

"You… are not Erwin–" comments the man as he points at Keith "–and you're certainly not Armin." he says as he looks up at Commander Keith on his horse.

Despite the height difference, Levi knows that Commander Keith is the one being looked down upon.

"My name is Keith Shadis, 12th Commander of the Survey Corps." says Commander Keith to the man who looks none too impressed.

"I am Aemon Stark, the White Wolf, King of Stepstones, General of the United Army of the North, and 999th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch." introduces the man with an exaggerated yet elegant bow.

"I don't suppose that any of that means anything to you?" he asks, though Levi gets the sense that it's a rhetorical question.

Seeing Commander Keith's head shake at his question, the man, Aemon, rolls his eyes before turning to look at Levi for a few seconds before looking at Erwin who had approached from the right flank.

"I wish to have a private audience with you, the midget, Lucifer, and you're unhinged scientist. '' says Aemon as he points to him, Erwin, and Hange respectively.

Watching a living Levi, Erwin, Keith, and Hange approach him does something to Aemon's emotions that he doesn't know how to describe; for while most fawned over Eren, Armin, Mikasa and the other members of their generation, he had always held a preference for Erwin's generation. They were the generation that had to crawl and scrape for Eren's generation to run.

Looking at them, he can see that they are still processing his sudden appearance and his previous words towards Keith. They are rightfully wary of him, his direwolf, and his unknown motives, and yet they still approach him fearlessly for only one reason. For the sake of humanity, they approach an unknown who may or may not kill them. Truly admirable.

Seeing them stop a short distance from him, Aemon puts the rest of that thought away and focuses on the present.

"We're here, so get to it. Who are you?" questions Levi with a slight frown on his brow.

Smirking despite Levi's abrasive attitude, Aemon leans against a tree and crosses his arms before speaking, "As you have no doubt surmised, I am from beyond your walls. You're people are not the last of humanity." he says as he looks towards Erwin.

His words shock them, yet also gives hope to their earlier thoughts upon meeting him.

"What proof do you have?" asks Erwin.

"I have no proof of that for I do not belong to any faction of humanity beyond the walls. I do not belong to this world." Aemon replies.

For a few seconds all is quiet as the four members of the Survey Corps process his words before Levi eventually answers.

"Tch, great. A lunatic." he says irritably as his left hand goes to the hilt of his sword.

With sigh Aemon picks up a stick from the ground before showing it to them. "Think of this stick as your world. On it you have Paradis, which is the island you reside on, there is Marley, the faction which wants to eradicate you, and a slew of other factions that agree with them."

Not giving them time to question him, Aemon picks up another stick, this one thicker than the previous one.

"Now think of this stick as a world where Titans do not exist, the people of Eldia were not exiled to Paradis, and none of you exist. In fact, in this world almost everything is different. From the technology, the animals, the culture, the land, etc… They are all different. This world is where I come from." he says as he shows them the second stick.

"This is absurd." says Levi as soon as Aemon finishes. "You tell us all of this but you can't even provide proof, yet you expect us to believe you?" he questions.

"I certainly have proof of not belonging to this world." says Aemon as he draws Longclaw, causing the four members of the Survey Corps to lightly step back while drawing their blades.

With a playful smirk on his face, Aemon takes a knee. He lays the blade in the palm of his left hand and makes a slight incision, the blade so sharp that he doesn't even feel the pain as it draws blood. As if he had done this thousands of times already, he imagines a roaring flame, consuming everything, his thoughts, his troubles, anything and everything and then he feels it.

The power of magic fills him. A roaring firestorm, a cataclysmic thunderstorm with hurricane winds buffeting him, while monstrous seas try to drown him, all these sensations hit him simultaneously, and as the red priestess had thought him he focused on his fury. With the wellspring of pain, betrayal and suffering he had experienced in his life as "Jon Snow" it is laughably easy; and he 'feels' himself grab the power that threatens to overcome him by the scruff of its neck as if it is a wild beast to dominate.

With the magic firmly under his control he stands up while simultaneously dragging his hand alongside the flat of the blade which bursts into red hot flames and as he looks down he can see that the cut he had made has already healed over, the only sign of it are a few specks of dried blood in his palm.

"What the hell." whispers Keith as Aemon casually cuts through a tree with a swipe of his flaming sword.

"No one in this world can do what I can." says Aemon as he relinquishes his hold on the flame before sheathing his sword.

"I don't know if you're really from another world or if you're a lunatic, but I can see that you can help us and that you want to help us. The question is, what do you want?" asks Keith.

"I simply wish to join the Survey Corps. Somehow I have found myself stranded in your world, and the best option for me to survive is to join your faction." answers Aemon with a shrug.

Looking at Aemon, Levi can't help but wonder if the man has a few screws loose. He clearly knows that the Titans are a threat that can potentially wipe out humanity within the walls, and yet, to him, joining the Survey Corps is his best option for survival. It makes Levi wonder how much worse the rest of humanity is.

While those thoughts go through Levi's mind, Keith carefully regards the young man in front of him. He cannot be older than 20 years old and yet he possesses the presence of a veteran commanding officer. He introduced himself as a King, a General, and a Commander. For someone as young as him it is an impressive resume; and yet Keith can't help but feel wary towards him. He speaks of nonsensical things like different worlds, and were it not for his performance with the sword and the fact that he clearly knows things that he shouldn't Keith would have called it all bullshit.

Making up his mind, Keith turns back to the young man who had taken to caressing the fur of his beast during the lapse of silence.

"I'm inclined to agree, but before that we need to have a thorough conversion." says Keith as he returns to his horse. "We'll cut this expedition short and return to headquarters."

With a genuine smile on his face, Aemon follows them back towards the waiting soldiers of the Survey Corps, dragon egg in hand and Ghost by his side.

As he nears them however, a blue computer-like screen appears before his eyes.

[Contact with locals made.]

[Soul assimilation complete.]

[Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Group user.]

[User has been designated as Admin.]

[Username has been designated to Admin]

[Welcome user: The Song of Ice and Fire]

[1x Starter Pack Awarded]

[Do you wish to open the Starter Pack?]


"Well, this is certainly interesting?" Aemon whispers to himself as he mentally clicks Y.

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Servant_Ambrosiuscreators' thoughts